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Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

February 22, 2016


resolution of the President of the republic of Uzbekistan.. 1

President of Uzbekistan signs resolution on celebration of Navruz. 1


SCO makes a commendable input to consolidation of peace and stability in the region. 1

Joint session of Councils of Senate and Legislative chamber of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan.. 3

Commission for control over activity of bodies of Prosecutor’s office starts to operate under Senate  3

Tourism… 4

Tourists, Welcome aboard the Train! 4

sport.. 5

Futsal: Uzbekistan becomes vice-champions of Asia. 5



resolution of the President of the republic of Uzbekistan

President of Uzbekistan signs resolution on celebration of Navruz

President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a resolution “On preparation and holding national holiday Navruz in 2016” on 19 February 2016.

With his resolution, the President of Uzbekistan approved an organizational committee on preparation and holding Navruz celebrations.

President instructed the organizational committee to develop and implement an action plan for holding Navruz celebrations Nowruz as a nation-wide celebration across Uzbekistan.

The committee should focus on informing people about good traditions, customs and values related to Navruz, gratitude to nature, etc.

The resolution said that the organizational committee will attract professional singers and folk groups to solemn ceremonies.

The resolution said that the celebrations in Karakalpakstan and the regions will be financed due to local budgets, while in Tashkent – due to state and local budgets in equal size.



SCO makes a commendable input to consolidation of peace and stability in the region

The international prestige of Uzbekistan has been continuously rising due to the dynamic progress in all spheres, peaceful policy of the state and consistent efforts to achieve security and stability in the region.

A strategic mechanism for achieving the high goals of joining the ranks of the developed states of the world has been developed in our country, steadily going under the leadership of President Islam Karimov on its own path of development. In this process, Uzbekistan pays special attention to the development of international cooperation, including in the framework of the influential international organizations, one of which is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, founded on June 15, 2001 in the Chinese city of Shanghai, has become a significant international organization with a solid position, effective approaches and specific objectives. The growing impact and authority of this organization in resolving urgent problems of global socio-economic and international consequence, ensuring security, stability and sustainable development in the world reasonably triggers the growing interest of many states in obtaining the status of full members, observers or dialogue partners of the SCO.

Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan have been members of the SCO since its establishment. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Mongolia and Belarus take part in the activities of the SCO as observers, while Turkey, Sri Lanka, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia and Nepal have the status of dialogue partners. After last year’s Ufa summit, the process of admitting India and Pakistan to the SCO as full members have started.

Over the past period, the SCO member states have carried out significant activities on reinforcing relations, based on trust and good-neighborliness and developing bilateral and multilateral effective partnership in trade, economic, socio-political, scientific and technical, cultural and humanitarian spheres, strengthening peace and tranquility, providing safety and stability.

The principles of mutual trust and commitment, equality, collegiality, respect for cultural diversity, common aspiration for development are strictly adhered to in the SCO activities.

SCO attaches priority importance to support and promote regional economic cooperation, fund joint projects, intensify direct contacts between businesspeople and financial institutions, development of cooperation in such areas as transport, infrastructure, information technology and telecommunications, banking and financial sectors. Solidification of bilateral and multilateral relations in the spheres of science, education, innovation, health, agriculture, environment and security is also one of the most important tasks of this international organization.

Two permanent bodies of the SCO – the Secretariat with headquarters in Beijing and the Regional Antiterrorist Structure with headquarters in Tashkent, have been effectively functioning. The Secretariat is the executive body of the SCO, providing organizational, technical and information support to activities, carried out within the organization. The main objectives of the Regional anti-terrorist structure are developing measures to strengthen the joint counteraction to terrorism, extremism and separatism, trafficking of drugs and weapons, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, as well as the prevention of threats to international and regional security.

In today’s rapidly changing world, no global problem can be solved by the efforts of a single state. Likewise, environmental and safety problems require international cooperation. It is also worth noting that in April 2010, the year of the Republic of Uzbekistan’s chairmanship in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, an important historical event in the activity of the SCO took place. During the visit of the the Secretary-General of the United Nations to our country, a Joint Declaration on cooperation was signed between the Secretariats of the UN and SCO in Tashkent.

The adoption of this important document, which marked the beginning of the official UN-SCO cooperation, has created a solid basis for joint efforts in addressing urgent issues.

According to the norms and rules of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, SCO chairmanship passes to one of the Member States annually. Starting 11 July 2015 the Republic of Uzbekistan has taken on the SCO chairmanship.

It should be noted that Uzbekistan is one of the founder-states of the SCO. Our country has to date twice chaired the organization – in 2003-2004 and in 2009-2010. During these periods important documents and decisions on the improvement of the activity of the SCO, further expanding its cooperation in different directions were adopted.

This years chairmanship in the organization, celebrating its 15th anniversary, further increases the responsibility for the successful implementation of the envisaged plans for the future.

In accordance with the President Islam Karimov’s decree on the preparation and conduct of the meeting of the Council of heads of the state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Tashkent, as well as other activities within the chairmanship of of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the SCO, dated from of January 21, 2016 active preparation for this major event has been carried out in our country. Following the existing tradition, during its chairmanship period, Uzbekistan strictly adheres to and abides by the principles of consistent expansion and development of constructive and lasting cooperation, meeting the interests of the Member States, ensuring the steady growth of the authority of the organization in the international arena.

Our country, within its chairmanship of the SCO, has been making a worthy contribution to the effectiveness of the organization through the development and implementation of initiatives, related to advancement of international ties, strengthening its regulatory framework, ensuring security and stability in accordance with the goals, objectives and principles, reflected in the SCO Charter.

(Source: UzA)

Joint session of Councils of Senate and Legislative chamber of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan

Commission for control over activity of bodies of Prosecutor’s office starts to operate under Senate

February 19, 2016, the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan held a joint session of the Councils of the Senate and the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

On the agenda the participants discussed issues of raising the efficiency of parliamentary control over activity of bodies of Prosecutor’s office, according to information services of the Senate and Legislative Chamber.

As was noted at the meeting, over the years of independence, substantial work has been carried out in the Republic in the field of reform, consistent liberalization and democratization of judicial-legal system, aimed at ensuring the rule of law, reliable protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Implemented reforms aimed at strengthening the independence and autonomy of courts, the democratization of all sectors of the law and effectiveness of law enforcement in providing the rule of law, peaceful life in the country are having a practical impact and are positively assessed by authoritative international organizations, leading think tanks and experts of foreign countries.

Strengthening of the legislative framework and the unconditional execution and ensuring the rule of law, a growing legal consciousness of citizens are one of the important conditions for further promotion of reforms carried out by the formation of a democratic legal state, accelerating development and ensuring the reliable protection of private property and entrepreneurship.

The most important role in the effective implementation of these measures belongs to the prosecution bodies, which in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan are entrusted with the task “to supervise the strict and uniform observance of laws” on alerting and preventing of crime.

However, as was noted at the meeting, “the accountability of prosecution authorities to the Senate of the Oliy Majlis” has to be carried out according to effective mechanisms of parliamentary control over the activities of the Prosecutor General’s office and prosecutors in the field.

The need to strengthen parliamentary control and legality of activities of the prosecution authorities were also stressed in the report of the President Islam Karimov at the solemn meeting devoted to the 23rd anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In this regard, it was stressed that current conditions and consistently implemented democratic reforms put before the upper house of Parliament the urgent tasks for improving the efficiency of introduction of new forms and methods of parliamentary control over the activity of prosecution bodies.

At that, the Kengashes of the Senate and the Legislative chamber adopted a joint resolution on the establishment of Commission of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis for control over the activity of bodies of Prosecutor’s office. The Commission will serve to further improve the institutional mechanisms of parliamentary control over the activities of prosecutors, improving the efficiency of their work on ensuring the rule of law in the country, reliable protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, interests of society and the state.

In accordance with this document, the Commission has been entrusted with the implementation of a systematic parliamentary control over the activity of prosecution bodies, the effective implementation of assigned tasks to ensure the rule of law, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, a comprehensive study and compilation of law enforcement practice of the prosecution authorities, development of proposals to further improve legislation regulating the activities of prosecution bodies and law-enforcement practices and their working methods.

The resolution stipulates that the members of the Commission are elected by the Senate from among senators for the term of office composed of fifteen people, representing all regions of the Republic.

It is established that the Commission twice a year will report to the Kengash of the Senate on the implementation of its tasks.

The meeting also discussed organizational issues associated with the formation of this Commission.



Tourists, Welcome aboard the Train!

A campaign on the introduction of several new products and services for foreign guests has been picking up steam ahead of the tourist season in Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan Railways have been actively involved in the campaign: the company is currently getting ready to offer tourists modern mobile services and a comfortable journey on trains.

Uzbekistan ranks among the first CIS countries to launch their own railway tourist brands. A unique train, Orient Silk Road Express, set out on its first trip in September 2013. Over the years, it has helped thousands of tourists from European countries to see the gems of our country with their own eyes. The German company Lernidee Erlebnisreise GmbH is a partner of the large-scale project. In 2016, the parties maintain the good practice of organizing specialized tourist trains.

It is planned that the world known tourist train will make six trips this year. Four trips will be organized on the so-called ‘small ring’ around famous tourist cities of Uzbekistan – Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Urgench, Karshi, Termez and others. Two routes of the Orient Silk Road Express will be international and will connect three countries – Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Tourists will see not only the gems of Uzbekistan, but also Almaty and Ashgabat.

Tourists from Europe are major clients of the train: they get together in Germany, then fly to Tashkent by a charter flight, and start their journey from the capital city. The train itself is a kind of gift shop in traditional style. Six carriages are decorated with traditional Uzbek fabrics – satin, adras, ikat and silk, as well as wood carvings and handmade miniatures.

As reported by the company, the international tourist train from Moscow to Tehran with a total route length of about 9,500 kilometers will run through Uzbekistan for the first time this year. The British company Golden Eagle has scheduled two trips – in spring and autumn.

The domestic tourism product – the Afsona (Legend) train – will be involved in the process as well. It has been operating on individual applications of tourist organizations since April, 2013. The train consists of eight luxury cars: deluxe, a coupe and a dining car. It is designed to transport tourists from Tashkent to Samarkand, Bukhara, Karshi, Khiva and other cities.

A specialized mobile application for purchase of electronic tickets will be launched for traveler convenience. Experts are currently considering the possibility of ticket sale for foreign currency. Today, the e-ticket sale service is available on the company’s website and solely for Uzbek soums.

The application will be available on Android and iOS-based smartphones and tablets, and will have a simple and readable interface that would forward a user to a section he needs promptly and without unnecessary manipulations. Users will be able to purchase a ticket, find out train schedules, fares and get other background information on the company.

Tickets will be available both on domestic and international routes in CIS countries. Before placing an order, a user will have to authenticate, introduce some personal details, and pay the fare. It is deemed to be an electronic travel document with the details of a trip.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


Futsal: Uzbekistan becomes vice-champions of Asia

Mohammad Keshavarz and Ghodrat Bahadori scored in the first half as Iran secured an 11th AFC Futsal Championship title after edging out hosts Uzbekistan 2-1 in Sunday’s final.

Uzbekistan opened the scoring after five minutes at Uzbekistan Stadium through Dilshod Irsaliev only for Bahadori’s thunderous strike to level the tie in the ninth minute before captain Keshavarz gave Iran the lead six minutes before half-time.

Four goals from Suphawut Thueanklang saw Thailand claim third place at the AFC Futsal Championship with a comprehensive 8-0 victory over Vietnam on Sunday. Australia ranked fifth.

Iran, Uzbekistan, Thailand, Vietnam and Australia have received vouchers for the FIFA Futsal World Cup, which will be held in September 2016 in Colombia.


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