Uzbekneftegaz announces tender for modernization of Mubarek Gas Processing Plant 2
Uzbekistan completes work on construction of Angren-Pap railway. 3
Number of domains in UZ zone exceeds 26,000. 3
Family is a national value in Uzbekistan. 3
Asian Futsal Championship – 2016. 6
Uzbekistan futsal team will play versus Iraq in the quarter final of Asian Championship. 6
Cultivation of fruit-trees and vegetables as a way to increase profitability of investment projects
Over the years of independence, an auspicious investment climate has been created in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In addition to political and economic stability, it is characterized by a broad system of legal guarantees and privileges granted to foreign investors doing business in the country. At the present time, lots of investment projects are being implemented in different industries of the national economy. Designed to speed up the development of the Uzbek economy, some of them are realized in compliance with the following documents: Protocol of the November 24, 2014 Cabinet of Ministers meeting, “On measures to expand the production of foodstuffs, their processing and exportation in regions specializing in the cultivation of fruit and vegetables in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2015”, and Protocol of the January 6, 2015 Cabinet of Ministers meeting, “On organization of projects in the food industry and increase in the production of fruit and vegetables, melons and gourds, potatoes and viticulture output in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2015”.
Decidedly, factors such as the shortage of arable land and water resources and the unstoppable population growth make it hard to apply conventional agricultural methods. However profitable they may be elsewhere, they cannot meet an ever growing demand for foodstuffs in Uzbekistan’s environment. Modern approaches and mechanisms are required to speed up the development of gardening, fruit and vegetable-growing and viticulture. Moreover, it is necessary to change the very structure of agrarian production as a whole, as well as to inculcate innovative and resource-efficient technologies in agriculture.
Measures are also taken on a step-by-step basis to optimize the structure of areas under crops in favour of food crops.
Amenably to the Presidential Decree, “On measures to optimize the sown areas and to increase production volumes of food crops” dated 20th October 2008, the areas under cotton are reduced, making it possible to expand the areas under cereals by 50,000 hectares. The areas under vegetables, oil-yielding crops and other food crops have been significantly expanded, too. Such a transformation of the most valuable arable lands have allowed domestic peasants to augment production volumes of potatoes, vegetables, cereal crops, bean cultures, fruit and berries, grapes etc.
As the Uzbek leader accentuated in his report made at the Cabinet of Ministers meeting dedicated to the results of the country’s socio-economic development in 2014 and development priorities of the 2015 State Economic Program, in the period 2010-2014 new gardens were planted on 50,000 hectares, including more than 14,000 hectares occupied by intensive gardens and 23,000 hectares – by vineyards. Over 6 million saplings of selected varieties were delivered from Poland, Serbia and other countries to create intensive gardens in Uzbekistan.
The intensive gardening method plus the dense planting of saplings widely used in the national agricultural sector make it possible to reduce the amount of long-term investments, because such projects can pay for themselves in 3 years already and reach the projected crop capacity of gardens.
To make additional profit in the first three years, prior to the start of an orchard’s full fruiting, as well as to defray the expenses associated with the repayment of credits, payment of wages and services rendered by various organizations, implementation of agricultural works, payment of taxes etc., the cultivation of vegetables and other crops in the space between rows proves to be economically expedient.
In the first 6-8 years, a young orchard doesn’t use the entire space of root nutrition. In this period, vegetables and potatoes can be grown in the space between rows. One should remember, however, that when fruit trees and vegetables are cultivated together, they constantly compete for water and nutritive substances, which may result in a 3-4-year delay of the beginning of fruiting in fruit trees.
To minimize the oppressing influence on fruit trees of crops grown in the space between rows, it is recommended not to sow other crops in the circles around the tree trunk; to cultivate such crops with high quantities of organic fertilizers; to provide the crops cultivated in the space between rows with all nutritive substances they require.
The varieties of vegetables grown in the space between rows depend on an orchard’s age. Judging by their age, orchards can be divided into several growth periods.
The 1st period covers the first 5-6 years after the planting of an orchard, when it doesn’t come into fruition yet. The conditions for growing vegetables are the most favourable in this period. Headed cabbage and cauliflower, onion, tomatoes, root-crops, greens, garden radish, rhubarb, vegetable marrow, pumpkin, dock, potatoes and other vegetables can be cultivated in the space between rows in the 1st period.
The 2nd period covers 6-9 years, after an orchard starts bearing fruit. The conditions for cultivating vegetables in the space between rows are satisfactory. Peasants can grow root-crops, tomatoes, early headed cabbage and cauliflower, onion, lettuce, common dill, early potatoes, dock, rhubarb etc.
The 3rd period coincides with an orchard’s full fruiting, with its yielding capacity increasing year in, year out, though the crown of fruit trees doesn’t yet reach its peak (9-15 years). The conditions are hardly suitable for the cultivation of vegetables in this period. The only vegetables, whole growing is allowed, include red beet, turnip, cauliflower, onion, lettuce, common dill, dock and rhubarb.
In the 4th period, an orchard reaches the stage of complete fruiting (18-20 years). A very limited selection of vegetables can be grown in the space between rows in this period: red beet, leaf onion, lettuce, dock and rhubarb.
Dense plantations of fruit trees worsen the conditions for vegetable growing.
When cultivating vegetables in orchards, it is necessary to maintain field management at a higher level than when growing vegetables in truck farms. All vegetables should get the sufficient quantity of water, nutritive substances and sunlight. The soil also needs care, including such operations as the succession cropping, tilling, application of fertilizers and others.
(Source: «Business» newspaper)
Uzbekneftegaz announces tender for modernization of Mubarek Gas Processing Plant
National holding company Uzbekneftegaz announced a tender for modernization of Mubarek Gas Processing Plant.
The starting cost is US$151 million. The tender was announced on two lots.
The first lot was announced for purchase of equipment on “turnkey” baes on project of compensation of retired capacities of the facilities on production of sulfur at the Mubarek Gas Processing Plant. The capacity of the equipment should be 455,500 tonnes of acid gas per year. The project implementation period is 17 months. The starting price of the lot is US$141.98 million.
Within the second lot, the enterprise will purchase for organization on the base of the plant of the capacities of granulated sulfur with the capacity of 80,000 tonnes a year. The project will be implemented by the end of 2016. The starting cost of the lot is US$9.2 million.
The bids will be accepted until 12 March 2016 and the results of the tenders will be summed in the first half of 2016.
Mubarek Gas Processing Plant was put into operation in 1971. Currently, the plant capacity is about 30 billion cubic meters of natural gas, over 570,000 tonnes of gas condensate and 417,000 tonnes of sulfur a year.
Uzbekistan completes work on construction of Angren-Pap railway
Uzbekistan Temir Yollari is completing work on construction of electrified railway Angren-Pap.
President of Uzbekistan signed a resolution “On measures on organization of construction of electrified railway Angren-Pap” on 18 June 2013.
The project envisages construction of 123.1 km of railroads with 19.1 km tunnel, which will link eastern regions of Uzbekistan with other parts of the country.
In August 2015, the construction of railroads up to tunnel from both sides and trains started to run in working regime.
Within the project, some 2,100 meters of bridges were constructed. Three bridges with the length of 151 meters were reconstructed. Some 285 water and 6 viaduct structures, as well as four railway stations, 4 siding stations and two stations were constructed.
Number of domains in UZ zone exceeds 26,000
Number of registered domains in zone UZ exceeded 26,000 on 11 February 2016, which rose by 130% year-on-year.
It is worth to mention that number of domain in zone UZ exceeded 25,000 on 4 December 2015.
Arsenal-D (11,180), BILLUR COM (4,630) and Tomas (3,990) registered the largest number of domains. At the same time, legal entities registered 55% of domains and individuals – 45%.
The domain zone was registered on 29 April 1995.
Family is a national value in Uzbekistan
Healthy family means healthy society and prospering Homeland. The phrase has been enriched with specific and noticeable content as of late. It certainly implies not just physical health, but contains spiritual and even a bigger concept of happiness within it.
A family is a national value in Uzbekistan. The institution of the family and its wellbeing has been comprehensively supported from the early years of independence.
It is the family that builds lofty human values such as respect for elderly people and love for the youngest, and reverence for national customs and traditions. It is a reliable bulwark for the development of spiritual foundations in our lives and establishment of high morals in the society. It is just priceless in terms of upbringing a comprehensively advanced generation ready for life’s challenges.
That is why the society has been attaching great importance to family problems. It has been in the focus of government programs, public organizations, and particularly of a unique institution of local communities, which have been working on bringing a culture of family relations to a higher level.
The Image of a Contemporary Family
What is the image of a contemporary Uzbek family? What are its outlooks and beliefs, moral principles? What traditional values has it preserved? What present-day facets has it acquired?
Sociological studies show that there are normally two or three children. Urban families are more inclined to two children, and rural – to three children. When planning a family parents are driven by the desire of putting their offspring ‘on their feet’, providing them with optimal conditions for development, thus ensuring them with a worthy place in the society in the future.
A contemporary Uzbek family prioritizes the traditional values such as respect for elders, estimable behavior in the society, modesty and diligence, care of the younger people as well as desire for knowledge and education, which parents strive to instill in their children. The value of higher education has increased considerably in recent years.
It is appropriate to note the increasing role of the older generation in upbringing children, as the elderly possess valuable experience which is relevant and popular today.
Grandparents do not just share their experience, but also act as a source of traditions. Passing customs and traditions on to their children and grandchildren, the elders reproduce them in the young, thereby stably preserving the spiritual and moral achievements in the life of the posterity.
Most Uzbeks believe that morally healthy and patriotic children can grow solely in a hard-working, honest and amicable family, which is reigned by understanding, consensus, and immutable authority of the older generation. It is a very remarkable accent in the value system of a modern Uzbek family. Therefore, parents instill strong moral values and principles in their children, ensuring the success of education by their own example.
There is another great feature of modern families: moral values are very important for most of them. Their priority over material values is a distinctive feature of social consciousness of Uzbek citizens. In conversations, they sincerely believe that financial difficulties are temporary, while spiritual values are eternal. They see moral wealth as more valuable than financial.
…This is an image of a modern Uzbek family. It can be met in every town or village, in every community.
Weighty word of a veteran
83-year-old Aijan Musayev, a resident of the Mirzo-Ulugbek district of the capital, sincerely believes that he has a friendly and happy family. He lost his parents at an early age, grew up as an orphan and lived in dormitories. The foundation of his robust matrimony and his happy life was laid in 1963 when he met Saidakhon, his future devoted companion.
“It was a tough time from the financial point of view,” says Aidjan Musayev. “We had no our own apartment, I was working as a junior researcher at a research institute, with a small salary. The first-born came soon; then he was followed by the second son, making it even tougher. My wife supported me in everything, never complained, and never required anything. She created a warm welcoming atmosphere in the place we lived in, always greeted me with a smile and in a good mood, she believed in well-being to come.”
A few years later the young researcher defended his thesis, and the family soon moved to four-room apartment. One of the sons followed his father and became a geologist, the other son works as a mathematician, the third son is a physicist, and a daughter teaches English in one of Tashkent universities. All children have a higher education, some of them even have two degrees.
Today, the older couple of Musayevs have 13 grandchildren. Motivated by the positive example of the parents, their children see the family as the key value of life, which requires a reverent attitude. Aidjan and Saidakhon have carried this principle through the whole life, and now it is followed by their children. If there are ‘clouds’ on the family horizon of any of them, parents are always there to help with a wise worldly advice.
Despite his age, the veteran lives an active life. He has retired just three years ago, but still keeps working on scientific problems, publishes stuff in journals, meets with students.
“I believe that the Year of Attention and Care for the Senior Generation has clearly demonstrated to all veterans that the country and the society needs them, people, especially young people, need to learn their life and work experience,” said Aidjan Musayev. “We are still capable of saying our worthy word in public, let’s say, in the activities of local communities, in upbringing of the younger generation.”
Communities get together for help
Public structures and government organizations have been making a considerable contribution to strengthening families and supporting them in addressing various problems.
In early 1998, the Republican Research and Practical Center Oila was established under the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan. No CIS country has similar structures dealing with the whole range of family problems, supported by the state.
The Oyla Center cooperates with all governmental and nongovernmental organizations that are engaged in family issues. The center’s research data, recommendations and guidelines are applied by many ministries, including health, labor and social protection, public education, higher and secondary specialized education, and others. The Oila Center conducts many joint activities in cooperation with the Women’s Committee, Soghlom Avlod Uchun, Mahalla, Kamolot foundations.
The Oyla Center carries out regular public polls on various issues of family relationships. The results are analyzed and used as tools to specify the direction of scientific and practical activities.
The institution of local communities has been playing an important role in the formation of a healthy and strong family. For instance, a social structure of ‘Parent University’, which operates under self-government bodies, organized more than 115,000 interesting events last year to enhance the legal, spiritual, medical knowledge and skills of the population. The projects on prevention of early marriages, divorces, and full coverage of newly married couples with medical examination have involved several million young men and women across the country.
Consultants of citizens’ assemblies on religious, spiritual and moral education have studied the social and spiritual state of nearly 7 million families, providing them with respective recommendations and advice on their strengthening. Dozens thousands of families received financial aid, including funds for weddings and other festivities. The Fund has enabled many needy families to purchase cattle and poultry, investing more than 1 billion soums for these purposes. (currency rates of CB RU from 16.02.2016, 1$= 2846.63 soums)
Much has been done in the framework of cooperation chain ‘Family – Mahalla – Educational Institution’. Parent Universities under local communities have been significantly contributing to the enhancement of legal, moral, spiritual and medical knowledge of parents in the process of upbringing their children.
Activists of citizens’ assemblies have been actively addressing problems of youth, preventing family conflicts, and comprehensively supporting and ensuring stability in families. Conciliatory commissions under all local communities have been making a considerable contribution in this process.
“There are the cases when some parents want to marry their daughters, who have not yet found their place in life and are not ready for marriage from psychological and physical point of view, which may lead to negative consequences,” says the Chairman of Qumqishloq mahalla in Tashlak district of Ferghana region Mukhammadjon Rustamov. “We have been practicing outreach meetings to prevent such situations. We talk with the parents and the young, convince them in the need for young people to get education, learn a profession, as well as inform about negative consequences of early and consanguineous marriages.”
The commissions on female, adolescent youth and sports issues under local communities have been also enhancing the effectiveness of abovementioned activities.
Apartments for the young and talented
Young families have been attached great attention and care in Uzbekistan. The housing issue has been a core issue in this context.
In accordance with the resolution of the head of state, multi-storey apartment houses Kamolot have been built for young families in all regions of the country through concessional loans, without initial fee payments. As part of improvement of housing and living conditions of young families, 111 Kamolot houses were built last year. They received the keys to 2,072 apartments. Besides, they obtained 229 billion soums of mortgage loans. It’s hard to find words and express the elation of the young people who have purchased an apartment with all amenities in one of the abovmentioned houses.
Maftuna and Jasurbek Yusupovs of Gallaorol district of Jizzakh region experienced this very feeling when they had moved into a new apartment. An Uzbekistan Taekwondo Champion Maftuna has been promoting physical culture, sports, and healthy lifestyles among young people.
“We are very grateful for the attention and care for young people,” says Maftuna Yusupova. “We now have all the conditions we need to grow our children comprehensively advanced personalities. I am glad that designers and builders did not forget about a playground in the yard.”
The large-scale work on the overall support of young families and stimulation of talented young people has been underway. Kamolot Houses are being built in all regions, so the keys to new apartments will soon be handed over to their owners.
When the World is beautiful
The turth that if a woman’s life is wonderful, the world is wonderful too, and if a woman is happy then her family and hence the entire society is happy has been getting rooted on this land, and even turning into the life philosophy.
In Uzbekistan, women have always been the most reliable pillar for the preservation of the atmosphere of peace, harmony and mutual respect in families, and across the country. Today, their unique features fill the life of their families with light, kindness and love.
Solely a healthy mother can bear a healthy child. Solely a spiritually rich, educated and intellectual woman can grow harmoniously developed children.
Therefore, Uzbekistan has been consistently implementing long-term national programs on strengthening women’s health, protection of families, motherhood and childhood, shaping a physically healthy and spiritually mature young generation. The strategy has been producing great outcomes nowadays.
The fact of the scaling up level of political and legal culture and social activity of women is obvious in all areas and sectors of our society. They make laws and run farms, make scientific discoveries and perform complicated operations in medicine, promoting the country’s image in the international sports and artistic grounds, and upbringing the comprehensively advanced generation.
Meanwhile, they have been maintaining another important and responsible function of keeping the family hearth. Women strengthen the atmosphere of peace, harmony and kindness in each family, each mahalla, throughout our society.
Highly intellectual and healthy Uzbek women confidently realize their potential at all sorts of jobs, coping well with family responsibilities and upbringing of their children.
…Creation of a healthy spiritual environment in families, the atmosphere of mutual respect, kindness and love between spouses, parents and children, is seen as an important condition for the further strengthening of peace, stability and prosperity in our country.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Asian Futsal Championship – 2016
Uzbekistan futsal team will play versus Iraq in the quarter final of Asian Championship
Uzbekistan futsal team defeated Lebanon with a score of 2: 0 in the last match of the group stage of the Asian Championship.
The two goals were scored by Javlon Anor and Farhod Abdumavlonov. Now the team will play in the quarter-final versus the national team of Iraq, which is ranked second in the «B» group after loosing to Iran – 2:13.
Kyrgyzstan managed to beat Saudi Arabia and received a second ticket to the play-off stage, where the team will play against a tenfold champion of Asia – the national team of Iran.
“Today we played for the fans, not for Kyrgyzstan and Saudi Arabia. The result of this match was not important for us from the tournament point of view. But we had to win for our fans. In the second half, Lebanon looked better, but Rustam Umarov nullified all efforts of the attackers. In my opinion, he is one of the best goalkeepers in Asia,” said the head coach of Uzbek team, Jose Maria Mendez at the postgame press conference.
“In the quarter final, we are aiming for victory. Iraq lost to Iran with a big score, but that does not mean anything. Iraq is a strong team, we are waiting for a difficult match and we will prepare for the upcoming match on the basis of the previous two games,” he said.
The head coach of the Lebanese Futsal team, Francisco Araujo also spoke to reporters after losing the match.
“The game was equal. Unfortunately, we made a couple of mistakes in the defense, which became fatal. We tried to score, but luck was not on our side. Uzbek goalkeeper played just fine,“ Araujo said. “Of course, before the start of the tournament we set ourselves the task of entering the World Cup. It is a pity that we could not achieve that goal.”
The other teams of quarterfinal are Japan, Australia, Thailand and Vietnam futsal teams.
(Source: IA «Uzbekistan Today»)
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