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September 25, 2014


September 25, 2014

Society.. 2

The Social Orientation of the Document2

International cooperation.. 2

ILO holds monitoring of child labour in Uzbekistan. 2

sport.. 3

Three Medals of Uzbek Judokas. 3










The Social Orientation of the Document

At a regular meeting, members of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis have heard the report of the Cabinet of Ministers on the national budget performance in the first half of 2014.

Deputies noted that the main financial document over the review period has been executed in accordance with parameters previously approved by both chambers of the parliament and with the important priorities of economic program for 2014, determined by the Cabinet of Ministers on January 17 earlier this year.

In spite of the negative impact of the global financial and economic crisis, the government has managed to provide for steady economic growth and macroeconomic stability in the first half of the year. As a result of taken measures, the GDP, industrial production, agriculture and construction works have grown.

A program on creating jobs and population employment for 2014, approved by the Oliy Majlis, has been successfully implemented. Since the beginning of the year, 506.4 thousand new jobs, including 303.2 thousand in rural areas have been created. A particular attention has been given to the employment of population from 32 labor-surplus districts, where 74.7 thousand workplaces have been set up.

The speakers underlined that the national budget has excelled in a clear social purpose where 60.8% of total expenditure has been allocated to social services and social support of the population, accounting for 14.6% of GDP. Furthermore the primary attention has been paid to the intensification of reforms in the education system, to the improvement of educational standards and programs on enhancement of material and technical capacities of schools, academic lyceums, professional colleges and higher educational institutions.

22.7% of total expenditures on social services are directed at health improvement, which is a 16% increase from that in the same period last year. Expenditures on culture, sports and the media have increased by 18.3%, and by 11.5% for the promotion of science, compared to the same period in 2013.

Within the State Program on the Year of Healthy Child, in the first six months, more than 3.1 trillion sums were assigned for ensuring the protection of motherhood and childhood, the quality of education, involvement of young people in physical education and sports.

During a detailed execution of the report representatives from all political fractions and Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan delivered speech.

Taking into account all the thoughts spoken out during the talks, the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis approved a report on the national budget execution over the first half of 2014.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


International cooperation

ILO holds monitoring of child labour in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan in cooperation with experts of International Labour Organization (ILO) is holding a national monitoring on child labour in all regions of the country from 18 September to 25 October 2014, the press service of the Council of Federation of Trade Unions said.

The monitoring is aimed at studying implementation of the ILO conventions related to child labour and normative documents, resolutions of the Government and national law, as well as studying current state of attendance of students at schools, academic lyceums and colleges.

Coordination Council on child labour off Uzbekistan formed 8 territorial groups, which included representatives of Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Populaion, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, Federation of Trade Unions and regional NGOs. The ILO experts are participating in monitoring and providing technical support.

On 18-20 September, the ILO experts paid visit to Tashkent, Syrdarya and Jizzakh regions.

On 18 September, the ILO experts visited four farms and three colleges in Chinaz district of Tashkent region and Syrdarya district of Syrdarya region. During the visit, they studied conditions created for cotton pickers, mechanization of cotton picking, absence of children under the age of 18 at cotton fields, attendance of students at colleges and schools.

During the monitoring, the experts of ILO revealed voluntary participation of cotton pickers and studied issues related with food provision, payment for their work, collection of cotton with machines, etc. The ILO experts did not find out any children under age of 18.

The monitoring is continuing in the regions of Uzbekistan. In the result of the monitoring, it is planned to develop recommendations for corresponding organizations and local authorities on further improving implementation of national legislation and ILO Conventions.




Three Medals of Uzbek Judokas

The Uzbek judokas Ramziddin Saidov, Abdulla Tangriev, Dilshod Choriev have brought another three medals to the piggybank of the national team at the 17th Summer Asian Games.

The world championship prize winner in judo Dilshod Choriev has displayed a high performance. In the 90 Kg weight category, he beat Ibrahim Khalaf of Jordan, Temur Bulat of Kazakhstan, Otgonbataar Lkhagvasuren of Mongolia, and ended up as a silver medal winner of the 17th Summer Asian Games.

Ramziddin Saidov, in the 100Kg weight category, rose to the third highest podium of the Games.

And our celebrated superheavyweight Abdulla Tangriev has performed well, too. In the 100Kg plus weight category, he overwhelmed the Singaporean athlete Ho Han Boon, Kazakhstan’s Erzhan Shynkeev, the Kyrgyz judoka Yuri Krakovetsky, and earned the bronze medal.

Our judokas are now facing team competitions.

(Source: UzA)


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