Prime Minister of Japan: “We intend to continue our cooperation with Uzbekistan”. 2
Share of agriculture in the structure of Uzbekistan’s GDP amounts to 15.4%.. 3
33.4 thousand new enterprises registered in Uzbekistan in 9 months. 3
Number of enterprises with participation of foreign capital exceeded 5 thousand in Uzbekistan. 4
Production of light industry products in Uzbekistan increases by 17.7%.. 4
Rendered to the population paid services volume reaches 19.1 trillion soums. 4
Prime Minister of Japan: “We intend to continue our cooperation with Uzbekistan”
Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe arrived in our country today, at the invitation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov.
In his interview, he gave yesterday to IA “Jahon” he spoke about the purpose of his visit to Uzbekistan.
– How do you assess the role and significance of your current visit to Uzbekistan for the further expansion and deepening of bilateral relations?
– I am very glad that after nine years, we organized an official visit of the Prime Minister of Japan to Uzbekistan. In the first meeting of the current visit with President Islam Karimov, I intend to conduct a thorough discussion of a wide range of issues related to the spheres of politics, economy and culture.
Many Japanese feel a strong desire and great interest in the study of the history and culture of Uzbekistan, which since ancient times is an important strategic point on the Silk Road. There are many of people who are fascinated by the beauty of such ancient cities as Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and others.
The construction of the State academic Bolshoi theater named after Alisher Navoi, which is located in the center of the city, was attended by Japanese citizens as well, and I know that President Islam Karimov and the entire Uzbek people are treated with great respect for this theater.
In Japan, there are a large number of fans of your country in its various aspects. I hope that my current visit will further deepen these historical and human ties.
Uzbekistan is a big state, which plays an important role in establishing stability and development of the Central Asian region. In this regard, we intend to continue our cooperation with Uzbekistan not only in the sphere of strengthening bilateral relations, but also to solve such common for the Central Asian region issues as transportation, logistics, water, electricity, combating drug trafficking and control of state borders, which were important topics of discussion and dialogue for cooperation of Japan and Central Asia in the format “Central Asia + Japan”.
– Could you please share your vision of the current level and prospects of cooperation between our countries in political, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian spheres. We would like to know your opinion about the participation of Japanese companies in investment projects in Uzbekistan.
-Over recent years we can see active political dialogue, including mutual visits at high leveI in politics of the two countries. I hope that my current visit will contribute to further strengthening of political cooperation between the two countries.
As for bilateral relations in trade and economic sphere, in recent years, Japanese companies in various forms take part in projects that contribute to the diversification of industry in Uzbekistan, for example, the production of buses and trucks, construction of a plant for the production of chemical fertilizers, information technology and so on.
However, I think that given the significant potential of Uzbekistan, there are still more opportunities for the development of trade and economic relations between the two countries. My current visit is accompanied by a large economic delegation. I hope that their visit will contribute to further advancement of Japanese companies in Uzbekistan, and Japanese technology and experience will find significant application for the development of Uzbekistan.
In addition, I hope that yen loans, which are currently being utilized in the energy sector and in the modernization of irrigation systems, will promote the establishment of high-quality infrastructure using Japanese technology, which, in turn, in addition to the economic and social development of Uzbekistan should also serve to attract further investments from Japanese companies.
Japan implements programs of training of private entrepreneurs in the Uzbek-Japanese center in Tashkent, as well as the curricula for the training of young civil servants.
I was glad to know that such assistance in the framework of the program “Official development assistance” from the government of Japan is highly appreciated in Uzbekistan.
As for the cultural-humanitarian sphere, I look forward to deepening the understanding and friendship between the two peoples via wide-scale cooperation in such areas as widespread in Uzbekistan studying of the Japanese language, exchange of television programs and the development of traditional martial arts and sports.
Share of agriculture in the structure of Uzbekistan’s GDP amounts to 15.4%
According to the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan the share of agriculture in GDP of the Republic for January-September 2015 according to preliminary data, amounted to about 15.4%.
For the first 9 months of 2015, gross output of agriculture in the country increased by 6.6% compared with the corresponding period of 2014.
Total production of agricultural products for the first 9 months of 2015 made 31.8 trillion soums, including plant growing – 18.5 trillion. sum (106,5%), livestock sector – 13.4 trillion sum (106.7%) (currency rates of CB RU from 27.10.2015 1$= 2677.75 soums).
In recent years, the Republic has taken targeted measures for the gradual optimization of the structure of sown areas in favor of food crops, actively implemented measures to promote the development of animal husbandry, poultry farming, fish farming, beekeeping in personal subsidiary, dehkan and private farms.
The share of agricultural production under categories for the reporting period made: 7.3 million tons of grains (100.6% to the corresponding period of 2014), 2.4 million tons of raw cotton (101,0%), 2.05 million tons of potatoes (110.3%), 7.4 million tons of vegetables (110.6%), 1.3 million tons of melons (109.6%), 1.9 million tons of fruits and berries (108.0%), 1.09 million tons of grapes (109.6%).
33.4 thousand new enterprises registered in Uzbekistan in 9 months
According to a press-service of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the number of newly registered enterprises and organizations in January-September 2015 made 33.4 thousand, including 21.4 thousand small businesses (except farms and dehkan farms).
A significant number of newly established enterprises and organizations accounted for the city of Tashkent – 5.5 thousand, Jizzakh, Samarkand, Tashkent regions – 2.9 thousand each, Fergana, Kashkadarya –2.5 thousand, Syrdarya – 2.4 thousand, Andijan, Surkhandarya – 2.1 thousand, Khorezm – 1.9 thousand, Bukhara – 1.8 thousand, Namangan region – 1.7 thousand and the Republic of Karakalpakstan – 1.6 thousand.
In a branch cut, 13.2 thousand companies were registered in agriculture, 6.5 thousand – in trade and public catering, 5.2 thousand – in industry, 2.5 thousand – in construction and other manufacturing industries.
As of October 1, 2015 the total number of registered enterprises and organizations (except farms and dehkan farms) amounted to 278.6 thousand, of which currently operate 254.6 thousand, small enterprises – 226.1 thousand.
Number of enterprises with participation of foreign capital exceeded 5 thousand in Uzbekistan
According to the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 372 enterprises with foreign capital participation have been newly registered in January-September 2015. A significant number of newly established enterprises with foreign capital accounted for the city of Tashkent – 250 units, and regions of Tashkent – 33 units, Fergana, Samarkand –18 units each, Andijan – 12 units, Bukhara, Surkhandarya – 7 units, Republic of Karakalpakstan, Namangan – 6 units, Jizzakh and Syrdarya region – 5 units.
Hereby 75 enterprises have been established with participation of the capital of the People’s Republic of China, 67 – Russian Federation, 43 – Republic of Korea, 28 –Republic of Turkey, 26 – UK, 19 – Republic of India, 15 – Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.
The sectoral share of newly registered enterprises with foreign capital is as follows: industries – 166, in the sphere of trade and public catering – 98, agriculture – 7, construction – 26, transport and communications – 8, other production industries – 37, health, physical education and sport – 19.
As of October 1, 2015, the total number of registered enterprises with participation of foreign capital has exceeded 5 thousand.
Production of light industry products in Uzbekistan increases by 17.7%
The dynamic development of the light industry of Uzbekistan has continued in January-September, the enterprises produced goods worth 8.6 trillion soums, or 117.7% to the corresponding period last year (currency rates of CB RU from 27.10.2015 1$= 2677.75 soums).
The share of industry in total industrial production made 13.8% (in January-September 2014 – 12.8%). During the reporting period, the textile enterprises of the Republic produced goods worth 6.1 trillion soums, or 117.2% against January-September 2014, including in the silk industry – 106.2%, cotton ginning – 108.9%, cotton – 123.2%, knitting – 114%.
Measures taken to expand the range of consumer goods in light industry also contributed to the increase of production in the garment industry – by 19.6%, leather and footwear industry – by 22%.
In the territorial section, the highest volume of products was produced by enterprises of the Tashkent city (14.3% of the republican volume of production in the sector), and regions Fergana (13.7%), Andijan (12.1%), Samarkand (9.6%).
Ongoing support to small businesses contributed to the growth of light industry products produced by small businesses by 27.8% in 9 months of 2014, their production share in the total volume of the light industry made 53.6%.
8748 enterprises of light industry operate currently in the Republic, of which 3434 are textile enterprises, 4587 – enterprises of the clothing industry, 699 – leather and footwear industry.
Rendered to the population paid services volume reaches 19.1 trillion soums
The volume of market services rendered in January-September 2015 made up 62.8 trillion soums, having increased in comparison with the similar period of 2014 by 12.9%, according to the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan (currency rates of CB RU from 27.10.2015 1$= 2677.75 soums).
High growth rates are achieved on financial services – 128.5%; repair and maintenance of technological equipment – 117.7%, health services – 117%; communication and Informatization services – 116.4%, services trade and public catering – 116.1%; domestic services – 115.1%; travel services (including hotel services) – 114.9%; construction services – 114.6%; services in the field of agriculture –114.4%.
Dominants in the structure of services are: transportation services, including logistics (27% of total services), trade and catering (23.2%), financial services (9.4%), construction services (5.7%), communication services and information (5.4%).
The share of services in GDP has increased from 50.1% in January-September 2014, to 50.6% in January-September 2015.
Volume of paid services rendered to the population in January-September of 2015 amounted to 19.1 trillion soums or 110.4% to January-September of 2014.
The main part of paid services to the population were rendered by enterprises and organizations, which amounted 11 trillion soums (57.6% of the total volume) or grew by 7.1%.
The volume of paid services rendered by individual entrepreneurs increased by 15.1% and amounted to 8.1 trillion soums, the share in total volume of paid services amounted to 42.4%.
In the total volume of paid services rendered to population, the share of private sector amounted to 86.4%.
The share of household services in the total volume of paid services amounted to 9.5% or 1.8 trillion. soums. Their real volume has increased by 18%.
Guaranteed Success
Investments are a prerequisite for economic development. They are seen as a major financial flow in pivotal projects in the real sector like modernization and creation of new capacities, enhancement of competitiveness and introduction of modern management technologies. Executive Director of KDB Bank Uzbekistan Young Kyun Ahn has told the Uzbekistan Today reporter about Uzbekistan’s policy in this direction.
“Uzbekistan has been attaching intent attention to increasing the volume of investments, their development, and creation of favorable conditions.
The rapid growth of the economy and stability of the political, financial and banking systems make Uzbekistan attractive for foreign financial institutions and international banks. It stands to reason that over the past 20 years the total investment in the Uzbek economy has exceeded $100 billion, including $35 billion of direct foreign investments.
There is another pivotal factor: all foreign investors and their funds are legally secured by state guarantees. The corresponding legal framework includes the laws ‘On investment activity’ and ‘On foreign investments’.
The documents also provide free treatment to foreign investors, thereby allowing to independently and freely using their profits. Legislation clearly protects the integrity of their property, defines their rights and obligations, as well as the measures stimulating the development of joint projects.
There are five banks with foreign investments and representative offices of six largest global banks in Uzbekistan.
The Central Bank appears as the major regulator of the system, taking effective measures to improve business environment and build the investment attractiveness. Its main criteria come to the rule of law, the establishment of a fair competition among credit institutions, reduction of administrative restrictions, ensuring transparency of banking activities, and creation of quality infrastructure for the development of the banking business. Due attention has been recently drawn to corporate relations,including the achievement of a high level of relationships between shareholders, management, employees and customers, as well as strengthening the confidence of investors in general.
Foreign investors are guided by the rating of commercial banks when making certain decisions. The positive assessment of operation of all 26 commercial banks of the republic by international agencies is seen as the platform for the amount of foreign investment needed for economic growth. To date, nearly 15 major international financial institutions have opened their credit lines in the country’s commercial banks.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Hundred-Volume Folklore
Presentation of the first of a 100-volume “Monuments of Uzbek Verbal Art Works” has been held in the capital city. It’s fully devoted to the most famous epos “Alpomish”.
“Other volumes will come off the press within the next few years,” says Mamatqul Jorayev, head of folkloristic department of the Institute of Language and Literature. “The publication of the first volume evidences that the many-tears old project on systemizing the works of Uzbek folklore has arrived to the final stage of its implementation.”
On the whole the project “Monuments of Uzbek Verbal Art Works” will enable the broad public to see the records of all works stored in the folklore archive of the Institute of Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi. This sole global center engaged in collection, systematization, publication, and study of the works of Uzbek verbal folk art accommodates more than 2000 pieces of materials. These include dostons (epic legends), about 10 thousand fairytales, recordings of Uzbek folk songs, legends, proverbs and sayings. Apart from that audio- and video recordings kept in the gramophone record collection will be issued in the form of supplements.
Scholars have already prepared more than 50 volumes for publication. In particular, dostons “Yusuf and Akhmad”, “Alibek and Bolibek”, “Shirin-Shakar”, “Rustamkhan”, “The Birth of Goroghly” will come out after “Alpomish”. Then will follow the publication of the Uzbek ritual folklore and other works of verbal folk art.
“While working on the project the dostons “Kirankhon” in the optional reading of Pulkan shoir and Rakhmatulla Yusuf oghly, “Shirin-Shakar” as performed by Qubonboi Tojiboi oghly and many other works have been prepared for publication for the first time,” stressed Mamatqul Jorayev.
The books include not only the original texts and note records but also commentaries by scholars, illustrations, and academic articles devoted to concrete art works.
The books will definitely be in demand, convinced the scholars of the Institute of Language and Literature, since the interest to the collection has significantly increased in recent years both from the side of national and foreign researchers. Specifically, several months ago Korean folklorist Ingeng O prepared and defended her doctoral thesis based on the materials of the fund.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
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