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November 27, 2015


uzbek_digestPOLItiCs. 2

President Karimov Attends Special Session of Namangan Region Council of People’s Deputies  2

economy.. 3

Uzbekistan to increase cement production to 7.9m tonnes in 2015. 3

Competent Approach. 3

senate of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan.. 4

Senators to Assemble for Plenary Session. 4

Musuems. 4

What Do Exhibits Talk About?. 4



President Karimov Attends Special Session of Namangan Region Council of People’s Deputies

Yesterday, November 26, the Namangan Region Council of People’s Deputies convened a special session, which was attended by the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov.

As elsewhere in Uzbekistan, major reforms are being implemented in Namangan Region. Cities and villages are being given a makeover while the quality of life for the population is improving, President Karimov said, speaking at the gathering.

In the first 9 months of the current year the gross regional product soared by 9%. Modern industrial facilities are being created while small business and private entrepreneurship are thriving.

Several modern apartment buildings, trading points and services have been created on Istiqlol Street and Bobur Street in Namangan. The Namangan International Airport and the Yashil farmers market have been overhauled. New roads and tree-lined alleys add to the looks of the region. The Angren-Pop electrified railroad, which carries a lot of importance for the socio-economic life of the region and the country as a whole, is being constructed at a dynamic pace.

President Karimov spoke at length about the 2016-2019 Program of Development of Namangan Region’s Industrial Potential.

The Program consists of five main directions. The first encapsulates 16 major investment projects aimed at creating new industrial facilities in Namagan Region. A case in point is a project on the construction of Turakurgan Thermal Power Station. In initial stages, in 2017, two modern steam gas turbines with a capacity of 450 megawatts each, currently under construction, are slated to be launched. Next, in 2020, another two such turbines are expected to enter into service.

Through large-scale projects of this kind we will have the opportunity to fully satisfy the electric energy needs of the economy and the population of not only Namangan Region, but also the Fergana Valley, and move on to set up new production capacities,” the President said.

The second direction of the Program includes 25 investment projects on the modernization and technological revamp of production facilities operating in the region. The most important of them is a project seeking to boost the production capacity of “Elektr qurilmalari” joint stock company in Namangan city, which would allow for production of metalware and low-voltage electric equipment.

The third direction, encompassing 177 projects, stems from the initiatives of local authorities and business entities for the development of industrial potential and creation of new jobs. The projects are aimed at creating a silk and knitted fabric enterprise in the Uychi District in partnership with foreign investors, setting up production of medications from locally-sourced medicinal herbs at Kamol-Medpharm company, and producing of yarn and ready-made knitted garments from cotton fiber at FT Textile Group in Namangan city.

Another important direction of the Program includes a series of projects on the construction of engineering communications and a production infrastructure, the President said. In particular, there are plans afoot to build structures that would supply the Angren-Pop railroad with electric power.

Another integral part of the document includes measures for phased implementation and development of geological prospecting work aimed at locating minerals in the region.

Apart from achievements secured by Namangan region, the President drew attention to certain shortcomings and existing problems.

Bahodir Yusupov has been relieved of his position as hokim (mayor) of Namangan Region to be replaced by Hayrullo Bozarov, who has served as hokim of Namangan Region’s Mingbuloq District.

The participants of the session noted that the President’s speech provided a profound all-round analysis of the priorities of Namangan Region’s socio-economic development and determined relevant tasks, and based on the critical remarks expressed the residents of the region would work toward consistent realization of the programs adopted with an eye to developing all spheres and sectors.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


Uzbekistan to increase cement production to 7.9m tonnes in 2015

Uzbekistan is planning to increase production of cement from 7.5 million tonnes in 2014 to 7.9 million tonnes in 2015. This was stated at the International Central Asian Conference “Cement industry and Market” in Tashkent.

According to information, share of cement in total production volume of construction materials makes up 76% despite growth of production of other construction materials in Uzbekistan.

It was noted that Uzbekistan increased production of cement from 3.7 million tonnes to 7.5 million tonnes in 2002-2014.

According to forecast, Uzbekistan will annually expand cement production by 3.5% in average and by 2019 will produce 8.9 million tonnes.

Within the programme of measures on ensuring structural reforms, modernization and diversification of production for 2015-2019, Uzbekistan plans to modernize its cement capacities.

In particular, Kyzylkumcement will direct US$30.7 million to re-equipment, while Bekabadcement – US$5.5 million to modernization of milling department.


Competent Approach

Today, Uzbekistan focuses on the intensive development of viticulture. 23,500 hectares of new vineyards have been laid, and 17.400 hectares have been reconstructed over the past three years throughout the country. An Uzbekistan Today reporter has found out about the plans and export prospects of the national wine industry in an interview with the Head of Agriculture Department of O’zvinosanoat Holding Company, Adiba Ahmadjanova.

“Uzbekistan has been permanently working on raising the yield of vineyards and improving quality of products through technical and technological upgrade of berry processing enterprises, thus contributing to the further increase of the export capacity of enterprises, and year-round provision of the internal market.

O’zvinosanoat Holding has been pursuing a system-based policy on the production of competitive products and increase of winemaking profitability. New industrial vineyards of valuable technical grades have been planted on 2,500 hectares in 2013-2015, with an increase of areas to 5.900 hectares. Trickle irrigation has been introduced on 375 hectares.

We have also been implementing a range of measures on technical upgrade and renovation of processing enterprises. In the last three years alone, we have carried out 18 projects totaling over $11 million.

We have been working on ensuring food security. Our enterprises have laid gardens on the area of 600 hectares, which annually produce 2-2.500 tons of fruits. We have been effectively using inter-row spaces. This year, we have harvested 9,900 tons of vegetables and other crops. 1,000 tons of vegetables and 60 tons of citrus fruits are grown in 6-hectare greenhouses. There are poultry, livestock and fish farming complexes.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)

senate of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan

Senators to Assemble for Plenary Session

The Council of the Upper Chamber of the national parliament has passed a resolution on the convocation of the Fourth Plenary session of the Senate of Oliy Majlis for December 3 in Tashkent.

It is planned to discuss the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the year 2016, as well as the Job creation Program and ensuring employment of the population during the next year, which envisage further raising the living standard of population and strengthening its social protection, promotion of high and sustainable rates of economic growth and the employment of population.

The agenda includes a number of laws directed toward consistent reforming and liberalization of all spheres of political and socio-economic life in the country and introduction of amendments to the Constitution. These include the laws “On Electronic Government”, “On the Approval of the Customs Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan” (new edition), “On Introduction of Amendments and Alterations, as well as Recognition of Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which lost their force in connection with the Adoption of the ‘Customs Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan’”, “On Veterinary” (new edition), “On Medicinal Remedies and Pharmaceutical Activity’ (new edition), “On Introduction of Amendments and Alterations into Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan” envisaging further deepening socio-economic reforms, consolidation of foundations of Government structures, improvement of investment climate and business environment, development of entrepreneurship, ensuring the protection of the life and health of the population and perfection of the judicial and legal spheres.

The senators will discuss the reports of the Procurator General of the Republic on the measures undertaken to consolidate the lawfulness, ensuring the protection of the rights and legal interests of the citizens and subjects of entrepreneurship. Other questions within the competence of the Upper Chamber of the parliament will also to be reviewed by senators.

A working group has been set up for the purpose of coordination of the Senate commissions and its administration on the preparation for and conducting the plenary session.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


What Do Exhibits Talk About?

The State Museum of Art of Uzbekistan has received more than 300 new artworks, including artifacts, over the past two years.

“The collection of the State Museum of Art of Uzbekistan numbers more than 70 thousand exhibits: works of fine art, graphics, and sculptures, decorative and applied art. Its exposition is represented by unique works by West European and Russian painters, the art of the countries of the foreign East, but its largest section is devoted to Uzbekistan. The collection is being continuously expanded; hence it’s no mere chance that the Museum’s reconstruction project envisaged the expansion of its depository. In the meantime its specialists are getting prepared to organize an exhibition of newly-received expositions early next year. Deputy Director on science Jakhongir Temirkhojayev told more in detail about them.

“The picture ‘Navruz. Girl-Friends’ painted by the People’s Painter of Uzbekistan, academician of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan Akmal Nur is one of the most significant purchases of the Museum. It is devoted to rejuvenation of an ancient tradition. D.Mamedova’s painting “Women of Surkhondaryo” and P.Khaitov’s graphic sheets also arouse considerable interest. We also procured a set of national furniture made by a prominent wood-carver Kh.Odilov. It has supplemented out collection of items made by modern masters of the Tashkent school of furniture-makers.

“New works come from different sources. We have managed to expand the circle of the Museum’s friends, who present it with valuable pieces art. For instance, early this year family members of the painter Madat Kagarov handed over to the Museum about 200 works of fine art and graphics noted for their deep philosophic content. They were created by the master during the last years of his life. Now the Museum has the painter’s works representing all major stages of his creative activity.

“An old friend of the Museum Kim Joon Che from the Republic of Korea has handed over to the Museum a collection of a traditional Korean costume made by the “Donkhwa” House of national clothes I Bok Sil. The gift made by the cultural community “Global Artist Movement” of Japan, which includes sets of Japanese male and female costumes, Japanese national toys and such other items of Japanese art will certainly be of interest for Museum visitors.

“The list of newly-received items also includes cultural values confiscated by law-enforcement agencies during the attempt to illegally take them out of Uzbekistan. The Museum is the happy owner of a 19th –century Chinese porcelain dish, 18th-century French goblin tapestry and a number of fine art works of the 19th and 20th centuries: among them are works by by G.Semiradsky, V.Orlovsky, I.Ikonnikov, U.Tansiqboyev, N.Karakhan, V.Ufintsev, R.Choriyev and others.

“The scientific personnel of the Museum are currently engaged in processing newly received items, their registration systematization. Some of the purchased items have already been included into the list of exposition on display,” concluded Jakhongir Temirkhojayev.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


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