“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

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Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

October 4, 2016


DECEMBER 4 – the Elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.. 1

Central Election Commission Holds Online Session. 1

POLItiCs. 1

Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Sirdaryo region on 1 October 1

economy.. 3

Uzbekistan to master production of particle board from cotton stalks. 3


Measures to stimulate exports of fruits and vegetables get approval 3


Uzbek textile companies signed contracts for supply of products to the Russian Federation and other countries for more than $200 million at the recent International Fair of Products, Equipment and Technologies for Textile and Light Industry Textillegprom 2016 in Moscow.. 4


The participants of the World Robot Olympiad were announced in Tashkent 5




DECEMBER 4 – the Elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Central Election Commission Holds Online Session

The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan (CEC) organized a meeting October 3, 2016, in the format of videoconference at the Republican Press Center for coverage of presidential elections. The session was attended by members of district electoral commissions on elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, representatives of political parties participating in the forthcoming ballot, and the media.

As the agenda of the meeting led by the CEC chairman Mirza-Ulugbek Abdusalomov suggested, the commission members discussed the formation of polling stations for the presidential elections at the country’s representations in foreign nations, along with other issues related to the preparations for the impending vote.

In accordance with Article 11 of the Law on Elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, polling stations under the country’s diplomatic and consular offices abroad are formed by the Central Election Commission at the recommendation of Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In this regard, the Central Election Commission, having deliberated on the proposal of the Foreign Ministry with respect to the formation of polling stations at the missions of the republic in foreign countries, approved a resolution to establish 44 voting venues for the approaching presidential ballot and attach them to the 14th Tashkent City Electoral District.

At the meeting, the participants adopted a decision to set up working groups under the Central Election Commission to verify the authenticity of voter signature lists submitted by political parties. The main purpose sought by the creation of these groups is to present – within the order established by the law – conclusions on the compliance of signature lists with the requirements of legislation on the basis of Article 24² of the Law on Elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In addition, the meeting participants were informed by the chairmen of the 2nd Andijan and 12th Khorezm district electoral commissions about the course of preparations for presidential elections.

The Commission members also considered the issue of accreditation of mass media representatives who have applied to the Central Election Commission. It was pointed out that the media play an important role in delivering the transparency and publicity of the entire process of preparations and conduct of elections, as well as the timely information of the wider public about all stages of the election campaign. To date, over two thousand articles related to the electoral process have been published in the national and international print and electronic media.

The meeting participants also discussed other issues pertinent to the powers of the CEC.

The Central Election Commission passed resolutions on the issues deliberated.

 (Source: Republican Press Center on Covering the Elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)


Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Sirdaryo region on 1 October

Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Sirdaryo region on 1 October to review the process of social-economic reforms, wide-scale works in the industry, agriculture and social sphere.

Sirdaryo region, as in all over our country, has witnesses huge creative and landscaping works under the leadership of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov during the years of independence.

In Shirin city, Shavkat Mirziyoyev went to the Sirdaryo thermal power station, which is the largest station in the region and one of the main sources of power supply to customers of the central part of Uzbekistan’s electric power system.

Sirdaryo TPS consists of 10 power blocks with a total capacity of 3050 MW and annually produces 16,1 bln. KW/h electricity.

Deterioration of equipment at the station, gradually put into operation in 1972-1981, leads to decrease of capacities and in this regard consistent works on reconstruction have been carried out here in recent years. In accordance with the resolution of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov “On measures to implement investment project “Comprehensive modernization of two power blocks at the Sirdaryo thermal power station”, the two power blocks have been modernized in July 2014-March 2015.

During the inspection of the power station, Shavkat Mirziyoyev discussed the tasks on increasing capacities of Sirdaryo TPS, further modernization of existing power blocks with specialists.

Lowering the costs of produced electricity, localization of production of spare parts, needed for repairs of the station equipment, have been indicated as priority tasks. A special attention was paid to ensuring timely payment for discharged electricity, active introduction of the automated system of electricity billing.

In Gulistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Uzbek-British joint venture “Guliston medtehnika”, which started production on 1 October.

7,3 million US dollars have been invested into this joint ventures, which is equipped with the latest technologies from South Korea.

The enterprise will annually produce 216 million syringes and 26 million infusion systems. The products will be supplied not only to the domestic market, but also exported to Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan.

210 new jobs have been created at the enterprises, half of which has been filled by the graduates of professional colleges.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acknowledged with the construction projects of multi-story residential houses with all conditions for low-income families, which are planned to be implemented in Gulistan. It was underlined that, apartments in these houses with preferential loans will be distributed fairly on the needs-based approach, involving the public.

On the same day, Acting President of our country inspected cotton fields and reviewed the cotton harvesting process, discussed the issues of increasing the productivity of lands, using modern agricultural machinery with farmers of the Gulistan district.

Construction of affordable individual housing with necessary engineering-communication and social infrastructure has been discussed. It was noted that the construction of such multi-apartment energy-saving houses in rural areas in short time frameworks allows improving residential conditions for young and low-income families.

Also a meeting with representatives of Sirdaryo region took place at the start of which the participants honored the memory of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov.

A particular attention was paid to further improvement living conditions following implementing prospective general plans of cities and regional centers of the region, providing affordable housing, further development of engineering and communication and social infrastructure. The topical tasks of increasing the export potential of the region, supporting entrepreneurs in these initiatives were considered. Season harvesting and sowing of winter crops, preparation of social facilities and housing for the autumn-winter season, ensuring the smooth operation of the industry and other spheres of the economy were discussed.

In the example of Gulistan district, a comprehensive program of future socio-economic development of the Syrdarya region was heard at the meeting. In particular, in the next two years 11 industrial enterprises, employing about 900 people, are to be commissioned in this district. It is envisaged that the manufactured products are to be supplied to the domestic and foreign markets.

In conclusion, Shavkat Mirziyoev briefed the leaders and representatives of the region with citizens’ applications, received through the virtual reception of the Prime Minister, opened at the government portal. Specific instructions were given to the responsible employees to review and promptly resolve the raised issues.

(Source: UzA)


Uzbekistan to master production of particle board from cotton stalks

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved measures to create modern plants for the production of particle board from cotton stalks.

According to the adopted resolution, Uzbekistan will implement zonal investment projects selected on the basis of the existing enterprises with the necessary engineering communications, transport infrastructure, equipped with modern, high-tech equipment for the organization of deep processing of stalks of cotton and production of competitive particle board, taking into account the specific sources of their financing.

JSC “Uzstroymateriali” has been determined as the head responsible organization for the implementation of zonal investment projects.

The document entrusted JSC “Uzstroymateriali” with the provision of a quality selection of suppliers of equipment, technological lines, equipment and components for production of chipboards from the stalks of cotton, in strict accordance with the parameters of feasibility studies of investment projects, among the best suggestions of leading manufacturers.

The Ministry of agriculture and water resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the Council of farmers of Uzbekistan, khokimiyats of the Dzhizak, Surkhandarya and Tashkent regions instructed to develop and implement a system of organized supply of cotton stalks for particle board production on a contractual basis, with identification of specific farms and the mechanism of settlements with organizations-manufacturers of chipboards.

The initiators of investment projects, in exceptional cases, are allowed to carry out investment projects in single-stage manner with the development of feasibility studies and prior to approval of a feasibility study with a parallel conduction of construction and design works in the framework of the production of chipboards.

Authorized commercial banks serving the initiators of the projects are recommended to provide loans in foreign currency at the expense of foreign credit lines, to finance the execution of contracts concluded with foreign partners for the purchase and delivery of technological lines for the production of chipboards.



Measures to stimulate exports of fruits and vegetables get approval

Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to stimulate the export of fruits and vegetables, grapes and melons” was adopted.

Since September 20, 2016, the document has established the procedure, according to which:

– Companies and organizations-exporters, irrespective of their organizational-legal form and departmental affiliation, including micro firms, small businesses, farmers and private farms, must carry out compulsory sale of 25 percent of foreign exchange earnings coming from the export of fresh fruits and vegetables, grapes and melons crops in accordance with established procedure;

– Supply of fresh, dried and processed fruit and vegetables, grapes and melons for export must be carried out given not less than 30 per cent of the pre-payment of the cost of the products shipped and confirmed bank letter of credit is given for the rest of the payment or guarantee is made by first-class foreign bank.

At the same time, specialized foreign trade company “Uzagroeksport” JSC is granted the right to export and sell fresh, dried and processed fruit and vegetables, grapes and melons through direct export contracts as well as commission contracts concluded with private and dekhkan farms, agricultural companies and processing enterprises, without advance payment or a letter of credit confirmed by a bank or a guarantee by first-class foreign bank, to:

– Joint-ventures and trading houses of “Uzagroeksport” JSC opened overseas;

– Leading foreign companies and importers who are reliable and long-term partners, according to the list approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan.



Uzbek textile companies signed contracts for supply of products to the Russian Federation and other countries for more than $200 million at the recent International Fair of Products, Equipment and Technologies for Textile and Light Industry Textillegprom 2016 in Moscow

The exhibition brought together over 90 largest textile market players from Uzbekistan. The exposition of the national stand of Uzbek enterprises occupied nearly 800 square meters, demonstrating huge capacity of this industry in Uzbekistan.

The benefits of participation of Uzbek textile manufacturers in such a significant international event are obvious. Today, Uzbekistan is turning into an attraction for all those who is somehow related to the textile industry by making consistent changes in the structure of exports from raw materials to finished products with high added value.

Domestic experts express confidence that involvement of Uzbek enterprises in the event will promote the development of new effective tools for Uzbek textile exports that meet the long-term interests of the country and foreign partners, creating a strong foundation for reliable and stable economic relations.

Such conclusions arise from the fact that representatives of many foreign companies – importers, major retail chains and retailers willingly responded to the offer to get acquainted with the national stand of Uzbekistan at the fair. It really offered much to see: the textile industry of the country was represented by a wide export range from yarn to finished garments and knitwear.

The colorful and well designed stand exhibited all areas of textile production, ranging from the production of certified high quality yarn of natural raw materials to finished cotton and silk articles.

The stand showcased samples of cotton yarn and fabrics, finished clothing, including men’s shirts, a diversity of knitted sets for children and adults, bright colored sports and recreation clothes, stylish denim articles in line with the latest fashion trends.

Home textiles were broadly presented by bed linen, kitchen accessories, bath towels and bathrobes, as well as samples of medical cotton wool and cosmetic cotton. Noble Uzbek fabrics – satin, beqasam, banoras and articles from them, which have long been exported to Europe and Asia, drew interest of the visitors. They are still relevant and popular today.

The visitors feasted their eyes with handmade silk carpets, saw a collection of traditional and modern Uzbek women’s clothing, which was artfully decorated with national ornaments embroidery, as well as souvenirs and accessories.

The Uzbek side organized a colorful show as a demonstration of the new collection of clothes of the domestic design center Shark Liboslari. National dress fully reflected the unique and rich history of Uzbekistan, a variety of shapes, cuts, colors, materials, accessories and parts that serve as an inexhaustible source of inspiration for many designers.

Representatives of foreign business circles could see a variety of traditional fabrics of Tashkent and Fergana regions with their own eyes, cuts of national clothes and abundance of jewelry of Khorezm, Bukhara gold embroidery art, the architectural heritage of Samarkand, unique oriental flavor ornaments and various embroidery techniques of Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya and Karakalpakstan.

”Last year, Uzbek companies’ export performance exceeded $1 billion. They shipped products to over 50 countries.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


The participants of the World Robot Olympiad were announced in Tashkent

All of them are the students of the first national robotics school Robokidz.

Generally, this is an example of how the private sector is turning into an assistant for the state in all areas today, including the development of extra-curricular education and promotion of engineering education in particular. The Robokidz Director Timur Azamatov shared the missions of the robotics school with Uzbekistan Today.

The participants for the World Robot Olympiad have been selected. What are the chances of our students?

“Despite we are beginners, we are brainy. The upcoming Olympiad is not our first international competition. In spring, our team ranked sixth among the participants of the Russian Robot Fest from 24 countries.

Regarding the forthcoming Olympiad, we are interested in both results and participation. As you know, Robokidz is the official representative of the World Robot Olympiad, the initiator of the country’s first robotics competitions – the qualifying round of the World Olympiad. We seek to expand international cooperation to make sure that children take interest in learning. The urge for participation in prestigeous competitions will be an excellent motivation.

This year, the republican competition took place in the framework of the ICTWEEK. The beginners were competing on the first and third days with the only goal to win. Those who have already reached a certain level competed for a pass to the World Robot Olympiad, to be held in India. Aiming at participation in the international competition, children do their best to better understand the technologies, learn solving more complicated tasks. For example, in the competition for the World Olympiad, the children needed to ‘teach’ the robot to pass a certain distance on a given route, and sort the blocks by color. This is a fairly difficult task.”

You have founded the country’s first private school of robotics, which is already very popular. What was the risk of creating such an unusual business project?

“First of all, I would like to note that the number of children who want to learn robotics, is constantly growing. It is obvious that a state that focuses on robotics and information technologies will develop effectively. By watching that, parents are ready to orient their children to engineering education. They realize that this area is a business of the future. Engineering clubs help to involve children in this area, cultivating their interest in it: they begin with introducing a technology of ‘smart home’, alarm and other systems at home. It is fun for them, because they are dealing with a toy that can be made to move and perform certain tasks.

I did not focus on making profit from the school, the more so we address social programs: children from poor families are trained for free. I have been fond of engineering and programming since my childhood. Today, my passion has become the major business of my life: I manage a software development company. The school Robokidz is my contribution to the future of my country.”

The Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Tashkent University of Information Technologies and other universities have been increasingly paying attention to staff training in this area. Is the school activity linked to these institutions?

“No, all the initiatives have been implemented concurrently, without any agreements. However, I know some experts who are engaged in the development of this trend in higher education institutions. Despite the fact that we complement each other and our activities are built into a unified system of training specialists in robotics, we work independently of each other.

Our students are provided with ready construction sets and software by Lego company, but higher education institutions focus on preparing children for independent engineering of robots, and development of software for them.”

Do you work only within your school?

“We seek to build a dialogue with educational institutions, including children’s creativity centers Barkamol Avlod. We are ready to cooperate with everyone, but so far, we are ‘good friends’ only with private schools Sehriyo, Leader, and are planning to reach out to a private school Erudite. I would like to point out to intensifying cooperation between public institutions and private sector over the recent years. Their representatives take part in various international conferences, realizing that we all are doing the same thing.”

I’ve heard that soon the Robokidz students will deal with more complicated models …

“Yes, we have some new projects afoot. In the near future we plan to design radio-controlled quadcopters, and flying drones. By the way, we will make the latter using the 3D-printer. The equipment is already available. The first drone we had created hovered over the hall exhibits at ICTWEEK.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


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