January6, 2015
GM Uzbekistan launches Chevrolet CMP microVAN.. 2
Central Bank of Uzbekistan has reduced the refinancing rate. 2
Military call-up announced in Uzbekistan. 4
Achievements of our athletes. 4
GM Uzbekistan launches Chevrolet CMP microVAN
General Motors Uzbekistan plans to start mass production of the new model – Chevrolet CMP (Daewoo Labo) microVAN in 2015.
Daewoo Labo is produced since 1991. Currently produced the second generation of the car. MicroVAN is equipped with an engine of 0.8 liters and a manual transmission. In general, this car is similar to a well-known local Damas, but instead of the cabin it has a body.
In terms of close cities it is irreplaceable, despite the fact that it can carry only 550 kg and one passenger.
(Source: UzReport.uz)
Central Bank of Uzbekistan has reduced the refinancing rate
From January 1, 2015, rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been reduced from 10% to 9% per annum.
This decision was made by the Board of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The reduction of the refinancing rate provides a basis for lowering interest rates on bank loans, in particular on loans allocated to the implementation of programs for modernization, technical and technological renewal of production, small business development and micro-credit with the corresponding growth of credit investments. This in turn contributes to a further increase in investment activity in the real sector of the economy.
(Source: UzReport.uz)
elections to the oliy majlis of the republic of uzbekistan and local Kengashes of people’s deputies
CEC: According to the results of the elections to the lower house of the Uzbek Parliament elected 150 MPs
The session of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, chaired by Mirza-Ulugbek Abdusalomov took place on January 5.
In accordance with articles 11 and 48 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan” the session discussed the results of the elections to the Legislative chamber of the Parliament with regard to the re-voting in 22 constituencies.
Based on the submitted to the CEC of protocols of district election commissions on the results of the second vote, 22 deputies were registered. Thus, elections in all 135 electoral districts completed.
During the session also discussed other issues related to the powers of the CEC.
On the same day in the national press center on the coverage of the elections of 2014 was held a briefing for representatives of Russian and foreign mass media on the results of elections to the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
During the briefing, the Chairman of the CEC M Abdusalomov stressed that the elections are conducted in full compliance with the national electoral legislation, enshrined in democratic principles of openness, transparency and alternative.
This was facilitated by the consistent implementation of legal measures under the Programme of measures on preparation and holding the elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional, district and city Kengashes of people’s deputies in 2014. Specific legislation regulations are mandatory and equal for all.
In accordance with national legislation, political parties and nominated candidates were given equal rights and opportunities in the election campaign, meetings with voters, bringing to them the provisions of their election programs to use for the campaign media.
For one deputy mandate in 127 constituencies fought 4 candidates, in 8 constituencies – 3 candidates. In the whole country the voter list included the names of the 20 million 789 572 thousand citizens, of which in the vote attended 18 495 million 245 thousand, which is 88,94% of the total number included in the voter list.
According to the electoral law, a second vote was held in each of the 22 districts of the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes on the main results of the elections. Of the 3 million 434 thousand 345 included in the lists of voters in these districts, the revote was attended 2 million 642 63 thousand citizens, which is 76.9% included in the voter list.
Repeat voting is conducted in a transparent manner in compliance with all provisions of national electoral legislation on the basis of internationally recognized standards. In the respective districts candidates were able to campaign and to use the media in the manner prescribed by the CEC. The revote was attended by more than 5700 observers and authorized representatives of political parties.
The Chairman of the Central election Commission informed the participants of the briefing that in general the results of the elections of deputies of the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan elected 150 MPs, including: 52 MP from the Movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen – liberal democratic party of Uzbekistan, 36 – Democratic party of Uzbekistan “Milliy Tiklanish”, 27 – the people’s democratic party of Uzbekistan, 20 from the Social-democratic party of Uzbekistan “Adolat”. 15 deputies are representatives of the Ecological movement of Uzbekistan. Of the 150 elected members 24 or 16 percent are women.
Among the 150 elected deputies of the lower house of the Parliament 40 people or 27 percent were deputies of the Legislative chamber. This testifies not only of the fact that the elected members have gained the confidence of their constituents, but also about the possibility of more efficient use of their life experience and practical skills of law-making in the professional activities of the Legislative chamber of the Parliament.
Transparency, openness of the electoral process contributed to the work of the media, local and foreign observers. The elections were attended by more than 550, and over 120 local and foreign media, including 180 online publications. In tote published more than 9 thousand materials associated with the course of preparation and conduct of elections.
The election monitoring was carried out by over 340 observers from five international organizations – the OSCE/ ODIHR, CIS, SCO, VAIO and the OIC, as well as from 52 countries and more than 70 thousands of observers and authorized representatives of political parties that nominated candidates.
The democratic nature of the elections, observance during this process the current legislation was provided by a clear, coordinated work of election commissions at all levels, which was based on the principles of independence, legality, collegiality, transparency and fairness.
In the elections to the Legislative chamber of the Parliament of the country, the people of Uzbekistan once again demonstrated commitment to the chosen path of building a democratic state and strong civil society, further deepening reforms in all spheres of public and political life.
(Source: UzReport.uz)
Military call-up announced in Uzbekistan
President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a resolution on 26 December on the calling up of the citizens to the Armed Forces.
According to the document, citizens of the call-up age will be called up to the statutory service in February-March 2015.
Those who are fit for service but are not called up this time will be included in the mobilization call up reserve.
The citizens who served the established term of military service will be transferred to the reserve in March-April 2015.
(Source: UzA)
Achievements of our athletes
During 2014 in 177 international competitions and 44 training camp for Olympic and national sports in 1598 was attended by boys and girls who have become owners of 625 medals, including 186 gold, 200 silver and 239 bronze.
The most striking of all the sporting achievements were the following performances.
Young chess player from Uzbekistan Zhavohir Sindarov became the absolute triumpher of the championship in Brazil among schoolchildren.
Having taken successful participation in the World Series stage ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating held in China and Russia, Misha Ge ranked respectively fifth and fourth places. In addition, in China, he was the third in an arbitrary program.
At the last World Cup brigade of Ravshan Irmatov has served four games, including a quarterfinal meeting. So, Ravshan Irmatov became the absolute leader among judges by the number of spent matches (nine meetings) within the FIFA World Cup.
In the first qualifying match of the female youth Asian Championship U-16 national team of Uzbekistan met on December 22 with the national team of Bahrain. Result of the meeting 17: 0 to Uzbekistan.
Weightlifter from Uzbekistan Ruslan Nurudinov took second place in the international competitions held in Alma-Ata.
Uzbek athletes won 22 gold medals at paraasian games. In the team event Uzbekistan ranked fifth and became the leader in the number of medals among the countries of Central Asia.
(Source: IA «Jahon»)
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