December11, 2014
Sharing Experience to Tackle Earthquakes. 2
President signs law “On investment activities” in new edition. 2
December 10 – the Day of adoption of the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan 3
National anthem – 22 years old. 3
Sharing Experience to Tackle Earthquakes
Uzbekistan is one of the region’s leaders in production development and use of innovative materials in construction. The policy is fairly justified. Given that the country is located in a quake-prone area and considering the effects of increasingly frequent natural disasters worldwide, there is a need to guarantee the best protection possible. Domestic manufacturers and research institutions are working closely to create new technologies and construction materials.
Our country has already suffered a disaster in 1966, when the earthquake flattened most of the buildings in Tashkent. In the years of independence, Uzbekistan has done much to assess the seismic resistance of educational, medical and other institutions. Based on the assessment, a range of measures have been implemented to enhance their seismic capacity. Besides, when designing and building new facilities, engineers use domestic and international experience in the application of special technologies and materials for earthquake engineering.
International studies show that 55-70 percent of all collapses in earthquakes were caused by low-quality materials and construction staff used in building and installation works, as well as the construction of buildings using unproven technologies. Therefore, Uzbekistan has made a clear legal framework the cornerstone that would regulate the procedure of construction of any facilities, as well as quality control of construction materials used in the construction of public buildings.
Today, the country is actively applying international experience, and shares its own practices with the world. So it is quite natural for Tashkent to host an international symposium on earthquake engineering this year. It brought together researchers, businessmen and builders from over two dozen countries to discuss the collaboration in this area, to study progresses and technological solutions on construction of earthquake-resistant buildings using up-to-date building materials.
“Uzbekistan has been demonstrating a successful policy on the use of the cutting-edge design solutions and materials in construction,” Rafael Landolfo, Doctor of Technical Sciences of the University of Naples, commented to Uzbekistan Today. “This is highly relevant because the country is located in a seismically active zone. I would like to mention another fact – the government regards people’s security as of paramount importance. That is why the budget allocates significant funds for scientific research and industrial development in this direction, as well as for large-scale assessment of seismic resistance of buildings. Besides, it is highly commendable that your authorities prioritize training highly qualified specialists, who are able to work with cutting-edge materials and find optimal solutions for buildings.”
(Source: “Uzbekistan Today” newspaper)
President signs law “On investment activities” in new edition
President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a law “On investment activities” in new edition on 9 December 2014.
Legislative chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan passed the law on 29 October and Senate approved it on 13 November 2014.
The law was developed within implementation of tasks, determined in Concept on further deepening democratic reforms and forming civil society in Uzbekistan, adopted by both chambers of Oliy Majlis in November 2010.
Main regulations of the law are directed at further expanding participation of legal entities and population in investment processes, creating additional stimulus and conditions to investments and modernization, technical and technological re-equipment.
The law will help to further improving investment climate in the country, protection of rights and interests of investors, realizing state policy in investment activities, as well as stimulating private investments.
December 10 – the Day of adoption of the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan
National anthem – 22 years old
A state symbols represents the history and future of the country, its traditions, values, power and potential. One of these symbols of our country is the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan, glorifying freedom and power of the homeland, prosperous life, dreams and aspirations of the people. Date of adoption of the National Anthem of Uzbekistan is celebrated annually on December 10.
On this day in 1992, the President signed the Law “On the State Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, according to which the text and the music were approved.
The music, created by the famous composer Mutal Burhanov, and the text verse prepared by the Hero of Uzbekistan, national poet Abdulla Aripov sounds around the world as the voice of independent Uzbekistan.
In accordance with the law, the State anthem is a symbol of state sovereignty of the Republic of Uzbekistan. A deep respect for the national anthem is a patriotic duty of every citizen of the country.
Note that the state television and radio companies perform the anthem every day – before and after the broadcast, while round the clock broadcasting – at 6 hours and 24 hours, New Year’s Eve – at 24 hours.
In general secondary educational institutions, specialized secondary, vocational and higher education the anthem is sounded at the opening ceremonies of the new school year and the end of the school year.
Our anthem, which expresses the feelings of patriotism, has a special place in society in the approval of high spiritual beginning, educating the younger generation in the spirit of respect for national traditions, human values, love and devotion to their homeland.
Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as other persons in Uzbekistan are obliged to honor the National Anthem of the country, which is emphasized in the law.
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