Prospects of Domestic Chemistry. 2
“NAVOI” free industrial economic zone.. 2
Indian company to produce a medicines. 2
The Success of Boxers of Uzbekistan. 3
Prospects of Domestic Chemistry
Uzbekistan has gotten a major chemical industry project off the ground. In 2018, the plans are to launch modern production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and ramp up production of caustic soda and methanol at Navoiazot plant.
In November 2015, the President of Uzbekistan approved the feasibility study of the project to make it a starting point for the establishment of a new complex.
O‘zkimyosanoat signed a contract for its construction with China CAMC Engineering Co, which has already started development of the basic design. The total value of the turnkey contract amounted to $439.8 million. The new industrial facility is estimated to annually produce 100,000 tons of PVC, 75,000 tons of caustic soda and 300,000 tons of methanol.
It is noteworthy that O‘zkimyosanoat experts have been concurrently working on effective ways of recycling methanol into other useful products to be produced at the new complex. The technology of its processing into gasoline ranks among the most promising ones.
In this regard, the company signed a memorandum with a consortium of Japanese companies led by Mitsubishi, and with the Danish HaldorTopsoe. The parties are currently exploring the feasibility of a joint project on the basis of Navoiazot. Its total cost is estimated at $100 million, $50 million of which will be invested by foreign investors. The commissioning of the facility is scheduled for 2019.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
“NAVOI” free industrial economic zone
Indian company to produce a medicines
Foreign company “Bravo Pharmaceuticals Private Limited” (India) created foreign enterprise «Bravo Pharmaceutical» LLC at “Navoi” Free Industrial-Economic Zone.
Accordingly, the Indian company “Bravo Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.” has created a foreign enterprise in FIEZ “Navoi” to implement investment project of “Production of medicines.” The total amount of investment project is $2.6 million USD.
As part of the project, it provides the localization of production, with a gradual increase in its share in the development of production, and created new jobs.
(Source: Press service of FIEZ “Navoi”)
Earthquakes on the Map
Since the beginning of the year, seven earthquakes have been felt in Tashkent and several regions. Scientists at the Institute of Seismology said that this is normal since we live in a seismically active zone. The answer to the question as to when to expect the next is that we must always be ready for it. Precautions are quite affordable: to build facilities considering the possible destructive force of earthquakes. Seismologists are developing special maps, which display all the information about the seismic activity in the region.
“It is known that increasing the earthquake resistance of an object by one point increases construction costs by 10-15%, but the neglect of these data may lead to irreparable consequences,” says head of the laboratory at the Institute of Seismology Turdali Artikov. “However, there are simple ways to significantly reduce costs. The first is the choice of construction site with regard to the safety and cost-effectiveness – in this our maps are helpful. Second, when complying with the rules of construction, taking into account the seismic activity, the modern technology allows to erect buildings that can withstand almost any earthquake.”
In recent years, seismologists of Uzbekistan created a new map of the general seismic zoning of the territory of the country. It takes into account the newly discovered regularities of seismic process, the response of the geological environment in the seismic tremors and modern information technology. As a result, it more than adequately reflects the seismicity of the country and in line with international requirements.
For convenience, scientists create maps for specific regions. The first was designed for the Tashkent region. It was tested and approved by the Scientific and Technical Council of the State Committee for Architecture and Construction, and the Design Institute UzLITI. Maps were in demand for housing and industrial facilities, large hydro and other man-made structures.
“Our latest innovation in this direction was the development of technology for multi-scale seismic zoning,” said Turdali Artikov. “It envisages engineering-geological conditions of a particular area of research, for construction of a specific facility from the point of view of engineering and seismic indicators as ground acceleration, attenuation of seismic waves, and the spectrum of the response to the seismic action. The technology has been praised in the international seismological forums.”
But the most important thing is that it is already applied in practice. With its help, designed and built the fourth gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to China, passing through the territory of Uzbekistan, railway line Angren-Pap, and others.
However, the earthquakes in recent years in a number of countries have shown need for improved risk assessment and seismic protection. This marked the beginning of the creation of new maps which display the evaluation of seismic risks, that is, the possible consequences of earthquakes.
“Scientists of the Institute of Seismology have worked out scientific bases and methodological approaches to zoning seismic risks, developed the scale gradations of risk, and together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Uzbekistan they create a database of settlements and software zoning seismic risk,” Artikov pointed out. “In drawing up these maps it will be the first time when we forecast the degree of destruction of buildings and structures, as well as the possible humanitarian, economic and environmental impacts.”
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
The Success of Boxers of Uzbekistan
Our boxers won two gold and one bronze medals at the World Boxing Cup with participation of over 120 boxers from 20 countries held in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia.
In the weight category up to 49 kg, the best was Mironshoh Ibrohimov. He won Edmond Hudoyan and Valentin Chebochakov from Russia, Daniel Platonov from Moldavia.
In the weight category up to 91 kg, Sardor Begaliev defeated Roman Fress from Germany, Paul Omba Biongolo from France, Tadas Tamasauskasa from Lithuania and Sergey Korneev from Belarus in the final and won the gold medal.
Mirazizbek Mirzahalilov took the third place in the weight category up to 56 kg.
(Source: UzA)
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