January30, 2015
Results of the 2014: Machine building industry produced goods for 14.828 trln. soum.. 2
Uzbekistan, Japan sign agreements for US$3.8bn. 2
The gross regional product of Tashkent increased by 9% in 2014. 3
The Land of Mysteries and Discoveries. 4
Results of the 2014: Machine building industry produced goods for 14.828 trln. soum
Over the past year machine-building enterprises of the republic produced goods on 14.828 trln. soum (currency rates of CB RU from 30.01.2015 1$= 2436.16 soums). The growth rate in 2013 was 113-5%, according to the State Committee on Statistics of Uzbekistan.
Companies in the sector to increase the production of buses by 7.1%, trucks – by 8.9%, lead-acid batteries for starting piston engines – 7.3%, automotive engines – 8.8%, running wheels, parts and accessories -10.4%, radiators, silencers, exhaust pipes, clutches, steering wheels – 22.2%.
In addition, to the corresponding period last year increased the production of refrigerators and freezers by 1.9 times, hand tools for use in agriculture, horticulture -1.2 times, cash registers -1.2 times.
(Source: «Business partner.uz» newspaper)
International cooperation
Uzbekistan, Japan sign agreements for US$3.8bn
Uzbekistan and Japan signed a package of investment, credit agreements, projects of technical assistance with total Japanese investments and loans for US$3.8 billion, the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan said.
The ministry said a delegation of Uzbekistan led by First Deputy Prime-Minister of Uzbekistan – Minister of Finance Rustam Azimov participated at the work of the 12th session of the Uzbek-Japanese Committee on Economic Cooperation, which was held in Tokyo on 26-28 January 2015.
At the forum, representatives of ministries of finance, foreign affairs, economy, trade and industry of Japan highly rated economic reforms in Uzbekistan, investment climate and perspectives of economic development. It was underlined that Japan government actively and consistently supports efforts of the Japanese companies and financial institutes to expand and develop trade-economic, investment and financial cooperation with Uzbekistan.
During the session of the committee, a leading industries of economy of Uzbekistan were presented, which was attended by over 200 representatives of Japanese companies, banks and government agencies.
At the end of the session, a package of investment, credit agreements, projects of technical assistance with total Japanese investments and loans for US$3.8 billion in electricity, oil and gas, chemical, textile, electrotechnical, telecommunication, tourism, transport infrastructure and other sectors were signed.
The delegation of Uzbekistan held negotiations with Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe on 27 January 2015.
At the meeting, the First Deputy Prime-Minister of Uzbekistan Rustam Azimov handed over a personal letter of President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov to the head of the Japanese government. The sides discussed current state and perspectives of cooperation between Japan and Uzbekistan in economy, investment and financial sectors.
The delegation held negotiations with Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Yoichi Miyazawa, chairperson of Japan Bank Harihiko Kuroda, management of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), state agencies, leading Japanese companies and banks.
(Source: UzDaily.com)
REGIONS: Tashkent
The gross regional product of Tashkent increased by 9% in 2014
Socio-economic development of the city of Tashkent in 2014 is marked by the formation of a stable positive trends and factors, in full accordance with the priorities set by the President at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan on January 17, 2014.
Tends sustained high growth of gross regional product of Tashkent, which has increased by the results of 2014 by 9 percent with a share of 14.7 percent of gross domestic product (compared to 14.5 percent in 2013). Per capita gross regional product grew by 8.3 percent compared with the previous year.
Thanks to the modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of industrial enterprises the share of industry in gross regional product for the period reached 21.8 percent, which is much higher than in 2013.
Small business and entrepreneurship plays a special role in the economy of the city of Tashkent. The progressive development of the business environment of the city, a comprehensive legal and practical support entrepreneurship will increase the share of small businesses in gross regional product from 54.6 percent in 2013 to 55.9 percent at the end of 2014.
The raising the level of the business environment of the city is testified by the fact that, in accordance with the results of the evaluation indicators of the business environment and the level of socio-economic development, the city of Tashkent in 2014 ranked 2nd among the regions of the country, gaining 3.07 points. At the same time, it should be noted that the index of the business environment in a survey of entrepreneurs is 41.1 points, which is the highest in the country.
Work on further diversification of the industry, the transition from resource-intensive to a new high-tech resource and energy-efficient production is being implemented consistently.
High industrial potential of the capital characterized by an increase in industrial production, which amounted to the rate achieved in 2013 to 115.8 percent, including regional industry 110.9 percent, production of consumer goods- 115.5 percent.
In other macroeconomic indicators, the positive picture is observed in investment (an increase of 108 percent compared to last year), contracting and construction work (109.2 percent), retail trade (113.6 percent), total services (114.8 percent), paid services to the population (109.3 per cent).
Overall, in 2014, investment in the industrial sector accounted for 24.5 percent of all capital investment, growth compared with the previous year made up 111.8 percent.
In the framework of socio-economic development of the city in 2013-2014, through using all sources of financing 3270 investment projects have been implemented, as a result, additionally created 25,437 workplaces (compared to the planned 24 242) in such important industries as chemical and petrochemical industry – 174 projects (1,513 workplaces), mechanical engineering – 44 (1,110 workplaces), electrical industry – 22 (526 workplaces), building materials industry – 196 (2403 workplaces), the food industry – 355 (2,235 workplaces), textile industry – 122 (2,210 workplaces), leather and footwear industry – 14 (231 workplaces), furniture and pulp and paper industry – 143 (742 workplaces), the pharmaceutical industry – 21 (697 workplaces).
2164 projects were implemented in the service sector with the creation of 13,617 new workplaces.
In order to provide consistent growth of economy, a number of measures to deepen the localization of production, industrial cooperation have been implemented.
In 2014, the city’s 58 regional companies have been involved in the localization program with 114 projects. During the reporting period, the urban regional enterprises executed the localization forecast on 101.5 percent with the additional creation of 346 new jobs.
Today the city has foreign economic relations with more than 180 countries worldwide.
(Source: «Business partner.uz» newspaper)
The Land of Mysteries and Discoveries
Karakalpakstan is rich in spectacular places that could draw interest of many. First of all, it is nature, six architectural and 18 archeological sites. Not all of them have yet become available for tourists, but the development of tourist infrastructure make them attractive for those, who love traveling. People living here are popular for their sincere hospitality, who carefully preserve unique traditions and customs. And among locals there are long-livers…
The Gates of Hospitality
Beruniy district of Karakalpakstan is completing the construction of the Center for the Study of Beruniy Heritage, and beautification of the adjacent park. The objects are to be a part of the tourist route, traveling along which it would be possible to familiarize with the culture of Uzbekistan.
Northwestern territories of Uzbekistan are becoming more attractive for visits of tourists. Last year, Urgench airport opened for flights from major cultural centers of Europe – Rome, Paris, and Milan. Usually, after visit of main landmarks in Khorezm, including Ichan Kala and a few more monuments, tourists went to Bukhara. Yet, in recent years another route has started gaining popularity. It is an excursion to archeological monuments and cultural heritage of Karakalpakstan.
Almost unexplored by foreign tourists, Karakalpakstan has a lot to offer. These include archeological and architectural monuments in Turtkul, Beruniy, Ellikkala, Amudaryo, Khojayli, Kungrod and Karauzyak districts, the Ustyurt Plateau, Aralkum got formed on the territory of retreating shores of the Aral Sea, the Savitsky Museum of Arts, and unique traditions and customs.
Currently, only two settlements are ready to receive tourists. The heart of hospitality becomes Ellikkala district, as it has six archeological monuments, along which yurt camps are set.
The district center has an open-air museum featuring models of all archeological monuments located in the territory of the district. All the riches of Karakalpak culture are represented in the capital of the region, Nukus, one of the major cultural centers in modern Uzbekistan, and infrastructure made it possible to host a large number of guests.
Quite promising is also Beruniy District, which could be named the gates of Karakalpakstan, if one enters the territory from Khorezm Region. Tourists do not stop in this unique and rich for exploration region for the present. It is because all those 25 possible tourist attractions are not yet ready to receive guests.
“Our district could also draw the interest of tourists, because it is the birth place of a world-famous Medieval scholar, Abu Rayhon Beruniy, whose scientific works are still in demand,” first deputy of head of the district administration, director of the ‘Descendants of Beruniy’ Fund, Hamid Bayjanov said. “Today, we implement large-scale work to join the list of major tourist centers.”
The first stop for tourists becomes a square, laid in 1997, but for various reasons left unfinished. It is located in the territory next to the remains of the wall of the ancient fortress Katkala. It has a memorial complex, the symbolic burial place of Beruniy. Hamid Bayjanov says that under the architectural construction there is a soil brought from Afghanistan, the burial place of the outstanding ancestor. Center for the Study of Beruniy Heritage, which under construction now, also neighbors the territory. It becomes a unique cultural object that will have premises for activities of scholars, show room with exhibits telling about life and activities of the great thinker, and hotel. People could escape burning sun under the shade of trees planted about 15 years ago.
Construction works in the complex are to be completed by 2016. Currently, the district implements beautification works in streets, roads and public facilities. New sports complex is scheduled for construction. Drinking water supply of the population will be improved as well, including gas and electric power. On the basis of the former sanatorium will be constructed a modern hotel with high services.
Simultaneously, projects on beautification of other places are working out and getting ready for implementation, including the monument of Abu Rayhon Beruniy, installed in the middle of 70s of the 20th century.
Very soon the beautification works start in the territory of the remains of the fortress Pilkala. The fortress Kuzykkala dating back to the 1st – 4th centuries is also to become an architectural object available for tourists. The territory of the fortress has tugay forests and natural water reservoirs. Yurt camps appear here soon, and active tourism offered.
Residents of Beruniy district intend to put on display a temple of the ancient settlement Kazakly-yatkan. The Internet is full of information on recent discoveries of archeologists made within several years. The wall painting was the first to discover, which depicts portraits of ancient Khorezmian rulers. Last year, inscriptions were found, deciphering of which, according to scholars, allows to determine what and who depicted on the wall paintings.
“We have experience in beautifying the places of cultural heritage. One of the first works was the complex of Sulton Yayis Baba Burial Vault, which is the stop for many passer-bys,” Hamid Bayjanov informs. “We intend beautify the whole of the territory, and carefully preserve all historical sites in the district.”
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
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