“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

February 28, 2017



economy.. 1

Uzbekistan establishes “Development strategy” Center 1


Microcredit project introduced in Tashkent 1

International cooperation.. 2

Uzbekistan – Russia intergovernmental commission’s scheduled session takes place in Tashkent 2

Medicine.. 3

Ceiling prices for imported drugs and medical devices approved. 3










Uzbekistan establishes “Development strategy” Center

Several public and state organizations have initiated the establishment of the “Development strategy” center, intended to coordinate the implementation of the Strategy on five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, as well as the State program “Year of dialogue with people and human interests”. The establishment of the Centre was approved by the presidential decree.

The Independent Institute for monitoring the formation of civil society, Institute for monitoring the current legislation under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of lawyers of Uzbekistan, Academy of public administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, National Association of electronic mass media, National Association of nongovernmental nonprofit organizations of Uzbekistan act as the founders of newly established nongovernmental nonprofit “Development strategy” Center. .

The Centre aims to consolidate efforts for effective organization of expert and public discussions, in-depth study and implementation of measures stipulated by the Strategy, as well as the active involvement of representatives of civil society institutions, experts and scientists in the processes of democratization and modernization of the country.

Its tasks include information and analytical support activities under the Strategy, studying the best foreign experience, etc.

The center will also put forward sound proposals for effective implementation of the Action Strategy, including the preparation of drafts and other acts, stipulated by the State program and establish cooperation with international organizations, scientific-research, informational-analytical and educational institutions.

The funding sources of the Center are funds of technical support, grants from international and domestic organizations, NGOs, funds of ministries and agencies to conduct studies and analyses, and others.



Microcredit project introduced in Tashkent

A presidential resolution approved steps to expand and streamline small and private business microcredit system.

The document seeks to help such classes as college and university graduates to get access to microfinancing. It also aims to galvanise small businesses that provide new jobs.

The resolution approves a suggestion by the economy and finance ministries and the Central and commercial banks to introduce a new microcredit project for small and private businesses.

Under the resolution, the purpose of soft microcredits is to:

Generate more jobs in small family and private business sector;

ensure maximum access to microfinancing;

raise income for the socially vulnerable and strengthen the role of self-governance bodies in employment activities.

The document approved forecasts on soft loans by commercial banks in Tashkent. It also set out a list of business activities cleared for soft loans.

Soft loans conditions are now represented as follows:

a soft loan sum of up to 200 minimal wages;

a period of up to three years with a 6-month grace to repay the debt; and

a yearly rate of 9% for one job created, 8% for two jobs, 7% for 3-4 jobs, and 6% for five and more jobs.

If an applicant cannot repay the debt, commercial banks can accept:

the property and self-governance bodies’ securities for sums of up to 100 minimal wages;

third party securities, insurance policies and other lawful types of payment for sums exceeding 100 minimal wages.

When giving loans, commercial banks can take into account expenses incurred during the application.

Commercial banks and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry were tasked with assisting applicants.

The Central Bank and commercial banks were tasked with finalising the experiment in 2017 and making suggestions on how to expand the project in other regions.


International cooperation

Uzbekistan – Russia intergovernmental commission’s scheduled session takes place in Tashkent

A scheduled session of the Uzbekistan – Russia intergovernmental commission for economic cooperation has taken place in Tashkent’s international cooperation centre.

The session was attended by representatives of the two countries’ ministries and departments working in such areas as external economic relations, trade and industry, investment, energy, oil and gas, customs, transport and communications, railways, air transportation, machine building, electrical engineering, construction, agriculture, food and pharmaceuticals production.

R.Azimov, a co-chairman of the commission and deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, said that the two countries’ cooperation in such spheres as trade, transport, energy and the economic sphere was developing consistently and that an agreement that had been reached at a meeting of the two states’ leaders was a law-based foundation for this cooperation.

It was said that in future, it would be necessary to expand investment projects and to step up the cooperation in tourism, education and labour migration.

Uzbekistan’s cooperation with Russia is developing consistently on the basis of an agreement on strategic partnership, signed on 16 June 2004, and an agreement on allied relations, signed on 14 November 2005.

The intergovernmental programme for economic cooperation for the years 2013-2017, adopted within the framework of an official visit of Uzbekistan’s First President Islam Karimov to the Russian Federation on 14-15 April 2013, is an important basis for the maintenance of fruitful economic partnership between the two states.

Trade-economic relations between Uzbekistan and Russia are developing at a rapid rate. The Russian Federation is one of the biggest trading partners of Uzbekistan. In the year 2016, bilateral trade between the two countries exceeded 4.2 billion US dollars.

“Large-scale reforms being implemented in Uzbekistan for the purpose of economic diversification and industrial modernization are noteworthy. This commission’s session was a good opportunity to discuss issues of implementing promising joint projects and further intensifying the two countries’ cooperation. We are interested in the further development of cooperation with Uzbekistan in such spheres as trade, energy, agriculture, transport and communications, environmental protection and science,” says D.Kozak, a co-chairman of the commission and deputy chairman of the government of the Russian Federation.

The Russian delegation was acquainted with the results of socio-economic reforms being conducted in Uzbekistan, favourable conditions created for attracting foreign investments to this country’s economy, the country’s export potential and possibilities in its free industrial zones. It was said that the existing opportunities for the further intensification of the bilateral cooperation should be put into use completely.

During the session, there was discussion about raising bilateral trade and expanding its range and about issues of developing relations in such areas as trade, energy, transport and supply lines, transit and agriculture and jointly drawing up and implementing mutually advantageous projects.

(Source: UzA)


Ceiling prices for imported drugs and medical devices approved

In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 31, 2016 # ПП-2647 “On measures for the further improvement of providing the population with medicines and medical products”, in order to further improve the provision of population and medical facilities with in demand and affordable medicines and products of medical appointment, the Republican Commission has made a decision to approve ceiling fixed contract, wholesale and retail prices, as well as the volume of deliveries of imported drugs and medical products.




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