October 9, 2014
President of Uzbekistan to attend CIS Summit2
Uzbekistan forms district election commission. 2
SCO Prosecutor Generals hold session in Tashkent2
Chamber Orchestra Opens a New Season. 3
The world fencing championship to be held in Uzbekistan. 3
President of Uzbekistan to attend CIS Summit
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov is to take part in the next session of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Council of Heads of State in Minsk on 9-10 October 2014.
(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
elections to the oliy majlis of the republic of uzbekistan and local Kengashes of people’s deputies
Uzbekistan forms district election commission
District election commission are responsible for holding election campaign to parliament of Uzbekistan, district, regional and city Councils of People’s Deputies, Narodnoye Slovo newspaper reported.
The Central Election Commission forms district election commission, approves its staff and publishes information on their location in mass media. The district election commissions are formed at least 70 days before the elections.
The Central Election Commission appoints staff of the district election commissions through reviewing their skills and personal data of nominees.
The members of district election commissions cannot be members of the political parties. The candidates to MPs, their authorized representatives and observers cannot be members of the district election commissions. One person can be member of one district election commission.
In line with the Law “On elections to Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan”, Jokory Kenes of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city Councils of People’s Deputies recommended candidates to 135 district election commissions to the Central Election Commission for approval.
(Source: UzDaily.uz)
International cooperation
SCO Prosecutor Generals hold session in Tashkent
The twelfth session of the Prosecutor Generals of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was held in Tashkent on 8 October 2014.
Prosecutors of Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan participated in the event. The delegations of SCO observer states – Afghanistan, India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan – also attended the session in Uzbek capital.
The participants discussed issues of supervision of execution of laws in sphere of protection of entrepreneurs’ rights, nature protection, human rights and interests of under ages in the SCO member states.
The sides exchanged information on experience of supervision of the laws in above mention spheres and discussed results of the review of legislation and practice of the SCO member states in revealing, confiscation and return of income (assets).
The participants stated that it is necessary to adopt efficient measures to protect environment and economic system, prevent irrational use of natural resources, etc. They said that it is necessary to ensure reliable protection of rights, interests and freedoms of under ages. They also said it is necessary to strengthen international cooperation in revealing, arresting and returning of income (assets), received via criminal activities.
The prosecutors agreed to deepen exchange of legal and other documents among the SCO member states. They also agreed to help to create favourable business environment in the countries and implement corresponding laws.
The prosecutors agreed to hold next session of the prosecutor-generals of the SCO states in Kazakhstan in 2015.
(Source: UzDaily.uz)
Chamber Orchestra Opens a New Season
The concert season in the Grand Hall of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan has started with a gala by the Turkiston Chamber Orchestra.
The concert proves to be remarkable in many ways. Music connoisseurs appraise highly the performance of Turkiston Orchestra, which delights them with diverse programs. This year is special for the orchestra – it turns 20. And all these years a brilliant musician Eldar Azimov leads the orchestra.
The evening was given over to classical music, which requires from performers emotional spending and novelty in interpretation. It has been well said that music gains a new ‘life’ only in the process of performance. However, it does not matter how genuine a score is, it is dead until a musician touches it. Fate of a work quite often depends on talent of a musician, his or her interpretation, and understanding of the idea.
The concert program included world famous classic products: overture to the opera ‘The Marriage of Figaro’, and Mozart’s symphony №40, Beethoven’s concerto №1 for piano with orchestra (soloist Sayyora Gafurova). The audience was hugely impressed with a rare ensemble coherency. Laureate of international contests, pianist Syyora Gafurova won the hearts of music connoisseurs with high expressive performance.
Organic repeat of the soloist’s playing and professional accompaniment in performing Beethoven’s composition hugely delighted the audience. Musician and conductor presented the listeners ‘their’ interpretation of Mozart – pretty modern, for which they were presented with a storm of the audience’s applauses, and bunches of flowers.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
The world fencing championship to be held in Uzbekistan
According to the decision of the International fencing federation, world fencing championship among juniors and cadets for the first time will be held in Uzbekistan in April 2015.
Large-scale competitions will be attended by about 1500 fencers from 120 countries.
The fencing Federation of Uzbekistan has already started preparing our athletes for this event. For this goal was also invited the legendary swordsman, honorary President of the fencing Federation of Belarus Alexander Romankov. On account of Alexander Anatolyevich there are all possible victories, including five Olympic medals, as well as 10 top rankings in the world Championships. After his record 10th victory, not inferior to none in speed and elegance on fencing on the track, Alexander Romankov got into the Guinness Book of records.
(Source: UzReport.uz)
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