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Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

February 6, 2017



the First President of the Republiс of Uzbekistan.. 1

To Pay Due Tribute to the First President Islam Karimov. 1

EХРОrТ.. 1

In January 2017, Uzagroeksport intends to export to India more than 2.300 tons of mung beans. 1

International cooperation.. 2

26 January 2017 – 25 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Uzbekistan and Japan. 2

28 January, 1992 – The Day OF foundation of Uzbekistan Airways National Airline.. 3

The national airline of Uzbekistan celebrates the 25th anniversary of its establishment this year 3

Exhibiton.. 4

The Ikuo Hirayama International Caravansarai of Culture of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan opens an exhibition of medieval ceramic items under title ‘The Mystery of Eternal Ornaments’ 4








the First President of the Republiс of Uzbekistan

To Pay Due Tribute to the First President Islam Karimov

The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a Decree ‘On Perpetuation of the Name of the First President of the Republiс of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov’ on January 25.

The document stipulates that the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan is to develop an action plan to perpetuate the memory of Islam Karimov taking into account the sincere wishes and will of our fellow citizens, given his great historical achievements in gaining national independence, security and prosperity.

Ministries and other government agencies are assigned with the construction of the memorial complex in Samarkand at the burial site of Islam Karimov, the establishment of monuments to the First President in the capital Tashkent, in Samarkand where he was born and grew up, and in Karshi where he worked as the head of the Kashkadarya regional administration, the establishment of Islam Karimov Scientific and Educational Memorial Complex in the Oqsaroy residence in Tashkent, placement of Islam Karimov National Charity Foundation on the same address, and Islam Karimov Museum in Samarkand.

The Tashkent State Technical University, the car plant in Asaka, the Palace of Arts in Ferghana, the Tashkent International Airport, central streets in the capital, regions and in the Republic of Karakalpakstan will be named after the first President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov.

It is planned to broadly celebrate the birthday of the First President of the country on January 30 annually, and designate September 2 as the Memory Day of the First President. On these dates, the media is expected to extensively cover the life and work of Islam Karimov.

The Decree has instituted Islam Karimov State Award for students of higher education institutions. What is planned also is the production of scientific and artistic works, documentaries and motion pictures about the life of Islam Karimov, and special stamps with his portrait are to be issued, as well.

The media are recommended to spotlight the activities related to the perpetuation of the memory of the First President of our country.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


In January 2017, Uzagroeksport intends to export to India more than 2.300 tons of mung beans

In the first decade of January, the company has already delivered about 300 tons of mung beans to Indian customers. The product is mainly transported from Namangan, Samarkand, Surkhandarya, Tashkent, Ferghana and Khorezm regions.

“We signed direct contracts with Indian companies Shri Niwas Dall and Besan Mill, Green Field Agro, Avika Foods and Eco Green Import & Export. The first deliveries were launched in the fourth quarter of last year”, reported the company.

At the initiative of the Indian partners, Uzbekistan has scheduled a pilot project on growing new varieties of mung beans in various regions of Uzbekistan in the current year. In particular, this refers to a variety of Black Matpe, which will then be exported. Last year, Uzbekistan exported more than 67,000 tons of mung beans, which is three times more than in 2015.

The government of Uzbekistan exempted importers of seeds of high ripening varieties of vegetables, melons and legumes from customs duties by July 1, 2019. The preferential list of seeds contains 32 names, including mung beans. They are allowed to be imported without duty for farms, individual entrepreneurs and other organizations.

The decision is interrelated with the overall strategy of increasing crop production and renunciation of cotton. In the next five years Uzbekistan intends to reduce cotton production by 35,000 tons, thereby releasing about 170,500 hectares of irrigated lands. They will be allotted to intensive orchards, greenhouses, vegetables and legumes, vines.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)

International cooperation

26 January 2017 – 25 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Uzbekistan and Japan

To His Excellency

Mr Shinzo Abe,

Prime Minister of Japan

Your Excellency!

Let me congratulate you and the entire friendly nation of Japan sincerely on behalf of the Uzbek people and me personally on a significant date – the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and Japan.

I would like to note with a feeling of deep contentment that over the past period, our countries achieved significant progress in extending mutually advantageous cooperation on the bilateral and multilateral levels.

The mutual relations of genuine friendship, strategic partnership and cooperation with Japan are highly valued in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Your official visit to Uzbekistan in October 2015 was the most important event in the history of the Uzbek-Japanese relations and gave even greater dynamism to the further development of our relations in the political, trade-economic, financial-investment, technological, scientific and cultural-humanitarian spheres.

Over the 25 years of cooperation, we were able to create a solid law-based foundation for our relations, the basic element of which is the 2002 Joint Declaration on Friendship, Strategic Partnership and Cooperation. The joint statement, signed during your visit to Uzbekistan, on extending and expanding the strategic partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and Japan took our relationship to a higher level and showed the sides’ deep mutual understanding and firm political will to expand the bilateral ties.

The sides’ views on and approaches to many topical international and regional issues coincide.

Uzbekistan is satisfied with the mechanism of interaction created over the years of cooperation.

The inter-parliamentary forum, joint sessions of the Uzbek-Japanese and the Japanese-Uzbek committees for economic cooperation, political consultations between the ministries of foreign affairs, the Central Asia + Japan Dialogue, academic forums and many other joint institutions ensure the phased and consistent development of the Uzbek-Japanese relations.

Today Japan is one of our country’s most significant and priority partners in the economic modernization and socio-economic development of the country.

We are grateful to our Japanese partners for the help being provided, and are interested in the further expansion of the investment and financial-technical cooperation, the extension of direct contacts and fruitful interaction between the business circles of Uzbekistan and Japan.

Ties in the sphere of cultural and scientific-academic exchanges are of special significance to our country. The visit of a delegation of socio-political circles and culture officers led by your wife, Ms Akie Abe, to Uzbekistan in August 2016 was an important event in the development of cooperation in this sphere.

I would like to emphasise specifically the high level of cooperation in the educational sphere. We highly value the help being provided by Japan in this sphere and hope that the full functioning of the Uzbek-Japanese youth innovation centre will give an additional impetus to our joint work in the sphere of training highly-qualified personnel.

Making use of this opportunity, I would like to reaffirm Uzbekistan’s firm adherence to the policy of the consistent extension and dynamic expansion of cooperation with Japan. We are willing to qualitatively strengthen the strategic partnership relations and to give them new practical substance.

I express confidence that on the basis of common values shared by our countries and long-terms interests, the traditional friendly ties between Uzbekistan and Japan will continue to develop in every way possible for the good of the peoples of the two countries.

Making use of this pleasant opportunity, I genuinely wish Your Excellency robust health and wellbeing, and wish the Japanese people further progress and prosperity.

With deep respect,

Shavkat Mirziyoyev,

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

(Source: UzA)

28 January, 1992 – The Day OF foundation of Uzbekistan Airways National Airline

The national airline of Uzbekistan celebrates the 25th anniversary of its establishment this year

Over the years, the domestic civil aviation has assayed the impossible: it has not just built the state-of-the-art fleet from scratch, but has ensured comfort and safety of passengers on the level of the highest international standards.

One could hardly dream of that in the early 90es of the last century.  The landmark of independence, Uzbekistan Airways possessed a fleet of old aircrafts, which did not stand up to criticism, both in terms of safety and effectiveness.

The situation on the ground was equally poor. Airports and infrastructure required urgent modernization. The production base for repair and maintenance of flight equipment was completely absent. All of the challenges had to be addressed immediately, because aircrafts of the national air carrier were to connect the young republic with the world.

Despite the complicated situation, the domestic air carrier headed for the gradual renewal of the flight and ground equipment and upgrade of airport infrastructure from the first years of independence. Modern Airbus and Boeing aircraft appeared in the country after a couple of years after the launch.

The first transcontinental flight to New York on March 31, 1995 was a milestone in the company’s chronicle. The event will forever remain in the history of the country as a unique achievement of Uzbek aviators, who opened a direct and safe way to the US for our passengers. It is noteworthy that the first aircraft to the United States was piloted by the current NAC Uzbekistan Airways CEO Valeriy Tyan.

This event can hardly be overestimated, because Moscow remained the closest point to fly to the United States from Tashkent until 2014. A direct flight to New York was opened from Baku only in 2014. There are now several dozens airlines in Russia and the CIS, but only a few of them, in addition to NAC, have a right to perform commercial passenger flights with the North American region.

Today, the civil aviation fleet of Uzbekistan is equipped with solely new aircrafts by the leading manufacturers. Uzbek air harbors meet all international safety requirements.

Passenger safety and comfort have always been the company’s key priority for all these years. These factors have allowed Uzbekistan Airways winning not just the deserved love of customers, but also the recognition of its partners. Uzbek airports have been repeatedly acknowledged the CIS’s best in quality of service. NAC was ranked the most punctual among the world’s leading air harbors.

Most importantly, the air company has great plans ahead, including expansion of the route network, opening of new routes, and replenishment with advanced aircrafts. The carrier has recently announced of signing a contract for the delivery of four cutting edge machines Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner, bringing their total number to six after 2020.

Meanwhile, the launch of a new international terminal at the Tashkent airport, which is capable of making it the best harbor in Central Asia, is seen as the main project. It is anticipated by the whole country without exaggeration. Its construction will be completed within three years. The territory of the terminal will be twice bigger the size of the present one, and the capacity of the passenger service building will be three times larger.

As planned by the designers, with a bird’s-eye the terminal will resemble outstretched wings of a bird Humo. The project is based on the experience and technologies of one of the world’s leading airports – Incheon International Airport (Korea), which was repeatedly rated as the highest ‘Five Star’ according to the British research company Skytrax.

The terminal will have a platform for 36 aircrafts and a parking for 1,700 places. After commissioning, it will be able to serve 1,500 passengers per hour.

There is no doubt that all the plans will be fulfilled perfectly and in time. The national airline of Uzbekistan has long proved that our country has the highest level experts. The domestic civil aviation is not just the best in the region, but is inferior to many of the world’s leading carriers.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


The Ikuo Hirayama International Caravansarai of Culture of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan opens an exhibition of medieval ceramic items under title ‘The Mystery of Eternal Ornaments’

 ‘The Mystery of Eternal Ornaments’ is the exhibition with a charming name which displays the ceramics dating from the 9th – 11th centuries and discovered during archaeological excavations in Kanka, Kampirtepa, Dabilqo’rghon, Hayrobodtepa, and Shurobqo’rghon.

Ceramics is always the most abundant material in the archaeological excavations, and therefore no coincidence that the exhibition represents it in a large number. Those are ceramic items, decorated with epigraphic inscriptions and geometric, floral and zoomorphic ornaments. These ceramic items were patterned not only with aesthetic purpose of decoration, but also magical meaning added, including as a talisman against evil.

Ornament is one of the oldest forms of visual arts of the humanity, which in the distant past carried a symbolic and magical and symbolic meaning, as well as the semantic function. But early decorative and ornamental elements might not have semantic meaning, but were only abstract symbols, in which rhythm, form, order, and symmetry expressed. Ornament specialists believe that it originated in the Upper Paleolithic era (15-10 thousand years BC). Based on non-fine symbolism, ornament was exclusively geometric, consisting of severe forms of circle, semicircle, oval, spiral, square, rhombus, triangle, cross and their various combinations. Epigraphic inscriptions are the Arabic script with good wishes. Ornament as has always been the hallmark of the East, and our country. It attracts the attention not only of tourists, but also scientists. Ornamental images have an exceptional ability to bring aesthetic pleasure, have a strong influence on the person, sometimes arousing unconscious feelings associated with genetic memory. Moreover, the ornaments often hide the wisdom of our forefathers. Such ornaments could be seen on ceramic items in the exhibition.

“The Ikuo Hirayama International Caravansarai of Culture was founded in 2004. At the same time a group of archaeologists was formed at it, which in the same year started the excavations. Major work was carried out in Kanka, in Tashkent region. Next archaeological monument to study was Munchoqtepa. In addition, our team is the fourth unit of the Tokhariston archeological expedition headed by academician Edvard Rtveladze. All the finds excavated in the territory have been sent to the depository of the Caravansarai,” said the head of the museum department of the Ikuo Hirayama International Caravansarai of Culture, archeologist Konstantin Sheiko.

The main goal and task of the museum and fund at the Caravansarai is a demonstration of the genesis of ceramic production in Central Asia. Today, the most ancient artifact stored in the museum is considered a vase marked ‘Tillyabula’, which dates back to the twentieth century BC, the Bronze Age.

Today, the Caravansarai fund stores about 1,400 different items, including ceramic items, old coins, as well as bone and metal products. Of course, it is very little compared with the republican funds of the museums, which store more than 200-300 thousand finds. Nevertheless, for 13 years the members of the archaeological team did a great job.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


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