“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

September 29, 2015


jizzakh special industrial zone.. 2

Six new projects. 2

infrastructure.. 3

2700 kilometres of roads to be built in Uzbekistan in next five years. 3


ICT Week 2015 has wrapped up in Uzbekistan. 3


Meeting with US Deputy Secretary of State. 7

Meeting with Italian Foreign Minister 7






jizzakh special industrial zone

Six new projects

The Jizzakh Special Industrial Zone is expecting new ‘settlers’ by the end of the year. It is planned to complete the implementation of six new investment projects, which will provide hundreds of new jobs, and the markets of Uzbekistan and neighboring countries will be replenished with high-quality products.

The Jizzakh Special Industrial Zone (SIZ) appeared on the industrial map of Uzbekistan as a new place of concentration of cutting edge technologies and investments some two years ago. Over the passed years it has turned into a technological beacon for foreign investors, offering all the transport, industrial and engineering infrastructure they need.

The total cost of the SIZ projects exceeds $39 million. New enterprises have provided more than 300 jobs. By the end of the year it is planned to commission six more facilities. Meanwhile, the long-term plan appears much bigger: jointly with foreign investors, Uzbek businessmen are planning to carry out more than 20 projects, including the manufacture of electronics, computer components, solar and other kinds of batteries, household appliances, spare parts for mechanical and automotive engineering, pharmaceuticals, medical and cosmetic goods.

Completed projects are best to demonstrate the comfortable conditions for investors.

Alternative energy has long grown into a global trend, which is the reason of establishment of enterprises specializing in the production of related equipment in Uzbekistan. One of them has been launched in Jizzakh SIZ in cooperation with Chinese partners: Quyosh Issiqlik Energiyasi is capable of producing up to 50,000 solar water heating collectors per year.

Another successful manufacture will contribute to the dynamic development of the light industry. A joint venture Juita Gulshana Invest of O’zbekyengilsanoat and Chinese partners specializes in the production of industrial machinery.

“We have equipped our manufacture with the sewing machines’ assembly hardware by the world renowned Japanese company of JUITA, as well as the manufacture of spare parts for them. The company’s production capacity makes up about 15,000 industrial sewing machines labeled ‘Made in Uzbekistan’. Today, the company produces several types of sewing machines, one third of which is exported. Initially we created 50 new jobs, but work on the expansion of production continues. We are planning to launch additional lines for the production of components, which implies new jobs for young people,” said the Joint Venture Head Ravshan Babayev.

In 2017, the company will produce 50% of spare parts for sewing machines. It is planned to establish the production of winding machines, semi-synthetic threads used in sewing knitwear, clothing accessories and other materials. The implementation of the projects will provide over 50 additional jobs.

A joint venture of Avto Pad Systems is another example of effective cooperation with Chinese businessmen. It manufactures brake pads for passenger cars and trucks. In the future, it will provide all domestically produced brands of cars and trucks with spare parts.

The company’s founders have been strengthening cooperation in other fields as well. The commissioning of the joint venture of Master Screw Systems for the production of 250 tons of screws, 140 tons of metal profiles per month has allowed them diversifying their investments.

On the threshold of the 24th anniversary of the country’s independence the Jizzakh territorial power network enterprise has commissioned a joint venture of Yorqin Chiroqlar in partnership with the South Korean Owell Corporation. It’s annual production capacity is more than 2.5 million energy-saving LED lamps.

All of these projects exemplify unique conditions for foreign investors willing to establish technological production facilities in Uzbekistan. Experts expect that in the near future the Jizzakh SIZ will significantly replenish its investment portfolio through South East Asian companies that are interested in Central Asian and CIS markets.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


2700 kilometres of roads to be built in Uzbekistan in next five years

According to the Republican Road Fund under the Ministry of Finance of Uzbekistan, the expansion of Uzbek national motorway by 2700 kilometres of road will be implemented in the next five years. This project will be executed in accordance with the decree of the Head of our state “On the Programme for development and modernisation of engineering-communication and road-transport infrastructure for 2015-2019” dated March 6, 2015.

infrastructure 376.6 kilometres of four-lane roads are planned for construction and reconstruction by the end of 2015, with the financing of the project exceeding 1.5 trillion soums. 1.1 trillion soums have been marked out by the Republican Road Fund, while 172.0 million dollars are attributed to international financial institutions (currency rates of CB RU from 29.09.2015   1$= 2621.00 soums).

The Fund has allocated 288.8 billion soums for major repairs of 112 kilometres of high-profile roads, and another 50 billion soums were designated for 130 kilometres of roads of local importance.

All construction and repair works will involve the utilisation of the latest technologies, which will ensure the quality and reliability of the roads. To this end, 993 units of modern road machinery, alongside 38 production equipment units are to be procured.

Until 2018, 1108 kilometres of roads are scheduled for reconstruction, with the total cost constituting 2.4 billion dollars. Apart from that, the plans include the construction of 240 road services, which include 37 camping-sites and motels, 85 gas stations, 78 emergency checkpoints, 31 parking lots, and 9 tourist complexes.



ICT Week 2015 has wrapped up in Uzbekistan

ICT Week Uzbekistan is, perhaps, the best demonstration of the IT development process in Uzbekistan. This year’s Week has brought together a series of events in Tashkent and Samarkand. Since 2004, it has been traditionally held in mid-September, and over the years has repeatedly changed the format, enriched with new events and was even divided in spring and autumn.

However, it has never demonstrated such a range of technologies. On the one hand, the participants and guests of the Fair were attracted by state-of-the-art gadgets at the Gadget Fair, which unfolded on the area of 360 square meters. It represented all the cutting-edge smartphones and devices by manufacturers, so every visitor could buy any device of their choice.

A specialized Huawei demo trailer, a newcomer for Uzbekistan, unfolded nearby on a total area of 60 square meters. It was divided into five exhibition areas demonstrating different areas of ICT development. The most important fact is that for the first time in history Tashkent has entered the ranks of the so-called technological capitals to host the presentations of the latest smartphones. The Chinese company has announced its revolutionary new smartphone P8, which has already been hailed by experts as the eighth wonder of the world. As noted by the company’s representatives in an interview to Uzbekistan Today, this is the first event of this scale in Uzbekistan and in the entire Central Asia. They unveiled another little secret – a new joint venture on the production of terminals for passive optical networks is to open in our country in the near future.

The High Technology Week symbolically kicked off with the launch of the joint Uzbek-South Korean company LG CNS Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan has been attaching special attention to the development of the local software market, and introduction of up-to-date information technologies in government agencies and domestic enterprises. Of course, these processes would be ineffective without the involvement of large foreign companies with huge expertise and technological base. That is why Uzbekistan has chosen the Korean company of LG CNS as a strategic partner.

The joint venture will focus on the development of software products, installation and introduction of software and hardware, as well as on the development of project and technical documentation for the E-government system and the real economy.

As claimed by the founders, LG CNS Uzbekistan is planning to involve local companies and developers in the implementation of its projects, which, in turn, should positively influence the evolution of the domestic information technology market. Despite the short period of operation, the joint venture has already started the implementation of major projects of the E-government system, which would ensure the formation of a strong infrastructure for the introduction of modern information systems and databases of the state bodies and online public services.

The business agenda of the Week comprised two central activities – a summit and a forum of information and communication technologies.

This year’s ICTFORUM was held within the Week for the first time, and it has proven right to move it from spring to fall. This step has facilitated the program of the event, and brought together not only the developers, as before, but the manufacturers, businessmen, government officials and international organizations on one platform. The event was surprising in its scale. The structure of the forum’s program committee was represented by the leading IT-companies, industry experts and international speakers. Saying it in terms of numbers, the event was attended by over 800 people, including 100 speakers in eight thematic areas.

The interaction of participants took place in a variety of formats, some of the speakers chose modular conferences and breakout sessions, while others preferred workshops and panel discussions. For example, the BestSoft Uzbekistan conference demonstrated the latest achievements of the national software industry, spotlighted the current issues and prospects of its development, as well as the use of software in the public sector, business and education.

The participants of the ‘Telecommunications and Infrastructure’ and ‘Internet and Information Resources’ sections presented domestic achievements in these areas in an attempt to find the interesting global trends that might be used for the further dynamic development of the abovementioned fields in Uzbekistan.

The discussion of the E-government development was one of the forum’s highlights. Experts have identified the strategic objectives for the sector and promising projects, exchanged experiences and views on building successful cooperation between the state and the public on the basis of information technologies. They touched upon the relevant issue of information security and personal data protection in Uzbekistan, which was highly assessed by international experts.

A startup conference was stashed for what is called a dessert. This trend has been actively developing all over the world. People team up and jointly create unique high-tech products – this is how Google, Facebook and other companies had started, without which it is impossible to imagine a modern reality.

The exhibition was undoubtedly the Week’s spotlight to break all records this year: more than 150 companies, the total area of 2,000 square meters, two cities – Samarkand and Tashkent. According to the organizers, it was attended by over 30,000 people over the three days.

The exhibition aimed at demonstration of the achievements of the national information technologies and communications sector. Over the last years it has grown into a true professional expert community platform for the development of competitive advantages and entities of the national market. The proximity of venues of the forum, exhibition and other events has allowed their optimal incorporation, so that every visitor had the opportunity to move freely between events, and managed to visit the discussions and hear reports of interest.

This year’s ICTEXPO has covered several thematic areas, accentuating mobile communication, Internet, telecommunications, software industry, e-government and e-commerce. It has also touched upon the entertainment component, hosting the finals of the Ciber Football Cup of Uzbekistan under UCG FIFA15.

The competition involved 32 athletes, most of which were sieved through difficult qualifying rounds in the regions of Uzbekistan. The top ten leading domestic cyber athletes, including the Asian champion Pavel Saprykin, the multiple national champion and bronze medalist of the informal CIS Cup Stars CUP CIS 2015 Abdusapi Kayumov received the so-called wild cards for the tournament.

A big game zone was purposefully turned into a battlefield for gamer combat. The competitors were fighting for three days of the exhibition.

The competitions were chiefly aimed at the selection of the most talented gamers and shaping the national team of Uzbekistan, which will represent Uzbekistan at the Fifth Asian Indoor Martial Arts Games in Turkmenistan in 2017. It is going to be an e-Sports competition under the auspices of the Olympic Council of Asia.

The Uzbek athlete Pavel Saprykin became the champion in FIFA category for the first time in the history of Uzbekistan at the last Asian Games in Incheon, and Sardorbek Abdullayev won silver in the Need For Speed: Unleashed category. The tournament’s winner was awarded an Artel Vision tablet, and holders of the second and third prizes received an Artel P1 smartphone and an Artel Star tablet.

An exhibition of virtual applications for gadgets was another unique event of the Week and a pioneer in the history of Uzbekistan. It was a presentation of solutions for Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Rift and Google Cardboard (virtual reality goggles) and other devices, developed by foreign and local experts.

It was a kind of a review of the applications that were developed by young professionals in the framework of the first national contest of Intellect2All, the qualifying rounds of which took place in the regions in July. As a result, 23 projects had passed to the finals and were presented at the exhibition.

A virtual trip to the fabled Registan Square and a guided bird’s-eye view of Egypt and New York rank among the interesting initiatives of the Uzbek youth. An application that allows levitating objects on a mobile phone by the power of thought drew a genuine interest of the visitors. They also had a chance to appreciate the advantages of the Myo Gesture Control Armband technology (an arm bracelet that reads the impulses of muscles), Leap Motion (a controller that tracks hand movements) and the Mind Wave (a sensor for reading the electromagnetic waves of the brain).

The winners received cash prizes, as well as assistance from the organizers in promoting their solutions in the market, being part of the emerging new model of social support for talented developers.

The Summit of the Information and Communication Technologies in the form of plenary session was the final chord of the Week.

It was aimed at assessing the development of information technologies and communications of the current year, discussion of the strategic task that challenges the industry, as well as discussion and adoption of the resolution. The summit highlighted the issues of further development of e-government, information security, the market of software products and information resources. It is important that the participants have analyzed the positive experience, the existing problems and the ways of their solution. The summit brought together more than 300 national and 50 international experts from Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, Japan, South Korea, Belarus, Estonia and Cyprus.

The panelists made several symbolic statements during the summit. For example, the local mobile operators intend to increase the number of their base stations to 6,000 by 2020. The target rates have been envisaged by the project on the development of mobile networks with the priority to 3G, 4G and LTE technologies. This will allow for further expansion of the coverage of new communication services and the Internet. More than 500 new base stations were established throughout the country, and the volume of services increased by 26% in 2014.

In 2015-2017, it is planned to build 6,100 km of broadband fiber-optic communication lines, 1,800 of which will be commissioned later this year. Containing special metal components, such lines are advantageous for the opportunity of providing high-speed traffic and resistance to external electromagnetic interference. To date, the total length of the fiber-optic lines in the country has exceeded 16,000 km. 2,000 km of transmission lines were laid last year alone.

A total of more than 40 projects on digitalization of all long-distance and local telephone stations worth $2.5 billion have been implemented over the past decade.

Some statements have been made with regard to the program on the transition to digital broadcasting. By the end of 2018 it is planned to complete the project on the development of digital terrestrial information transmission networks worth $92 million jointly with the Japan Bank for International Cooperation. To date, 54% of the territory of Uzbekistan has been covered by digital TV. 19 TV units will be put into operation by the end of the current year, thus bringing the coverage of digital TV to 70%. It is expected that the digital signal will fully cover the entire territory of Uzbekistan by the end of 2017.

Regarding the development of the E-government, to date the number of information resources introduced in government agencies has grown 1.7 times, reaching 328, and the number of information systems has doubled to 411. Nineteen services have been introduced in the Single Portal of Interactive Government Services since the beginning of 2015, bringing their total number to 249.

Along with major events the ICT Week 2015 was filled with dozens of other technological activities and events. For example, it was announced that the Uzbek government has simplified exports of goods for the domestic online shops.

The new procedure will allow the sellers exporting their products, as well as providing a variety of services to foreign companies without processing export contracts. One thing that should be pointed out is that it is possible only after the receipt of full payment at their accounts in Uzbek banks, and adding the information into a Single Online Information System for Foreign Trade Operations.

The government has also allowed exporting goods to foreign customers without processing the cargo customs declaration in accordance with the rules of the Postal Service if their price does not exceed $1,000.

Besides, the Ministry of Economy has been appointed to supervise the development of e-commerce as the first structure of this kind in the history of Uzbekistan. The list of priorities includes the elaboration of the concept of further development of e-commerce by mid-November.

The Ucell Company has made another landmark statement. Its parent company – the Swedish-Finnish telecommunications holding TeliaSonera announced its decision to leave the Eurasian region and focus on business in Europe. The Eurasian region of TeliaSonera group is represented by seven countries: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Nepal. The domestic mobile operator announced that it would stay in the market of Uzbekistan and keep actively investing in new technologies and expanding its network.

Intel and Lenovo have not stayed aside from the Week, donating 30 laptops and transformers for pilot classes in five schools in Karakalpakstan to the UNESCO Office in Uzbekistan.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


Meeting with US Deputy Secretary of State

On September 27, 2015, in New York, it was held a meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov and the Deputy Secretary of State of the USA John Anthony Blinken.

During the conversation, the sides exchanged views on the issues of Uzbek-American agenda and the further development of relations. They also discussed some problems of regional character.

On September 26, the delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan met with the representatives of the US State Department – Assistant Secretary Nisha Biswal Desai, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Todd Chapman.

(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

Meeting with Italian Foreign Minister

On September 26, 2015, in the framework of the participation of the delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the work of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly in New-York (USA), the Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulaziz Kamilov held a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Italy Paolo Gentilone.

The Foreign Ministers discussed the state and prospects of Uzbek-Italian relations and exchanged views on the agenda of the current Session of the UN General Assembly and topical international issues.

The sides also discussed proposals for enhancing bilateral ties at various levels, including the dates of regular political consultations and joint meetings of institutions of cooperation.

(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

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