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Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

November 2, 2015


economy.. 2

Uzbekistan creates 748,670 new jobs in Jan-Sep. 2

transport.. 2

Uzbekistan Railways Reports Three Quarter Results. 2


Tourists to Address ‘Single Window’ 3

Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan.. 3

Advanced indicators are being discussed by deputies. 3



Uzbekistan creates 748,670 new jobs in Jan-Sep

Over 748,670 new jobs were created in Uzbekistan in January-September 2015, the head of the Department of analysis and regulating labour market of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of Uzbekistan Erkin Avezov said.

He said that about 60.3% of new jobs were created in rural areas. The largest number of jobs was created in Ferghana region (73,680 jobs), Samarkand region (72,650) and Tashkent region (70,550).

Avezov underlined that some 60,500 new jobs were created in industry, 51,700 jobs – in service sector and 35,000 – in agriculture. About 16,500 new jobs were created due to rehabilitation of idle enterprises.

Over 213,500 new jobs were created by the small businesses due to loans of commercial banks, 176,000 – due to development of outwork and 112,800 units – due to development of farms.

According to the ministry, about 230,000 unemployed received jobs in nine months of 2015. At the same time, some 7,300 people were attracted to paid public works.



Uzbekistan Railways Reports Three Quarter Results

This year electrification of the Marokand-to-Karshi rail route of 140 kilometers length has been completed and Afrosiyob electric high speed trains have commenced to travel between Tashkent and Karshi. This is another practical demonstration of large-scale reforms, conducted under the leadership of President Islam Karimov, on construction, reconstruction of railways, and improvement of passenger and cargo transportation.

This was one of the key messages at the press conference on the results of activity of Uzbekistan Temir Yollari (Uzbekistan railways) joint-stock company for nine months of 2015, held at the National Press Centre.

The volume of cargo sent from railway stations increased by 2.6 percent, compared to last year, and amounted to 50.3 million tons. The company rendered services to 15.6 million passengers and export services in the amount of 262 million dollars.

The enterprises of the company produced industrial products worth 300.8 billion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 02.11.2015   1$= 2692.13 soums).

609,2 million US dollars have been disbursed during 9 months on electrification of Marokand-to-Karshi, Karshi-to-Termez, Samarkand-to-Bukhara rail routes, improving operation of high-speed trains on the Tashkent-to-Samarkand route, construction of a new two-way Jizzakh-to-Yangiyer electrified route, rehabilitation of railways, upgrading freight and passenger cars, modernization of locomotives.

302.8 million US dollars were directed to implementation of the project on constructing Angren-Pop electrified rail route, which exceeded the planned forecast to 8 percents.

– All construction works on the 140 kilometers of the railway line have been carried out- said the project manager for the construction of Angren-Pop electrified rail route Navruz Erkinov. – In particular, drilling and blasting, excavation works have been done, rails have been laid, bridges and train stations have been build.

(Source: UzA)


Tourists to Address ‘Single Window’

Uzbekistan has launched a new online platform for the development of hotel business HOTELIOS that has united over 100 hotels so far.

The system has no counterparts in the CIS, was developed domestically, and is supported by major experts of tourism and hospitality industry. A tour operator can seek for vacant rooms in hotels, book them, and get an instant confirmation through a ‘single window’ in a matter of minutes.

Besides, travel agencies now have the opportunity of booking the services like meeting and seeing off at the airport, airport lounge service, as well as get electronic statements of insurance policies for foreign tourists for the first time in Uzbekistan.  The system has been fully adapted to the needs of local companies, mutual settlements are processed only by transfers in national currency, which are the major advantage of the platform.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)

Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan

Advanced indicators are being discussed by deputies

On October 29 this year, an enlarged meeting of the Committee on Budget and Economic Reforms of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held.

At the meeting deputies, with participation of heads of ministries and departments, experts and mass media representatives discussed the draft Budget Message of the State budget, budgets of the state trust funds and the main directions of tax and budget policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2016.

During the meeting it was noted that the main financial document – the Budget message – the State budget, budgets of the state trust funds and the main directions of the tax and budget policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan have been developed on the basis of priorities of the reform and modernization of the country’s economy, to maintain a balance of macroeconomic indicators, reducing the share of state participation in the economy, increasing the role of indigenous private property, ensuring protection for private entrepreneurship, achieving high rates of economic growth and further improving the welfare and living standards of the population, as well as priorities and objectives defined by the President of the country.

The main directions of the tax and budget policy, as well as the main macroeconomic indicators of the next year, which include GDP growth by 7,8%, industrial production by 8,2%, agricultural production by 6,1%, the volume of investments by 9,6%, and the expected strong growth performance in 2015 formed the basis for the drafting of the State Budget and budgets of the trust funds in 2016.

As a result of implementing the proposed measures on improving the tax and budget policy of 2016 stipulates that the State budget revenues will amount to 40,5 trillion sums, expenses – 42,7 trillion sums, and the deficit of 2,2 trillion sums, or 1,0% in relation to GDP (currency rates of CB RU from 02.11.2015   1$= 2692.13 soums).

At the meeting it was emphasized that the tax and budget policy envisages a series of measures aimed at ensuring the growth of macroeconomic indicators on the basis of stimulating modernization of the economy, supporting economic entities, small businesses and private entrepreneurship, reducing the tax burden, to further improve the investment environment, as well as increasing welfare of the population.

In particular, in order to create an additional source for further reducing the tax burden on economic entities, strengthening their logistical base and encouraging employees for microfirms and small enterprises in the sphere of service due to a decrease of a single tax payment from 6% to 5% at the disposal of these companies remains 58,4 billion sums and increase the share of service sector in GDP to 55%.

In recent years, providing a number of benefits on taxes and mandatory payments to enterprises, subjects of small business primarily serves to preservation the growth rates of production, accelerating and expansion of the scale of modernization, development of entrepreneurship, improvement of the sphere of service, increasing employment and incomes of the population, taking into account the main directions of fiscal policy in 2016 it is proposed to maintain the current tax rate for the improvement and development of social infrastructure, income tax, single tax, value added tax and other taxes and mandatory payments.

As a result of implementation of measures provided in the tax policy concept of 2016 the tax burden on the economy is reduced compared to the previous year from 20,7% to 19,1%.

It was emphasized that the amount of revenues and expenditures of the State trust funds for 2016 is determined in the amount of 23,4 trillion sums, which has an important role in the execution of the state target program.

– It should be noted that the concept of budget policy of 2016, along with the implementation of all adopted social programs, a consistent continuation of the improvement of the quality of social services focuses on strengthening social orientation of budget spending, targeted social support of the population and the consistent increase in welfare due to the annual wage increase of employees of budget organizations, pensions, stipends and social allowances, – says member of the Committee K.Mirzaev, – while the share of social expenditures instead of the expected 58,7% in 2015, the next year will rise to 59,2%.

It was noted that the amount of funds allocated to education and healthcare system, which is important in social spending, maintaining the trend of growth in comparison with the last year, will amount in relation to GDP in 2016, respectively 6,8% and 2,8%. This will enable the provision of funding measures provided in the adopted programs on formation of a healthy and harmoniously developed generation, and reformation of healthcare system.

In 2016 in the economy it is envisaged to allocate funds in the amount of 2,1% against GDP. The volume of centralized investments financed from the State budget will amount 1% in relation to GDP, which in turn will contribute to the solution of such problems as implementation of major transport and communication projects, including the continuation of the construction of new electrified railway lines “Angren-Pap”, “Navoi-Kanimekh-Miskin”, implementation of the State program on improvement of architectural appearance of cities of the country, the construction of important large water conservancy facilities and irrigation facilities on the effective use of water resources, creation of social infrastructure objects in residential areas on the basis of model projects and other tasks.

In the context of the ongoing global economic complex processes and negative trends, – emphasized the parliamentarians, in the draft guidelines of the Budget Message – the State budget, the state trust funds and tax and budget policy for 2016 provides for the implementation of measures on stimulating domestic demand as an important factor of stable economic growth of the country.

However, at the meeting it was noted that measures are envisaged to be implemented on ensuring the expansion of revenue base of local budgets and the efficient use of resources in the regions, strengthening the independence and increasing interest of local authorities.

It was also noted that the activities of the Budget Message – the State budget, the state trust funds and tax and budget policy of 2016 are aimed at stable development of the country and increasing welfare of the population. During the meeting, deputies received answers to all their questions from the heads of relevant ministries and departments.

Following the extended meeting, relevant decision of the Committee on the discussed issue was taken.

(Source: Information Service of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan)


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