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February 17, 2015


February17, 2015

economy.. 2

The total volume of transactions at UZEX in 2014 amounted to 8.9 trillion soums. 2

elections OF THE PRESIDENT of the republic of uzbekistan.. 3

On the campaigning of candidates for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan during the election campaign for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 3

International cooperation.. 4

Uzbekistan – Spain: A New Phase of Cooperation. 4






The total volume of transactions at UZEX in 2014 amounted to 8.9 trillion soums

On January 31, 2015, an enlarged session of the Board of JSC “Uzbek Republican commodity exchange” (UZEX) with the participation of specialists and managers of structural subdivisions of the Central apparatus and regional branches was held (currency rates of CB RU from 17.02.2015   1$= 2454.30 soums). The participants of the meeting discussed the results of the exchange in 2014 and priorities for development in 2015, the press service of the exchange reported.

As was noted at the meeting, the main distinguishing feature of the past year was achieving positive results in all areas of activity, implementation of the approved business plan indicators, the high growth of volume of transactions.

Last year the exchange has updated the historical maximum turnover. So, the total volume of transactions made on all trading platforms increased by 24.2% or more than 1.7 trillion soums and reached 8.9 trillion soums. For the first time in recent years, the proportion of the volume of transactions concluded on the stock exchange in the total turnover of UZEX was less than 80%, indicating expansion of opportunities conducted by the exchange on fair and auction trade. The volume of transactions amounted to 7 trillion soums, and the total volume of export contracts on the exchange and fair bidding reached $164.9 million.

Hereby, much work was done on attraction to the exchange market of goods, not included in the category of highly liquid or exclusive. The listing commission of the exchange opened new contracts on such items as glass, polymer concentrate, pipes of metal and polymer, tiles, chipboard, gypsum satin and others.

As a result of sales of own products on the stock exchange, producers received additional income due to the difference between the actual and the starting price, totaling 2.8 trillion soums, while in comparison to 2013 the growth made 25%. At that it allowed them to provide additional financial resources for development and modernization of enterprises.

Along with this, thanks to the measures taken for improving the mechanism of guaranteeing the execution of concluded transactions, by conduction of calculations through the clearing house of the exchange, the level of executed obligations on exchange contracts, in comparison with 2013, increased from 95% to 97%. Due to the expansion of access to raw materials, by more than 1.6 times increased participation of subjects of small business and private entrepreneurship in the stock exchange.

By the results of the year, more than 800 brokerage firms and 2 thousand traders rendered services to clients in the purchase and sale of goods, the number of functioning trading venues has reached 129. Special attention was paid to improvement of professional qualification of bidders and to stimulate their activity.

High performance is achieved in the system of electronic auctions, in which the amount of purchased goods (works, services) was worth 821 billion soums, which makes 9.2% of the total volume of executed on the exchange transactions.

In the public procurement system “D-xarid” concluded more than 262 thousand transactions worth 470.6 billion soums.

Special attention in the past year was paid to the implementation of modern information and communication technologies in the operation of the exchange. In particular, upgraded special information portal of the exchange – extended the list of interactive services.

Following the meeting, based on the objectives set by the leadership of the country, identified priority areas for the development of the exchange in 2015, which is also reflected in the business plan and the development plan of the exchange for 2015. The main objectives for 2015 have been identified to further increase the participation of small businesses and private entrepreneurship in the exchange, the fair and the auction through the provision of additional facilities and preferences on the stock exchange, accelerate the implementation of ICT in all spheres of exchange activities, ensuring the further development of trading platforms, as well as attraction to trading of new types of goods and services.



elections OF THE PRESIDENT of the republic of uzbekistan

On the campaigning of candidates for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan during the election campaign for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Decree of Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan

On the basis of Article 28 of the Law “On Elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan” in order to create a level playing field during the election campaign the candidates for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan decides:

1. Provide candidates for President of Uzbekistan during the campaigning:

900 minutes of airtime on television and radio “O’zbekiston” and “Yoshlar” of National Broadcasting Company of Uzbekistan;

10 bands print space in newspapers “Xalq so’zi”, “Narodnoye Slovo” and “Pravda Vostoka”.

2. To establish that:

candidates for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan independently determine the types, forms, methods and content of the materials campaigning in the media;

airtime provided by paragraph 1 of this resolution shall not apply to broadcast in a single block of campaign videos, radio reels of candidates.

3. National Broadcasting Company of Uzbekistan, the newspaper “Xalq so’zi”, “Narodnoye Slovo” and “Pravda Vostoka” to provide the necessary and equal conditions for performances during the election campaign of candidates for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.

4. Take note that in accordance with Article 16 of the Law “On Elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan” equal conditions for election campaigning candidates for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the regional media assigned to the district election commission.

5. Media:

– To ensure a level playing field when illuminated in the news programs and other informational materials of pre-election activities of candidates for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

– With coverage of the election activities guided by the Regulation “On the procedure of using the media by candidates for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the political parties in conducting campaigning during the election campaign”, approved by the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 18, 2007 № 319.

6. The enforcement of this decision to assign to the deputy chairman of the Central Election Commission K.Adilov.

Chairman M. Abdusalomov

№689, February 14th, 2015

(Source: IA «Jahon»)


International cooperation

Uzbekistan – Spain: A New Phase of Cooperation

Consistent consolidation of Uzbekistan’s standing in the international arena, expansion of cooperation with foreign partners in the political, economic, cultural, humanitarian and other areas results in a growing interest of the international community in the country, its foreign policy, economy and relationships with foreign partners.

Experts note that the expansion of cooperation with European countries is one of the key Uzbek foreign policy priorities, they also highlight the growth of Uzbek-Spanish relations. A year ago, Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo, Spain’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, inked a cooperation program between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Spain for 2014-2016 during his official visit to Uzbekistan. The sides also signed documents to boost cooperation in trade, investment, pharmaceuticals, railway construction and engineering.

Guzal Akhmedova, a Candidate of Historical Sciences and an expert on Uzbek-Spanish relations, speaks about the current state of the bilateral relations.

Contacts between the two countries and nations have a long history despite considerable geographical distance. This is evidenced by numerous facts, including eighth-century coins minted in al-Andalus that are often found on the territory of modern Uzbekistan, scientific works of the great thinkers such as Avicenna, al-Khorezmi, al-Fergani, Imam al-Bukhari that are translated into Latin and published in the 10th-12th centuries in Cordoba and Toledo. Another evidence is diplomatic exchanges of Amir Temur with Henry III of Castile. We know that King Henry III of Castile sent a mission to Timur’s court in Samarkand headed by Ambassador Rui Gonzales de Clavijo in 1403-1406, while Amir Temur appointed Muhammad al-Qazi his ambassador to Spain.

Centuries-old ties are now progressing to meet the modern requirements. Spain stands for consistent growth of relations with Uzbekistan, which it considers a key state in Central Asia.

The countries have mechanisms of constructive political dialog amid growing contacts at the highest levels. Uzbekistan and Spain hold close positions on many international issues. Both sides cooperate within the framework of the UN, OSCE, EU and other intergovernmental organizations and associations and hold regular political consultations between the foreign ministries.

Cooperation in trade, economic and investment spheres is a priority. Spain is among the world’s top ten and five European industrial powers. The country has a modern infrastructure and high-tech manufacturing sector. Uzbekistan, which is developing similar sectors of the economy, focuses on adopting best practices from Europe. It is encouraging technological cooperation has become an engine of the Uzbek-Spanish cooperation, instead of the growth fuelled only by the trade of natural resources or the finished product.

The implementation of joint projects in high-speed railroad is a striking example of such partnership. Spain’s Talgo assisted Uzbekistan in the designing and construction of Tashkent–Samarkand high-speed railroad with an application of innovative technological solutions. Currently, the route is served by high-speed electricity trains Talgo 250 purchased by Uzbekistan for €38 million euros in 2011. Currently Uzbekistan works intensively on the electrification and construction of high-speed roads, to launch Tashkent-Bukhara high-speed rail line in 2016. New route will cut travel time by 2 hours and operating costs by 36% while also reducing the negative environmental impact.

The electricity sector is another area of such partnership. In 2012, a consortium of investors with the participation of the Spanish INITEC Energía, S.A. launched a new combined-cycle power plant with a capacity of over 400 MW at Navoi TPP. The Spanish company focused on technological aspects, design, project support, order completion and commissioning of the installed equipment. Currently Navoi TPP plans to install the second combined-cycle plant with a capacity of 450 MW. The project was a pilot implementation of equipment renovation projects at generating facilities in Uzbekistan, and marked the start of a large-scale government program of the renewal of equipment at thermal power stations.

Spanish companies are involved in the implementation of alternative energy sources in Uzbekistan. Samarkand region plans to construct the first solar power plant in the country. The government believes that such an experiment will help in building similar facilities throughout the country. The Spanish experts, with the assist of local experts, found the best place for building new stations to maximise their capacity. Jorge Serverta, CEO at Solar Technology Advisors, presented the roadmap for the development of solar energy in Uzbekistan during the 6th Meeting of the Asian Solar Energy Forum in Tashkent in 2013.

Production ties are also growing in the chemical industry. Maxam Corp, S.A., a leading Spanish chemical company acquired a 49% stake in Maxam-Chirchiq Ltd. in 2007 to implement a re-equipment to make the production energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable. Today the company exports its products to more than 30 countries.

We have numerous conditions for the expansion of relations between Uzbekistan and Spain. Burgeoning Uzbek-Spanish contacts in the political, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres suggest that the relationship between the two countries is entering a new phase of cooperation. Both countries have a great potential for a broad, multifaceted and long-term partnership. The main thing is to ensure positive dynamics in the progress of comprehensive and mutually beneficial cooperation in the interests of both parties.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)

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