“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

November 2, 2016


POLItiCs. 1

Shavkat Mirziyoyev discusses cooperation with Almazbek Atambaev in phone conversation. 1

economy.. 1

UzEx: electronic system “E-Xarid” undergoes improvement 1

export.. 2

Uzbekistan is planning to launch first exports of ecological dyes for textile industry in the near future. 2

International cooperation.. 3

On the Uzbek-Finnish political consultations. 3


When Architectural Monuments Start “Talking”. 4




Shavkat Mirziyoyev discusses cooperation with Almazbek Atambaev in phone conversation

Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a telephone conversation with President of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambaev on 26 October 2016 on the initiative of the Kyrgyz side.

The Heads of state exchanged views in detail on the state and prospects of developing Uzbek-Kyrgyz cooperation, particularly noting the significant positive dynamics on several key areas.

As underlined during the conversation, the meetings of delegations of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan that took place in Andijan and Osh with participation of heads and the wide public of the border regions of the Fergana region, have been an important step in strengthening centuries-old traditional friendship and good neighbourhood ties, the atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between our peoples.

During the call, Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Almazbek Atambaev confrmed solid mutual interest of the parties in successful completion of the joint activities on delimitation and demarcation of the Uzbek-Kyrgyz state border, carried out by designated bodies of the two countries.

The Heads of state also exchanged opinions on several issues on regional and international agenda of mutual interest.

The leaders of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan agreed to further support and encourage bilateral ties on various levels to further strengthen multifaceted and long-term relations for the well-being of the two fraternal peoples, in the interests of ensuring stability and security in our common region.

(Source: UzA)


UzEx: electronic system “E-Xarid” undergoes improvement

The most important strategic objective of the Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange is the diversification of its activities and the development of new areas through the introduction of new methods of exchange technology.

One of these new areas of the exchange activity is electronic system of corporate procurement «E-xarid», which has been operating since 2013 in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the optimization of the system of electronic procurement and expanding access to business entities» № PP-1948 and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on additional measures to improve public and corporate procurement process» №166.

According to the press service of the Uzbek Commodity Exchange, in the last period the mechanism of electronic corporate procurement allowed to optimize the procurement activities of natural monopolies, state unitary enterprises and economic societies with the state share in the authorized capital of more than 50 percent, and significantly increase the participation of small businesses and private enterprise entities in corporate procurement.

Electronic corporate purchases are made in the form of e-auction trading on the reduction of the starting price, and in recent years show high growth rates. So, for the period from 2013 to 2015, the volume of electronic corporate procurement increased by more than five times – from 61.8 billion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 27.10.2016, 1$= 3083.96 soums) to 344.3 billion soums. At the same time financial savings by reducing the starting price in the electronic trading grew from 10.6 billion soums to 68.4 billion soums. In addition, the proportion of businesses in the supply of goods in the last year exceeded 98%, and the number of counter-proposals received by suppliers moving in the course of trading has increased from two to seven. This, in turn, shows the development of competition among the entrepreneurs involved in the auction of «E-xarid» system.

This year, for the first 9 months of 2016 the volume of corporate procurement totaled 333.9 billion soums, which is 28% more than in the same period last year. Financial savings also increased from 54.4 billion soums to 73.9 billion soums.

In addition, this year the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a new resolution “On measures on further improvement of a special information portal of” Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange “and the implementation process of public and corporate procurement” №242. The main objective of this document is to increase the level of transparency and competitiveness of public and corporate procurement, the introduction of the implementation process of modern information and communication technologies and the prevention of crime in the procurement process.

This Resolution also approved the procedure for placement and disclosure of the information on a special exchange portal, according to which, procurement notices, their schedules, the results of public and corporate procurement, statistics, rosters agents, guaranteeing and unscrupulous suppliers , information on average prices for commodity and other data are placed on exchange portal.

In the open part of the portal information about prices as a result of purchases of government and corporate levels is also available. This service allows the customers and providers of public and corporate procurement to focus on the situation on the commodity markets when placing their orders. In addition, a function to return the funds in the clearing and settlement chamber of the exchange through the electronic digital signature of the customer has been introduced to the user’s personal cabinet, as well as website search system has been optimized.

Furthermore, in order to create additional facilities for Exchange customers, work of the Special Commission on the disputes and disagreements on issues of public and corporate procurement has been simplified. In particular electronic module, which allows the subjects of natural monopolies, companies and organizations with a predominant share to direct the decisions to the special commission of the economic courts of the Republic through a personal account for inclusion in the register of unfair suppliers, has been introduced.

Thus, improving the system of corporate electronic procurement «E-Xarid» contributes to the further development of competition, improves the transparency of electronic trading and the efficiency of their state and public control.

(Source: «Business» newspaper)


Uzbekistan is planning to launch first exports of ecological dyes for textile industry in the near future

The scheme will be implemented by Indikim Group Company, which was established last year in Urtachirchik district of Tashkent region. The project was launched in 2014, when O’zbekyengilsanoat and the South Korean company Rainbow signed a memorandum, providing for extraction of natural ecological dyes from agricultural plants, and their subsequent application in the light industry in the country and abroad.

Intended for completion in 2017, the project will cost a total of $1 million. The company will export over 80% of its production at full capacity. It will establish 45 new jobs.

The company plans to manufacture a wide range of powder and natural food dyestuffs. The South Korean side has provided advanced laboratory and production equipment. The method of obtaining ecological dyes will not differ from the South Korean technology, thereby guaranteeing their quality and competitiveness in the global market.

The first trial plantings for paints were made in 2014 in the Khorezm, Jizzakh, Samarkand and Tashkent regions. The first dyes of red, yellow, green, blue (indigo) and other colors are being extracted in October. Test seedlings were also planted on 45 hectares in spring of 2016.

Concurrently, the Rainbow company is working on the opening of a specialized research center, which will study the ways of dye breeding and issue certificates on product safety for textile industry.

The parties are currently studying regulations on the establishment of the center.

A list of potential customers is ready. In September, the company participated in the International Russian Federal Textile Exhibition Textillegprom 2016 in Moscow. Indikim Group made a presentation on the application of ecological dyes in textile industry. Local textile companies have already signed agreements with foreign partners on the supply of ecological dyes and product dyeing.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)

International cooperation

On the Uzbek-Finnish political consultations

On October 25, 2016 Helsinki hosted the seventh round of political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and Finland. The delegation of Finland was headed by the Director General of the Department Department for Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia Maimo Henriksson.

The Uzbek side expressed gratitude on behalf of the government of Uzbekistan to the Finnish side for the condolences message directed by the President of Finland Sauli Niynistё to the people of Uzbekistan on the death of the First President I.A.Karimov.

During the consultations the sides discussed the condition and prospects for development of cooperation in political, trade-economic, cultural-humanitarian and other spheres, as well as in the format of Uzbekistan-the European Union, within the UN and other international organizations.

The parties confirmed their interest in intensifying contacts both at the interstate level and between business, science institutions, education and culture.

The Finnish delegation also got acquainted with the basic provisions of the signed October 21 Decree of the President of Uzbekistan “On measures to further reform the judicial system, strengthening guarantees protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens”, which marks the transition of the state policy in this sphere to a qualitatively new level.

At the meeting, special attention was paid to the prospects of expansion of mutual trade, investment cooperation. The Finnish side expressed high interest to the  Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to ensure the accelerated development of entrepreneurial activity, comprehensive protection of private property and substantial improvement of business climate” signed on October 5, 2016. The documents aims to ensure the accelerated development of small business and private entrepreneurship, strengthening legal protection and guarantees of inviolability of private property mechanisms, elimination of bureaucratic obstacles to the development of entrepreneurship, improving the investment climate and business environment in the country.

During the consultation other issues of Uzbek-Finnish agenda were also considered.

The Ambassador of Finland to Uzbekistan Niklas Lindqvist attended the talks.

* * *

On 25-26 October, 2016 the delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, arrived in Helsinki to participate in the next round of the Uzbek-Finnish inter-ministerial consultations, held meetings and talks with the Deputy Chairman of the Friendship Group Eduskunta (Parliament) of Finland with the Central Asian countrys’ parliaments Eero Heinäluoma, the Ambassador to Uzbekistan with the residence in Helsinki Niklas Lindqvist.

During the meetings the sides discussed practical issues of strengthening and development of the Uzbek-Finnish cooperation.

The Uzbek delegation also acquainted with the activities of the Association of Finnish Travel Agents (AFTA) and presented to heads of leading tour operators promising areas of cooperation.

(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)


When Architectural Monuments Start “Talking”

On October 17, 2016, Uzbekistan Today News Agency, the UNESCO Office in Uzbekistan and the National Association of Electronic Mass Media of Uzbekistan hosted a presentation of the project ‘The Architectural Epigraphy of Uzbekistan’. The event was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence and the 10th anniversary of Uzbekistan Today News Agency.

The presentation was attended by members of Uzbekistan’s scientific community, representatives of governmental and public organizations as well as international organizations, diplomatic missions and media outlets.

The event kicked off with congratulations on the 10th anniversary of Uzbekistan Today News Agency and those gathered were shown a video about the news agency’s activities.

The presentation summarized the first results of the project and included film demonstration and speeches by leading scholars, who have contributed to the project, as well as representatives of the international public.

‘The Architectural Epigraphy of Uzbekistan’ is the only project of its kind that has seen the government explore, collate and sum up all the architectural epigraphy found in the country, something that no country in the Muslim world has done before. It is noteworthy that this work became possible thanks to the advent of Uzbekistan’s independence, which reinstated the monuments’ worthy place in history.

The publication of the series of albums marks the end of the first phase of the project which will be continued.  The albums highlight the epigraphy of Karakalpakstan, Andijan, Namangan, Fergana, Samarkand, Navoi, Khiva, Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya, Bukhara and Tashkent city.

The ancient monuments of Uzbekistan, especially the architectural ones, have lived through hard times. Due to various circumstances and events they have often been destroyed or obscured, and individual samples were buried in the ground with a single purpose to save them. Not only history was destroyed, but also the very age-old memories and the ancient culture, of which epigraphy is an inalienable part. The meaning of many inscriptions still remains a mystery not only for residents of Uzbekistan and its visitors, but also for professionals. Independence had given back those monuments their deserved place in the history of the country and the region, and emphasized our forefathers’ contribution to the treasury of global civilization. It is thanks to Uzbekistan’s acquisition of its sovereignty and special attention paid to its cultural heritage that had created an opportunity for emergence of decent presentation of those monuments in the books and albums.

Time has passed down a fascinating treasure trove of medieval architecture that captivates millions of people worldwide. The sophisticated décor is complemented by remarkable calligraphic inscriptions. Many people have wondered what these writings say and what kind of wisdom our forefathers perpetuated through them. Today, an opportunity has arisen to unravel these mysteries. Today, an opportunity has arisen to unravel these mysteries thanks to the efforts of Uzbekistani scholars.

Epigraphy is the most significant and spectacular part of the cultural heritage of not only Uzbekistan and the Muslim world, but also the entire global civilization. Moreover, Uzbekistan is one of the world leaders in terms of the amount of architectural epigraphy. However, due to certain circumstances, these inscriptions have not been studied and published until recently. According to our estimates, only 10% of inscriptions on monuments of Amir Temur’s era have been explored, read and partially published. Consequently, the most remarkable and significant pages of our cultural legacy remained out of the reach of science as well as our nation and visitors to our country.

The research has helped to read and translate inscriptions on more than 1,500 epigraphic landmarks (most of them for the first-ever time), which include over 200 poems, edifications, maxims, names of over 100 masters and calligraphers, 300 religious and 150 dedicatory inscriptions, 150 chronograms, 100 historical dates and around 100 edicts by rulers of the days gone by.

For many years, experts and scholars have struggled to decipher the inscriptions, and scientific debate about the correctness of the reading of the centuries-old monograms and other texts made by talented craftsmen continues even today. However, as it has been stated above, a complete deciphering of epigraphy monuments located in the ancient Uzbek land, and a publication thereof, has still not been made. The publication of ‘The Architectural Epigraphy of Uzbekistan’ series is the first full-scale project of its kind that encapsulates architectural epigraphy in Uzbekistan.

The series of books represent the first phase of the project which will be continued. The next series will encompass the remaining unexplored epigraphic inscriptions across Uzbekistan. All told, 25 volumes are expected to be published.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)




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