Uzbekistan increases production of food products by 22% in Jan-Sep. 2
11th International Uzbek Cotton Fair.. 2
11th International Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair begins its work in Tashkent 2
International Investment Forum in Tashkent (November 5-6, 2015) 3
Uzbekistan to produce localized goods for 3.4 trln. soums in 2015. 3
Academician Glushenkova: “Science Means Everything for Me”. 4
Uzbekistan increases production of food products by 22% in Jan-Sep
Enterprises of the Association of Enterprises of Food Industry of Uzbekistan produced industrial products for 3.23 trillion soums in the first nine months of 2015, which grew by 22% year-on-year (currency rates of CB RU from 16.10.2015 1$= 2649.22 soums).
According to the Association, the country increased production of confectionary products by 78.8% year-on-year in the reporting period, margarine – 62%, sugar – 41% and milk products – 9%.
Companies of the industry launched production of 156 new products, including 103 names of confectionary products, 17 names of fruit and vegetable products, 6 names of oil-fat products, 4 names of dairy products and 22 names of other products.
11th International Uzbek Cotton Fair
11th International Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair begins its work in Tashkent
11th International Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair began its work in Tashkent. For two days, leaders of the world cotton industry, representatives of textile companies and sales agents will be able to get acquainted with the strategy of development of the cotton complex of our country, to participate in the fair trades, and sign contracts.
The Forum includes exhibitions, presentations of the latest innovative proposals in the field of technology and design, “round tables”, thematic seminars, conferences, and fashion shows.
The opening ceremony of the fair and international conference was held at the Uzexpocentre National Exhibition Complex.
Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyoyev addressed to the guests and participants of the fair his welcoming speech on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In his speach, the Prime Minister noted that the practical results of the similar measures of previous years, which were initiated by President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, suggest that the International Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair has become a tradition and has won international recognition and prestige. This is evidenced by the increasing number of its members. Today, our country occupies a leading position in terms of production and exports of cotton fiber, being one of the leading participants of the world cotton industry.
The plenary session of the international conference began after the official part of the event. During the session the experts will consider trends in the global textile industry, priorities, perspectives and the competitive advantages of Uzbek cotton industry and other important topics.
Moreover, given the relevance of further development of the national textile industry, the participants of the current cotton fair can get acquainted with the investment potential of the regions and projects in the textile industry.
International Investment Forum in Tashkent (November 5-6, 2015)
Uzbekistan to produce localized goods for 3.4 trln. soums in 2015
Within approved programme of localization for 2015, it is planned to realize 756 projects with total volume of production of over 3.4 trillion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 16.10.2015 1$= 2649.22 soums).
In the first half of 2015, Uzbekistan realized 617 projects and produced 1.4 trillion soums of goods within them.
At the same time, Uzbekistan produced over 580 new products. In particular, the country led lamps, electronics, children toys, sport inventory, etc.
Yang Kyung Ahn: Uzbekistan pays considerable attention to increasing the volume of attracted investments
The capital hosted a press conference, organized by the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the Joint-stock company “KDB Bank Uzbekistan”. The conference discussed a number of issues, including the establishment in our country of favourable conditions for further development of the investment climate.
In particular, it was noted that the dynamic growth of economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the stability of the political and financial systems create a favorable climate for attracting foreign investments. The share of foreign investments and loans, utilized over the past 6 months in the total volume of utilized investments exceeded $1.5 billion ($1.2 billion – foreign direct investments), or 21.3%. Growth hereby amounted to 11%. 63 projects with a total cost of $160.9 million have been commissioned within the framework of the Investment program. $86.4 million of credit lines of international financial institutions have been utilized for the development of small business.
In turn, 5 banks and 6 representative offices of major world banks with participation of foreign investments operate in the Republic as of today. Along with a significant contribution to the increase in the assets of the banking system, achieving a high level of culture of doing business, introduction of new technologies and creating required infrastructure, they are also involved in domestic investing.
One of such financial institutions operating on the territory of our country, is JSC “KDB Bank Uzbekistan”.
During the press conference, Executive Director of JSC “KDB Bank Uzbekistan” Yang Kyung Ahn, describing the activities of the Bank in the market of Uzbekistan, said that sufficient attention is paid in Uzbekistan to increasing the volume of attracted investments, formation of investment environment and its factors.
– The main objective of JSC “KDB Bank Uzbekistan” is the financial support of large corporate clients, including strategically important for the Uzbek economy enterprises, – said the Deputy Chairman of JSC “KDB Bank Uzbekistan” Akbar Kulmatov.
All the rights of foreign investors in implementation of their investment activity in Uzbekistan is enshrined in law. In particular, the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On investment activity” and “On foreign investments” guarantees and protects all rights of foreign investors at realization of investment activity on the territory of the country. In addition, foreign investors and foreign investments are provided with fair and equitable treatment and full and constant protection and security.
International cooperation
Constructive Partnership
Uzbekistan has been actively developing relations with international credit and financial institutions. The Asian Development Bank ranks among the leading partners of our country. In the last few weeks alone, the bank has allocated three loans for the development of the national power sector and distribution system in Jizzakh.
The first loan of $150 million will be forwarded to the expansion and modernization of the high voltage power network in Karakalpakstan and Khorezm region, and to the construction of 364 km of three new substations and transmission lines.
The new line will connect the Takhiatash thermal power plant with Ellikqala and Khorezm substations. In addition, it is planned to completely upgrade the Khorezm substation and build a new 500/220 kV substation in Ellikqala. The government of Uzbekistan and the Uzbekenergo Company are planning to allocate $105 million for the project, which is scheduled for completion in December 2019.
This work has become a follow up of joint efforts on strengthening the power system of the northern region of Uzbekistan. In July 2014, the ADB approved allocation of $300 million for the modernization of Takhiatash power plant with the construction of two new gas turbines with a capacity of 280 MW each.
The second ADB loan of $300 million will be channeled for the implementation of the last phase of the program on introduction of the automated power consumption control system. It would improve the billing system, reduce power losses, and enhance the financial stability of the entire sector.
The funds will be spent for the installation of 3.1 million advanced, accurate and secure meters and other equipment in Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya, Andijan, Fergana and Namangan regions. ‘Smart equipment’ will make it possible to remotely connect and disconnect electricity supply without a visit to a consumer, as well as collect information for identification and reduction of technical losses.
Another loan of $81 million will be channeled for the reconstruction of sewerage system of Jizzah. The project envisages a large-scale rehabilitation of the urban sewer system, which was not overhauled since the 1970s of the last century. As a result more than 85,000 residents and 350 business entities will be provided with access to safe drinking water and safe sewage system.
For instance, it is envisaged to construct a new wastewater treatment plant, reconstruct more than 62 km of main sewers and four pumping stations. These facilities will be provided with the follow up maintenance. By the end of the project in 2020, the new system will be capable of collecting and processing of up to 30,000 cubic meters of wastes per day. The power capacity of pumps will be also increased to exceed 15,000 cubic meters per day. The establishment of sewage facilities management administration in Jizzah region is another anticipated outcome of the project.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Academician Glushenkova: “Science Means Everything for Me”
«In order to ease your work, I will give you a booklet published by the Academy of Sciences from a series “Materials for a bibliography of Uzbekistan scientists.” It is dedicated to my 85th birth anniversary. I will give you all information the booklet omitted, which was published in 2011. Since then on I have had a lot of interesting works and publications,» was the answer of Anna Glushenkova, academician, scientist, researcher who devoted her entire professional career to the study of fats, when asked by Uzbekistan Today correspondent. Hence, here is the first question:
What interesting things have you done over the last four years?
“Every year is something new. My monograph was released in December 2014. It is devoted to my research, showing that three types of safflower and sea kale, which were grown on soil brought from the region of the Aral Sea, and poured by water with different salinity levels, adapted to stress. This is a very important result. It shows that these plants can be cultivated in the Aral Sea area. They are able to restrain the movement of sand and salt, to expand biodiversity where flora and fauna were greatly reduced. Safflower oil is used in food as well as in the pharmaceutical, perfumery, soap making and other areas of industry. Sea kale oil is widely used in various industries.
“Two scientific papers have been published this year. The third one is about to come out off the press. It is about actual topic that was suggested by representatives of the Association of Fat-and-Oil and Food Industry. The oil and fat plants currently receive cottonseed, whose iodine value is below the standard. We believe that this is the result of soil salinization. However, the Fat-and-Oil plants cannot introduce this oil as a food product because it failed to pass the certification process. Because humans cannot impact the iodine value of oil, our group proposed to delete the figure from the standards.”
In August, you celebrated your 89th birthday. If you have decided to write a book about your life, what would it tell about?
“Probably, it would be about the research, which was conducted in the preparation of the master’s thesis in Namangan. I identified then the main parameters of the process of pressing the cotton pulp on mechanical presses for different values of its humidity, temperature, husk content and fineness. Due to that was developed the optimum mode of processing of cotton seeds by new devices (Super Duo Expellers). That increased significantly the yield of oil and improved its quality. The research results have been implemented in all oil production plants of Uzbekistan having such equipment. I was happy, that my first development went successful!
“I would recall how I got prepared my doctoral thesis. One of the major refining processes of the cottonseed oil is hydrogenation. Usually, it is carried out at a temperature of 200–2200С, where¬by oil loses most of its useful properties. During the research, I suggested the technology that has allowed to carry out the hydrogenation at a temperature of 1650С. It has improved the quality of oil and reduced its losses and amount of harmful trans-acids. The technology was implemented at the fat and oil production plants in Tashkent and Ferghana.
I think, that these two works are the most useful and worthy ones, as they were in demand by industry. There have been also discoveries that have important theoretical value.
Probably, I will share memories about how I discovered non-coplanarity of gossypol (harmful substances in cottonseed oil). Then I just floated in the clouds of happiness. However, my joy evaporated when I read in the books that it had been discovered before me. However, those who described this phenomenon relied on the theoretical knowledge. I found practical evidence, using the model of Gribleb-Stewart.
“I would tell about the development of an original method of determining the degree of un-saturation of fats. Instead of the previously used indicator of iodine, I recommended ‘the number of un-saturation.’ The advantage of using this indicator is that it does not depend on characteristics such as molecular weight of fatty acids, the location and configuration of the ethylic bonds in its molecule. This method is recommended for use in practice.
“I would also mention the opening of a number of previously unknown fatty acids of vegetable origin.”
You talk only about science. What about yourself?
“But I am a scientist. I had all conditions to dedicate all my time to science. My parents have always been with me. Dad worked, my mother cared about children and looked after the house. Therefore, my husband and I could entirely devote ourselves to scientific work. My husband, by the way, is also a scientist. We worked together at the institute. Because of such support, I could take work home. There have been studies that require a huge number of mathematical calculations. Then I was working with the adding machine (predecessor of today’s calculators) until 3 a.m. I used to get up early then, and now as well.”
Do you have any regret about your choice?
“No. Now I remember an episode from my school life. My sister and I were entrusted to prepare an interlude for the holiday in which I was a granddaughter, and she was a grandmother. Our dialogue was as follows. I ask: «Tell me, Granny, what your childhood was like?» She replies: «Oh, never ask me this question, my dear, life was hard. Starting from the age of eight, I worked as a nanny for our rich neighbor. Every day I would get three to four cuffs.» Then I continued: «Well, now everything has changed, granny. I will finish school, then the higher school, and become a scientist-engineer. I’ll be back to see you here.» Somehow, I have lived a life of the granddaughter of the interlude played. I became a scientist not because I am a genius, but because I had all conditions to be fully engaged in science.”
Where do you find so much energy?
“Perhaps, it is because I abused none and nothing, and envied none. Believe me, I have never consumed any alcohol for the entire 89 years. I do my lovely job, actively participate in the training of young professionals and combine my work with editing books and articles.”
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
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