O’zbekyengilsanoat: Processed cotton fiber volume reaches 480 thousand tons. 2
International Investment Forum in Tashkent (November 5-6, 2015) 2
Uzbekistan to sign about 40 documents within Investment Forum.. 2
Small but Bold Venture into Exports. 2
Uzbek FM receives the Secretary General of Italian Foreign Ministry. 3
O’zbekyengilsanoat: Processed cotton fiber volume reaches 480 thousand tons
The production capacities of enterprises of the State Joint Stock Company “O’zbekyengilsanoat” on the volume of cotton fiber processing as of today has increased to 480 thousand tons.
This was reported in the information-analytical review Uzbekistan Textile, presented during the IX International industrial fair and Cooperation exchange.
SJSC “O’zbekyengilsanoat” structure comprises more than 300 entities with different ownership, including 130 – textile, 135 –sewing-knitting, 36 – silk and 7 commercial enterprises.
(Source: UzReport.uz)
International Investment Forum in Tashkent (November 5-6, 2015)
Uzbekistan to sign about 40 documents within Investment Forum
Uzbekistan plans to sign about 40 contracts, agreements and other documents within the International Investment Forum, which will be held in Tashkent on 5-6 November 2015, the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan said.
As of 2 November 2015, according to information of the Organizational committee of the forum, over 560 heads of foreign businesses confirmed their participation at the International Investment Forum in Tashkent, which will start in Tashkent on 5 November.
They represent over 250 companies, economic unions and financial establishments from 33 countries. Among participants are officials of International Finance Corporation, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Energy Charter and other organizations. Over half of the participants represent South Korea, Germany and the Unites States.
According to preliminary data, the Uzbek and foreign partners are preparing to sign about 40 bilateral agreements, contracts and other documents on realization of joint investment projects.
The main objective of the event is to present the leading enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan, included in the state program of privatization, and to sell them to strategic foreign investors capable of ensuring modernization and technological renewal of production, manufacturing of goods competitive in both domestic and external markets, as well as introduction of modem corporate governance practices.
The agenda of the event includes plenary sessions, presentations by major foreign investors on their experience in doing business in Uzbekistan, panel sessions on various economic sectors with presentations of specific privatization objects, visits to enterprises, as well as cultural program with trips to ancient cities including Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva, which will complement the business part of the event.
The International Investment Forum will allow foreign investors to establish mutually beneficial business contacts and to open up new growth opportunities in the promising and fast-growing market of Uzbekistan.
(Source: UzDaily.com)
small business
Small but Bold Venture into Exports
Small business has long turned into a significant player in the international markets. The map of their exports covers not just neighboring countries or the CIS, but also the developed European and Asian countries like Britain, Germany, China, South Korea and Japan. In the first nine months of 2015 alone, they have exported goods and services at a total of over $980 million.
Small business and private entrepreneurship have been increasingly significant players in the Uzbek economy. To date, the share of this sector in the gross domestic product of the country has exceeded 56%, employing 77% of the working population. The growth has been promoted by overall state support of entrepreneurs and effective regulatory framework, which aims at protection of their rights and interests.
More than 40 legal acts have been amended and supplemented in the last few months alone. The changes are aimed at strengthening the protection of private property, small business and private entrepreneurship, and removal of barriers to their rapid development. The abovementioned measures have empowered domestic entrepreneurs increasing the scope and range of products, as well as expanding the geography of their exports.
They are comprehensively supported by the Fund for Support of Exports of Small Business and Private Entrepreneurship under the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of Uzbekistan. Created in 2013, it provides consulting, legal, financial, organizational services, assists in studying foreign markets, search for potential customers, obtaining of permits, preparation and conclusion of export contracts. In January-September 2015, the Fund has provided such services to 1,782 businessmen.
“163 entrepreneurs from Uzbekistan have taken part in international exhibitions and fairs since the beginning of the year. The Fund and its international partners seek to provide optimal comfort for Uzbek business community. It covers their costs for the purchase of exhibition stands, accommodation and internal transport services in foreign countries,” said the FSTSBPE key specialist Shohruh Alikhanov.
Along with that the Fund arranges business visits of potential partners from abroad to Uzbekistan, and their meetings with local manufacturers. For instance, this February and April the Ferghana and Samarkand regions were visited by representatives of business circles of Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia. The visits resulted in signing agreements of intent worth $303.9 million for the supply of fruit and vegetables and textile products from Uzbekistan.
The FSTSBPE also focuses on advancing the skills of businessmen through regular training seminars, panel discussions and consultations throughout the country to provide information on the legal and practical foundations of export activities, promising foreign markets, regulations and procedures of searching partners, business document processing. In the first half of 2015 the FSTSBPE staff has held meetings with representatives of nearly 2,300 local enterprises.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
International cooperation
Uzbek FM receives the Secretary General of Italian Foreign Ministry
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov received Michele Valensise, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy, who is paying visit to Uzbekistan, on 2 November 2015.
According to the Uzbek Foreign Ministry, the sides considered development of multipronged Uzbek-Italian relations, interaction within international organizations, first of all in the UN and its agencies.
At the meeting, the Uzbek side confirmed support of candidacy of Italy in elections of non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for 2017-2018.
The sides also considered deepening trade-economic and investment cooperation. It was noted that the delegation of Italy, specializing in machinery, energy and other production spheres, will attend an International Investment Forum, which will take place in Tashkent on 5-6 November.
It was underlined that Uzbekistan and Italy accumulated positive experience of cooperation in education and science, as well as established direct relations between higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan and Italy. It was noted that opening of branch of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent is good example for fruitful cooperation in this direction.
At the meeting, the sides exchanged opinion on some international and regional issues.
On the same day, Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and Italy held the fifth round of the political consultations, within which the sides discussed wide range of issues of bilateral and international character.
Ambassador of Italy to Uzbekistan Riccardo Manara participated in the joint events.
(Source: UzDaily.com)
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