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Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

December 12, 2016




Central Electoral Commission announces preliminary results of elections. 1

People’s trust is a high blessing. 2

POLItiCs. 3

On telephone conversation with President of Russia. 3

Genuine congratulations. 3

On telephone conversation with President of Tajikistan. 4

President of Kazakhstan congratulated Shavkat Mirziyoev with victory in presidential elections. 4

Cooperation issues discussed. 4

investments. 5

Uzbekistan intends to introduce ‘accurate’ agriculture powered by information technologies, in order to increase quality and volumes of agricultural production. 5


Proactive Urban Planning. 6











Central Electoral Commission announces preliminary results of elections

At a briefing held at the republican press centre for the coverage of Uzbekistan’s presidential elections, preliminary results of the elections have been announced.

The chairman of the Central Electoral Commission, M.Abdusalomov, has said that the 4 December 2016 elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan were held transparently on the basis of the national electoral law and internationally-recognized democratic principles.

“With a profound understanding of the historic and political significance of the presidential elections, the multi-ethnic Uzbek people again displayed their civic position and feeling of involvement in the Motherland’s destiny and participated in voting with high political activeness,” says the chairman of the Central Electoral Commission.

Of 20 million 461 thousand 805 voters on the electoral roll, 17 million 951 thousand 667 or 87.73 pre cent voted. This makes the elections valid, according to Article 35 of the law “On elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

As said previously, 5 international organizations, namely the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, the CIS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Association of World Election Bodies and the OIC, as well as nearly 600 observers from 46 states observed the elections.

More than 37 thousand representatives of the 4 political parties that took part in the elections also monitored the processes of voting and vote counting. The electoral commissions created all the necessary conditions for them to work.

More than 1 thousand 400 representatives of domestic and foreign media have given extensive coverage of the election campaign.

No violation of the electoral law in the processes of voting and vote counting has been reported by voters, political parties’ representatives, international or foreign observers to the Central Electoral Commission.

The chairman of the Central Electoral Commission said that after the voting concluded yesterday that is 4 December, work was started under the observation of observers from the 4 political parties, international observers and mass media representatives on counting votes cast for each of the candidates at the polling stations and that there was no break until this process was complete.

According to the preliminary results of the presidential elections, 421 thousand 55 voters or 2.35 per cent of those who took part in the voting voted for Sarvar Otamuratov; 15 million 906 thousand 724 citizens or 88.61 per cent of the voters who took part in the voting voted for Shavkat Mirziyoyev; 669 thousand 187 citizens or 3.73 per cent voted for Hatamjon Ketmonov; and 619 thousand 972 citizens or 3.46 per cent of those who took part in the voting voted for Narimon Umarov.

Thus, in the 4 December 2016 elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev won.

During the briefing, it was announced that the Central Electoral Commission was looking at documents submitted by the district electoral commissions. In accordance with the law “On elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, the Central Electoral Commission will again closely examine these and other documents from some precinct electoral commissions if necessary and then will adopt a decision on the elections’ results.

The Central Electoral Commission will get its announcement on the results of the presidential elections published on the press within 10 days of election day, that is before 14 December 2016.

(Source: UzA)

People’s trust is a high blessing

On 9 September 2016, in accordance with Articles 96 and 117 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Article 8 of the law “On elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan” and Articles 5 and 9 of the law “On the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, 4 December 2016 was set as presidential election day.

From that day, the election campaign began. Electoral districts were formed within the territories of the Republic of Qoraqalpoghiston, the regions and the city of Tashkent.

The Central Electoral Commission registered Sarvar Otamuratov from the Milliy Tiklanish Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev from the movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen – the Uzbekistan Liberal-Democratic Party (UzLiDeP), Hatamjon Ketmonov from the Uzbekistan People’s Democratic Party and Narimon Umarov from the Adolat Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan as candidates for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Equal conditions were created for all these candidates for the period of electoral campaigning. For the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan 9 thousand 383 polling stations, including 44 at Uzbekistan’s representative offices abroad, were formed. All the necessary conditions were created for this political event to be held transparently and fairly completely conforming to democratic principles enshrined in the electoral law.

A whole range of measures were carried out for voters with limited abilities also to take part in voting. There were wheelchair ramps at the entrances to the polling stations. Various booklets on elections, and for the first time ballot papers written in the Braille script were prepared for blind people.

As a result of these measures, the 4 December presidential elections were held at a high level conforming to international standards.

On 5 December, an event of the movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen – the Uzbekistan Liberal-Democratic Party (UzLiDeP) took place in the capital city on preliminary results of the presidential elections.

The event was attended by active members of UzLiDeP, entrepreneurs, businessmen, representatives of various spheres, figures of culture and art and members of the wider public.

They established online contact with the press service for the coverage of the presidential elections and followed the elections’ preliminary results.

According to the preliminary results of the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev won garnering 15 million 906 thousand 724 votes or 88.61 per cent of the votes cast in the elections.

This news was greeted with thunderous applause from those at the gathering.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev made a speech at the event and expressed gratitude to the entire Uzbek people for this great trust given to him.

It was said that in the past 25 years, incomparable changes had been carried out in all spheres of the country under First President Islam Karimov’s leadership, that firm foundations had been created for the national statehood, that a law-governed democratic state and a strong civil society had been formed and that market economy principles had been developed. The Motherland’s development and future and the people’s prosperity are the chief ideas of reforms being implemented in the country.

Genuine gratitude was expressed to 5 international organizations, namely the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, the CIS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Association of World Election Bodies and the OIC, as well as nearly 600 observers from 46 states which observed the processes of preparation and conduct of the elections.

In the elections, Uzbek people voted for the maintenance of peace and calm in the country, for further prosperity and the strengthening of the state’s prestige in the international arena. Most importantly, through these elections, the Uzbek nation successfully passed this very important test before the world community. This was recognized by observers who had come from various continents of the world and prestigious international organizations.

The event held in the form of video conference was attended by thousands of people from the Republic of Qoraqalpoghiston and regional centres. A labour veteran of the Republic of Qoraqalpoghiston, Q.Kamolov; an engineer-technician of the Bukhara oil processing plant in Bukhara Region, H.Latipov; the director of the Navoiy machine-building plant production association, N.Lakkay; the chairman of the “Khontepa” neighbourhood citizens’ gathering in the town of Karshi, R.Zohirov; the chief of the “Nurli obod” farm in Oltiariq District of Farghona Region, L.Murodova; a labour veteran from Tashkent Region, U.Mirzaqulov; a folksinger from Surkhondaryo Region, S.Shaydilov; and others cordially congratulated Shavkat Mirziyoyev on his election to the post of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and wished him success in his work in the interests of the Motherland and people.

During the event, songs were sung about the Motherland, independence, and happiness.

(Source: UzA)


On telephone conversation with President of Russia

On 5 December 2016 a telephone conversation of elected President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin took place at the initiative of a Russian side.

The President of the Russian Federation congratulated Shavkat Mirziyoev with a victory in the presidential elections.

The Heads of state noted with contentment the current high level of Uzbek-Russian multifaceted relations, as well as positively assessed the planned and systemic implementation of the agreements, reached during the meeting at the highest level in Samarkand.

The parties underlined that productive and intensive contacts between different ministries, agencies, companies and other organizations are yielding their concrete practical results.

The leaders of Uzbekistan and Russia confirmed their firm willingness to consistently continue and develop relations of strategic partnership and alliance, to deepen trusted, open and constructive inter-governmental dialogue on the whole spectre of bilateral agenda, topical regional and international issues.

The conversation was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere.

(Source: UzA)

Genuine congratulations

The following congratulatory message has come from President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, addressed to President-elect of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev:

To His Excellency

Mr Sh.M. Mirziyoyev,

President-elect of

of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Esteemed Shavkat Miromonovich,

Please accept genuine congratulations on your election to the post of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The convincing victory in the elections indicates your high authority among your compatriots and the wide recognition of your services in resolving important tasks of the country’s socio-economic development.

In Russia you are regarded as a principled supporter of the development of friendly Russian-Uzbek relations. I am sure that with joint efforts we can further strengthen the strategic partnership and allied relations and expand constructive cooperation in regional and international affairs. This meets the core interests of the fraternal peoples of our countries and is conducive to ensuring stability and security in Central Asia and the rest of the vast expanse of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

I cordially wish you, Esteemed Shavkat Miromonovich, good health, wellbeing and success in this highly responsible work at the helm of the state.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to invite you to visit Russia at your convenience.

With respect,

Vladimir Putin

President of the Russian Federation

(Source: UzA)

On telephone conversation with President of Tajikistan

President-elect of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev had a telephone conversation with President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon on 5 December 2016.

The President of Tajikistan expressed sincere congratulations Shavkat Mirziyoev with his confident victory in the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Heads of state exchanged views on the issues of strengthening Uzbek-Tajik relations, underlining the mutual interest in practical implementation of urgent issues in political, trade-economic, transport-communications, cultural-humanitarian and other spheres.

The leaders of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan agreed to support bilateral contacts of state and public organizations, companies with an aim to reach concrete decisions in implementing mutually beneficial projects.

The conversation was held in a constructive and friendly manner.

(Source: UzA)

President of Kazakhstan congratulated Shavkat Mirziyoev with victory in presidential elections

On 5 December 2016 a telephone conversation of President-elect of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev with President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev was held on the initiative of the Kazak side.

The leader of Kazakhstan cordially congratulated Shavkat Mirziyoev with his election to the post of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and wished him big successes in this responsible public office.

During the conversation, the parties exchanged opinions on the current state and prospects of Uzbek-Kazakh relations. A particular attention was paid to recent contacts between different ministries and agencies of the two countries, fruitful cooperation between companies, as well as intensively developing inter-regional ties.

The Heads of state agreed to continue close cooperation on all aspects of wide bilateral agenda and topical issues of regional and international nature.

The conversation was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere, characteristic of a dialogue of the leaders of our countries.

(Source: UzA)

Cooperation issues discussed

A meeting of President-elect of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev with the chairman of the Executive Committee – Executive Secretary of the CIS, Sergey Lebedev, took place on 5 December 2016.

During the conversation, the head of Uzbekistan expressed genuine gratitude for the substantial work carried out by the observer mission of the CIS and its high evaluation of the electoral process and results of the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Sergey Lebedev expressed his big gratitude to Uzbekistan for the invitation to take part in monitoring the presidential elections and the creation of all favourable conditions for the members of the observer mission of the CIS.

An interesting and detailed exchange of views took place on issues of the further development and strengthening of cooperation within the CIS.

* * *

On the same day, President-elect of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received the head of the observer mission from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Secretary General of the SCO Rashid Alimov.

They exchanged views in a detailed manner on the results of work of SCO representatives on the observation of the preparation and conduct of the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Rashid Alimov said that the presidential elections were an important step towards the further development of democratic processes in the country.

The head of Uzbekistan expressed genuine gratitude to all the observers from the SCO for their great work and evaluation of the election campaign held transparently, freely and democratically.

The sides agreed to continue the close cooperation on all issues relating to the SCO’s agenda.

(Source: UzA)


Uzbekistan intends to introduce ‘accurate’ agriculture powered by information technologies, in order to increase quality and volumes of agricultural production

As part of this initiative, it is planned to install four weather stations in the Tashkent region, which will cover an area of 600 hectares and an average of more than 60 horticultural and private households.

The weather stations and specialized meters will monitor weather conditions. The results will allow making adjustments in planning agricultural measures, including rapid response to adverse weather conditions, early planting, and disease prevention.

With the assistance of a partner organization, which provides consulting services in horticulture, farmers will receive text messages to their mobile phones with meteorological data and advice on agricultural measures to be taken with regard to apples, peaches, cherries and grapes. It is also planned to organize training workshops for large farms on the use of weather stations on the territory of their own gardens.

As noted by project experts, the competent use of weather stations would significantly reduce the costs associated with plant protection and wages. The collection and monitoring of meteorological data will help to determine the micro-climatic conditions for specific areas, and choose proper and effective agricultural technologies.

Installation of weather stations is the first step towards the implementation of a smart farm concept, which assumes a fully automated process of farming, including livestock. It is expected that the initiative will pave the way for the development of ‘accurate’ agriculture with the use of information technologies, in order to raise the volume and quality of agricultural products in Uzbekistan.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


Proactive Urban Planning

Two large-scale projects have been scheduled for the Sergely district of Tashkent in the coming years. It is projected to construct a terrestrial subway and modern high-rise apartment buildings.

In 2017-2022, the authorities intend to erect 500 apartment buildings in the district. The implementation of the large-scale project would meet the needs for new housing of nearly 30,000 families. Experts of relevant ministries and organizations are currently working on designing and construction of transport and communication networks, cultural and household facilities.

The new terrestrial line, the construction of which is scheduled for the end of the current year, will stretch to more than 8 kilometers and include six stations. Judging by the sketches, it promises to be an interesting and futuristic design in hi-tech style with the use of iron, glass and plastic. For passenger and pedestrian safety, the rail will be laid about six meters above earth. According to preliminary calculations, the project will take approximately four years.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)




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