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October 21, 2014


October 21, 2014

elections to the oliy majlis of the republic of uzbekistan and local Kengashes of people’s deputies. 2

Election Campaign Gains Momentum.. 2

economy.. 2

National Transformation. 2

International cooperation.. 3

Uzbekistan and Georgia discuss development of ties. 3






elections to the oliy majlis of the republic of uzbekistan and local Kengashes of people’s deputies

Election Campaign Gains Momentum

During a press conference on 2014 election coverage at the National Press Center domestic and foreign journalists have been informed about formation of constituencies and district election commissions, political parties` admission to participation in the parliamentary elections.

M. Abdusalomov, the Central Election Commission (CEC) chairman, noted that the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Parliament would hold by one hundred and thirty-five territorial single-member constituencies on a multiparty basis. The CEC, considering proposals of public authorities in the field, took a decision to establish constituencies for elections to the Lower House of Parliament. List of electoral districts with their names, serial numbers, borders, and number of voters was published in print.

The CEC made a decision on the establishment of district election commissions for the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis. It was noted that, in accordance with the legislation, the district election commission would be composed of the CEC chairperson, deputy chairperson, secretary and at least six other members of the commission. It is very important that district election commissions` personnel include respected members of the public. Lists of members of district commissions with addresses and telephone numbers of commissions would be published in the press.

The press conference participants were informed that the political parties to participate in the parliamentary elections had have submitted to the Central Election Commission such necessary documents, an application endorsed by their leadership, registration certificate from the Ministry of Justice that the party was registered not later than four months before the announcement of the beginning of the campaign, and the subscription lists of voters in support of its participation in the elections to the parliament.

Each party had to collect at least 40 voter signatures in support of its participation in the elections. The number of signatures collected in one of the administrative-territorial unit of the country should not exceed 8% of the required amount.

A working group for verification of the political parties represented signature sheets correctness was organized. Public representatives, experts of interior affairs and justice bodies, as well as agencies maintaining records of the population composed the group. Delegates from each political party took part in the signature sheets` verification process. This institute is designed to provide even greater transparency and democratic electoral process.

Submitted materials` inspection indicates that the collection of signatures in support of political parties was done in full compliance with the requirements of the electoral law.

In this regard, the Central Election Commission adopted a resolution on presupposition of the Adolat Social-Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Business People – the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the Milliy Tiklanish Democratic Party of Uzbekistan and the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan to participate in the parliamentary elections.

Also a decision of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan to participate in the election to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis was taken into consideration.

At the press conference representatives of domestic and foreign media received detailed answers to their questions.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


National Transformation

The real sector of the Uzbek economy has been demonstrating a positive trend despite the global economic plight. It is the result of intensive modernization of manufacturing capacities and promotion of their output in domestic and foreign markets. Establishment of presentation sites abroad ranks among the latest global trends, extensively applied by Uzbekistan’s corporate bodies. Chirchiq Transformer Plant, the nation’s biggest electrical company, has recently launched a site of this type.

The company owes its success primarily to the effective government policies on technical and technological revitalization of enterprises of the real economy sector. Measures have included the provision of soft loans for the purchase of modern equipment and technologies, various tax and customs preferences, the released proceeds of which are also invested in the production upgrade. Thus, the present day Chirchiq Transformer Plant is an up-to-date, high-tech enterprise with decidedly skilled specialists producing extremely durable output.

The factory boasts a modern production base and the well developed infrastructure and communications, allowing it to produce at least three thousand megawatts of advanced high-voltage output annually. Its own design, technological and projecting departments, as well as the high-voltage test center largely contribute to quality technological process and international standard certification.

The launch of the trading and presentation center is a new step in the promotion of goods. According to experts, this project will enable the company to occupy new niches in the domestic market and expand the export flow. Now, the customers can assess the quality and durability of a wide range of goods at a single platform.

Enhancement of efficiency is another vector of the company’s development strategy. With this purpose the company restructured its management system through the engagement of highly qualified professionals from abroad and the introduction of automatic control system. A partial reconstruction of the plant and retooling of certain essential technological sections have improved the product quality. All these measures have made it possible to develop new technologies of production of measuring high-voltage transformers, and manufacture single-phase traction transformers for a new type of electric powered locomotives. As a result, the export range was expanded and diversified in the short term.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)

International cooperation

Uzbekistan and Georgia discuss development of ties

Uzbekistan and Georgia held the seventh session of intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation on 20 October 2014.

The session of the commission took place in Tashkent. A delegation of Georgia led by Deputy Minister of Economy Mikheil Janelidze arrived in Uzbekistan to attend the session.

During the meeting, the delegation of Georgia underlined that Georgia consider Uzbekistan as important and traditional economic partner and interested in further developing mutual beneficial trade relations.

The sides exchanged opinion and discussed issues of current state and perspectives of bilateral trade-economic cooperation.

The Georgian delegation familiarized with economic reforms in Uzbekistan, privatization process, favourable conditions created for investors at industrial zones Navoi, Angren and Jizzakh.

The sides discussed issues of further expansion of relation in such areas as trade-economic, investment, transport and transport communication, tourism, culture and sport, implementation of joint perspective projects.

Trade turnover between Uzbekistan and Georgia made up US$35.8 million in 2013 and US$60 million in January-June 2014.

Currently, nine enterprises with Georgian capital work in Uzbekistan. They operate in such spheres as trade, real estate, marketing services, logistics, production of construction materials.

Three Georgian companies registered their representative offices at the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investment and Trade of Uzbekistan.


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