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September 21, 2016


the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.. 1

Political Parties Submit Documents to Take Part in Presidential Elections. 1

POLItiCs. 2

The Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the republic’s Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the town of Angren on 20 September 2016. 2


High Technology Schools. 3

sport.. 4

From Children’s Sports Toward Olympic Heights. 4





the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Political Parties Submit Documents to Take Part in Presidential Elections

On September 19, 2016, representatives of Milliy Tiklanish (National Revival) Democratic Party of Uzbekistan submitted to the Central Election Commission a package of required documents for participation in the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The event was attended by members of the Central Election Commission and representatives of mass media.

As it is known, elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan are due on December 4 this year.

In accordance with Article 24 of the Law “On elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, political parties have the right to nominate a candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

A political party may name the presidential candidate if it is registered by the Ministry of Justice no later than six months prior to the date election campaign is announced to commence.

In line with Article 241, to participate in the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan a political party shall submit to the Central Election Commission no less than seventy days before the elections: anapplication for participation in the elections signed by the leader of the party; a certificate of the Ministry of Justice containing information about the registration of the political party; information on the candidate for the post of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

During today’s occasion, the Central Election Commission issued a dated certificate for the authorized representative of party.

On the same day, representatives of the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople – the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan also appealed to the Central Election Commission and handed over thepackage of necessary documents for participation in the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Based on the submitted documents, the Central Election Commission makes a final decision within five dayson the admission of political party to participate in elections.

In accordance with the Law “On elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, list of parties partaking in the elections is being published in the central print media in order of receipt of applications.

(Source: Republican Press Center on Covering the Elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)


In accordance with the electoral legislation, including that concerning the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the program of main activities, comprehensive preparations have been underway in the country for the presidential elections scheduled for 4 December this year.

In particular, the political parties of Uzbekistan have been appealing to the Central Election Commission in the order envisaged by the law in order to partake in the forthcoming vote.

On September 20, representatives of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan handed in to the Central Election Commission anapplication for participation in the elections, signed by leader of the party; a certificate of the Ministry of Justice containing information on the registration of the political party; information on candidate for the post of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In this regard, the Central Election Commission has organized a meeting with members of the Commission, reporters of mass media, where it was noted that the presidential elections are an important component of a democratic constitutional state and open civil society, of free expression of people’s will, and the basic form of participation of citizens in governance.

On the same day, representatives of Adolat (Justice) Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan appealed to the Central Election Commission to participate in the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and submitted pertinent documents.

The Central Election Commission issued a dated certificate for authorized representatives of political parties.

“The Central Election Commission makes a final decision within five days on the admission of a political party to elections,” Komiljon Adilov, deputy chairman of the Central Election Commission, said. “In accordance with current legislation, the list of parties partaking in the elections is being published in the central print media in the order of receipt of applications.

(Source: Republican Press Center on Covering the Elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)


The Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the republic’s Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the town of Angren on 20 September 2016

The Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the republic’s Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the town of Angren on 20 September 2016 with the goal of familiarization with the pace of socio-economic reforms in localities and large-scale work being carried out in industry and the social sphere.

A great deal of work has been carried out in the special industrial zone (SIZ) “Angren”, created for the purpose of attracting foreign investment in the year 2012 at the initiative of the country’s First President Islam Karimov.

Specifically, 11 big investment projects have been implemented, and by the end of this year, 7 more production facilities are to be put into operation.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev acquainted himself with the pace of implementation of the project of “Setting up production of assembly line conveyor belts, agricultural and car tyres in the territory of the `Angren’ SIZ” being carried out in accordance with a resolution, dated 28 August 2015, of Uzbekistan’s First President Islam Karimov.

Here it is envisaged to produce 100 thousand linear metres of assembly line conveyor belts, 200 thousand agricultural tyres and 3 million car tyres a year.

As was noted, this big industrial enterprise is set to come into operation on the eve of the 26th anniversary of the country’s independence. The implementation of this project will make it possible to create about 1200 jobs.

On the same day, Shavkat Mirziyoyev inspected a new energy unit at the Angren thermal electric power station, the launch of which took place in August this year.

Due to the introduction of modern technologies, the efficient burning of one million tonne of high-ash coal a year will be achieved, which will result in the generation of 840 million kWh of electricity and 423 Giga-calories of thermal energy. The use of the new energy unit will make it possible to reduce specific fuel consumption and also significantly decrease pollutant emissions.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev also familiarized himself with the work of the Uzbekugol (Uzbek coal) joint-stock company, work on the extraction and supply of fuel from the Angren colliery and measures being taken there for technical re-equipment.

Since the beginning of this year, 2.6 million tonnes of coal has been extracted. By the end of the year 2016, the extraction of coal is expected to reach 3.7 million tonnes.

During the visit, such issues as the training and re-training of highly qualified personnel at secondary special and higher educational establishments and the arrangement of practical training at leading foreign companies for these industrial enterprise were looked at.

The Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev learned of improvement work being carried out in the town of Angren and the preparation of housing and social sphere sites for the autumn-winter season.

Specifically, there were visits to children’s day care pre-school educational establishment and a marketplace.

At meetings, there was discussion of topical issues of further improving good living conditions for the population, social infrastructure, public utilities, territories and the implementation of projects of construction of modern cultural and recreational parks.

At a conference held with the participation of leaders and officials of the town of Angren, it was especially emphasized that the work and service of the First President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov were great and that he had initiated big projects in the sphere of the socio-economic development of Tashkent Region.

It was especially noted that a resolution by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On a programme of measures for the comprehensive development of towns and districts of Tashkent Region for 2016-2018”, dated 9 September 2016, is of important significance to the all-round development of Tashkent Region.

At the same time, during the conference issues were looked at with a critical eye, and issues relating to the modernization of Angren’s social infrastructure were analysed. The hokim (mayor) of the town of Angren and the heads of relevant ministries and departments were given instructions to remove existing shortcomings.

During the tour of Tashkent Region, Shavkat Mirziyoyev also familiarized himself with the pace of cotton harvesting work and the sowing of winter cereals.

During a meeting with farmers and workers of the sphere, there was a detailed discussion about issues of effectively conducting agricultural work in a coordinated manner and in a short space of time. Appropriate instructions and recommendations were given on the considered issues.

(Source: Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)


High Technology Schools

Over 3,800 schools of the country or 39,4% of their overall number make use of interactive boards in the training process. The Ministry of Public Education has got plans to provide other school with similar equipment. Does it mean that the usual blackboards will go into oblivion within feasible future? 

The habitual blackboard was invented in the early nineteenth century. Initially, every student had an individual small size board, wrote on it with a slate pencil and erased recordings with a cloth. Chalks started to be used later, while one large blackboard was hung in the classes for convenience of explaining the material. Disadvantages of its use are well known: chalk dust cause allergic reactions and stain clothes. In this connection, white boards became popular in western countries in the mid-twentieth century, on which writings were made with color markers. A Japanese corporation introduced system intelligence in the development of the inherent attribute of classrooms, when it created a copying whiteboard in the 80s of the last century.

To provide information to the audience, which was written by the teacher on the board, students had to click a button:  all data would instantly be printed on one page. The world’s first interactive whiteboard was demonstrated by Smart Technologies in 1991, school teachers had the opportunity to assess all its advantages. The electronic whiteboards have been implemented in Uzbekistan over the past five years.

Interactive boards: necessity or tribute of times?

Improving the quality of education is one of the main tasks facing our state. The modern information technology market offers innovative solutions every year to achieve the set targets. One of them was the use of interactive whiteboard,” says director of the Metropolitan School No.260 Galina Kim. “Interactive technologies are capable to change the nature of education and the principle of material delivery; their use affects the equipment of educational institutions. They make training material more accessible for assimilation by the students.

“Realizing the need in modern approach to education, the pedagogues raise their own level of qualification; they strive to master the computer technologies, they attend courses and create methodological manuals with their own hands, etc. all necessary conditions have been created at the qualification improvement institutions.

“These successes are linked with the improvement in the interaction between a user and a program system: interactive dialogue. Mastering such skills will provide an opportunity to replace traditional cumbersome manuals, which cannot be done with in the course of lessons, with multimedia ones.

And if happens complete abandonment of the traditional board, it will happen at least not within the next ten years. This equipment is available in single quantities even at schools where these technologies have already been applied. The process of elaboration of multimedia training aids, without which interactive whiteboards do not make sense, is rather a slow and labor consuming one.

However, the Uzbek schools have already begun the process of implementing the next generation of these technologies. Thus, the first smart class in the country is being tested at the Metropolitan School No.283 in Yunusobod district. The entire educational process is based here on the use of advanced interactive technologies. The teacher works with an interactive whiteboard, and the students – with tablets. Information and completed assignments are carried in ordinary USB flash cards.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


From Children’s Sports Toward Olympic Heights

Triumphant for Uzbekistan, the Summer Olympic Games in August in Brazil have demonstrated that national sports have reached a new, higher quality and higher level of development, and Uzbekistan is turning into a regional sports nation.

Representatives of Uzbekistan returned from Rio de Janeiro with four gold, two silver and seven bronze medals, which is an absolute record for all 25 years of independent development.

The brilliant performance of athletes at the Olympic Games brought Uzbekistan to the 21st place in the overall medal standings among 207 countries. Now we rank the fourth in Asia, second in the CIS and the first in Central Asia! On average, every fifth compatriot, who went to Rio de Janeiro, returned to homeland with the Olympic prize.

Step by step, stage by stage, we moved toward the sensational victory. Since the first years of independence, Uzbekistan has become an active participant of the international Olympic movement, and members of the national team decently represented their young state.

Rates of establishment of the Olympic movement in the country and promotion of its ideas have earned high recognition of international sports organizations. The first President of Uzbekistan was awarded the highest award of International Olympic Committee, Olympic Council of Asia, Association of National Olympic Committees for outstanding achievements in this field.

National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan has been actively promoting the development of physical culture and sports, cultivation of healthy lifestyles in the society, ensuring participation of Uzbek athletes in four-year games. Our athletes won six gold, five silver and ten bronze medals since 1996 in the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Sydney, Athens, Beijing, London, and since 1994 – in the Winter Games in Lillehammer, Nagano, Salt Lake City, Turin, Vancouver, Sochi. The delegations of Uzbekistan decently perform in the continental games, Junior Olympic Games, World University Games, world championships.

A huge work has been done in this direction in recent years. For example, founded under the National Olympic Committee in 2013, the Olympians Support Foundation of Uzbekistan invested billions soums (currency rates of CB RU from 21.09.2016, 1$= 3005.11 soums) for reconstruction and equipping of sports facilities and centers, enhancement of professional skills and financial incentives for athletes, social support of distinguished and talented athletes and coaches. 14 high sports schools for world-class athletes will be opened under a specially developed program in 2016 in the capital and all the regions.

Summing up the failure at the Olympics in London in 2012, Uzbekistan built specific plans. In particular, a targeted action program envisaged preparations at different levels, ranging from the construction of training arenas and conduct of competitions and training camps abroad, to a new system of incentives for athletes and their coaches, and creation of unique medical and psychological support systems.

All the abovementioned measures have brought to success in 2015, when Uzbek athletes won 15 medals in the world championships in various disciplines. For example, in recent years, our taekwondo athletes won in 118 prestigious tournaments. 2015 was particularly rich in awards: Dmitry Shokin became a world champion in the weight category over 87 kg for the first time in the history of Uzbekistan, and won the gold at the World Student Games. There are many of such examples.

The question that has to be answered is what is backed by the success at the Olympic and world arenas? The answer is obvious: it all comes to the great attention to the development of sports, and children’s sports in particular.

Children’s Sports Development Fund of Uzbekistan was established 13 years ago. Over the years, it has turned into the key structure that contributes to raising a healthy generation. More than 1,700 sports facilities have been built over the period of its operation. Having such a huge amount of work done behind its belt, the unique structure confidently reaches its goals through a comprehensive approach to the development of sports, ranging from the construction and equipping of sports facilities in all regions to promotion of healthy lifestyles and raising champions.

Sports have become an integral part of life of our families, gaining a foothold in the minds of people. Today, parents bring their children to sports clubs by themselves. Involved in sports, boys and girls grow up healthy, strong and resolute, changing their outlook.

Targeted programs for 2016 have scheduled to build and renovate 221 sports facilities – sports centers, gyms at general schools, swimming pools at the expense of the Fund. The future champions are offered training facilities with the latest kinds of inventory and tools for their full-scale training. It is also envisaged to replace the worn-out and obsolete equipment in 337 sports complexes and 3,774 school gyms, which were commissioned in previous years. The Fund has already signed contracts of delivery with domestic manufacturers of sports equipment.

Active physical training, participation in competitions from an early age cultivate perseverance, the ability to concentrate, sports passion and desire to surpass oneself, develop the psychology of a winner. Good health and persistent leadership will constantly accompany a child in his life.

Competition is obviously the best training. Following this truth, regional branches of the Children’s Sports Development Fund make the agenda of competitions in a way that the maximum number of young athletes could try themselves.

SCDF branches organized nearly 10,000 sports competitions in different kinds of sports, 80% of which were held in rural areas. The number of young participants exceeded 2 million, including more than 820,000 girls, mostly rural, who also fought for awards. Initiated by SCDF, the competitions are also important in terms of revealing and selection of talented, promising candidates for adolescent district, municipal, provincial and national teams. Besides, specialists of sports federations, as well as famous athletes hold master classes. They shared valuable guidance and advice with over 265,000 children.

The participation of young athletes in 44 international tournaments in various sports is ensured by the schedule for the current year. Uzbek athletes have won 274 awards, including 125 gold, 75 silver and 74 bronze medals. These victories are essential in terms of promotion of sports. Looking at champions, their peers, dream of reaching a high pedestal, and multiply the glory of the motherland in the sports arena.

According to experts, the development of sport and physical education has a so-called delayed effect. The lack of proper attention is sure to ‘backfire’ in 8-10 years, if deprived of stadiums, swimming pools and coaches, a generation comes into maturity.

As doctors say, children get healthier after a few months of regular exercise: lung capacity increases, the cardiovascular system develops correctly, the enhanced blood circulation improves brain activity. As a result of large-scale measures that have been practically embodied in the physical development of the younger generation, the children involved in sports are an average of 50% less likely to get sick with colds and viral illnesses, their posture and physical parameters have improved. Today, the 14 year boys correspond to World Health Organization standards in growth indicators. Their average growth has increased by 2.8 cm over the past decade.

The professionalism of coaches also contributes to the achievement high results. The approach to training of highly qualified coaches has been revised, specific resolutions have been approved, a new effective system of stimulating their work was introduced, the prestige of the profession has significantly grown. Over the previous decade, the number of sports mentors and coaches has increased by one and a half times as much, and representatives of the fair half of humanity – by 3,8 times.

The ongoing targeted programs on the development of children’s sport that focus on engaging each child in regular classes, shape consciousness of the younger generation, helping to strengthen the faith in their own power. A fiendly atmosphere in sports clubs and complexes, good conditions, as well as a frequent opportunity of training side by side with famous athletes also produce a favorable effect on future champions. By communicating with them, they realize that taking pains and improving themselves they will also be able to hit the world pedestals.

The international recognition of records and victories of Uzbek athletes, the culture of a healthy and active lifestyle in the population, a unique infrastructure that provides access to training for millions of willing people across the country, suggest that sports in Uzbekistan are mass and prestigeous, and of high performance.

The progress of Uzbekistan is studied by different countries, experts conduct research and exchange with experience. There is a global response on the achievements of the country, and especially of women’s sport.

Over the past quarter of a century, Uzbekistan has made a significant breakthrough in this field. Over the years of independence, the public opinion about women’s sports was positioned as the basis of harmonious education, preservation and strengthening of children’s health, and the nation as a whole. The work done can be perfectly exeplmified by the fact that 52 Uzbek atheltes took part in the Olympic Games prior to independence, while 333 our compatriots, including 82 – female athletes, performed in five Olympic Games since 1996. The rapid growth of women’s sports capacity is also clearly reflected by the fact that 567 women participated in 165 international competitions last year out of a total of 1,668 Uzbek athletes.

Sports infrastructure has been streamlined year by year. The measures on ensuring the comprehensive development of the younger generation under national programs have been expanding accessibility of sports, promoting its relevance in society and prestige of women’s sports education. The number of female entrants at the Uzbek State Institute of Physical Culture and physical education departments in regions has been growing. This was largely contributed by the opening of women’s sports direction at the Uzbek State Institute of Physical Culture.

Every year, UZSIPC enrolls 200 girls from different regions of the country under the quota. They are offered an excellent academic building, well equipped gyms and playgrounds, an information and resource center. There are many members of national teams of the republic among the girls studying at UZSIPC.

The fact of a stable demand for female coaches is worth of mentioning. It reflects the dynamic development of women’s sports around the country. 24% of urban girls and 22% rural girls attended regular sports in 2005, while by 2015 their number has doubled, amounting to 47% and 44.7% respectively. The number of female coaches has increased by 3.8 times against 2005. The institution of 15% of monthly allowances to tariff rates was a powerful incentive for their motivation.

All kinds of sports have been dynamically developing in Uzbekistan. A whole galaxy of champions has grown as a result of strong public support. Each district runs its own youth sports school. Sport is available for almost all the children, even in remote rural areas. They are offered modern conditions, and a chance to grow to the professional level. Numerous Children and Youth Sports Schools are attended thousands of young men and women. Yesterday’s timid newcomers grow into renowned athletes there. Specialized schools that apply the latest methods of organizing the training process, training a reserve and high class athletes for national teams of Uzbekistan, distinguish from common sports schools.

For instance, the Specialized Children and Youth Sports School of Olympic Reserve № 4 in Mirzo-Ulugbek district of the capital ranks among the foundries of future champions for the national team in gymnastics, trampoline and acrobatics. It provides decent conditions for high-level training. Athletes are trained by skilled coaches. SCYSSOR cooperates with sports federations, and daily trains about three hundred people. Classes are held accurately by schedule. The gym with a capacity of 120 people is always full.

National high sports schools have been considerably contributing in training of national team members. There is an ongoing targeted work to streamline their activity, strengthen their logistical capacity, and train highly qualified coaches.

In conclusion, it is worth to mention a sociological study, which was conducted by the Public Opinion Research Center Ijtimoiy Fikr. Its specislists found out what do citizens think on the results of performance of Uzbek athletes in Rio.

More than 99% of respondents noted that sports have entered a new, high level, and the outstanding achievements of athletes at the Olympics is the result of changes in the years of independence.

The study also showed that Uzbeks followed the Olympic competitions with great excitement and believe that the country’s national team performed excellently at the games in Rio and achieved an outstanding progress. 99.3% said that our Olympians have surpassed all the darest expectations of their fans and sports fans.

When asked about the feelings caused by the brilliant results of the Olympians of Uzbekistan, the majority answered that “their heart was overfilled with pride and joy of victories” and that they “were satisfied with the performance of our athletes and happy for the worthy representation of independent Uzbekistan.”

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)





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