February 20, 2015
elections OF THE PRESIDENT of the republic of uzbekistan.. 2
Hotamjon Ketmonov met with voters of Tashkent city and Tashkent region. 2
Akmal Saidov met with voters of Namangan and Andijan regions. 3
Narimon Umarov met with voters of Samarkand and Jizzakh regions. 3
the 100th anniversary of People sing Zulfiya.. 4
Uzbek Martial Arts on World Stage. 5
elections OF THE PRESIDENT of the republic of uzbekistan
Hotamjon Ketmonov met with voters of Tashkent city and Tashkent region
Our country is actively preparing for the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Hotamjon Ketmonov February 18 meeting with voters of Tashkent city.
The meeting was opened by the chairman of the 14th district of Tashkent city election commission of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan J.Inagamov. Trustee of candidate for President H.Babahanov familiarized participants with the biography of the candidate.
Candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan H.Ketmonov spoke about his election program.
In the pre-election program of the candidate as priorities identified at the prevention of social support rider attitudes among the population, encouraging citizen initiatives, business support, as well as ensuring the distribution of benefits and material assistance mainly among low-income families, the elderly and children, to ensure further development of allocation preferential loans and interest free loans target working age citizens seeking their own businesses and secure their own welfare.
At the meeting, the head physician of the 44th district of clinic Shayhantahur M.Rahmatullaeva, director of training courses to improve the skills of employees of self-government at the Tashkent city administration S.Bobokulov and others noted that the holding of elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on a multiparty basis shows that in our countries to comply with the principles of democracy, the national electoral system meets international standards. Urged voters to take an active part in the upcoming elections March 29, 2015.
Candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Hotamjon Ketmonov on February 18 had a meeting with voters of Tashkent region.
The meeting was opened by the chairman of the 10th Tashkent region election commission of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan N. Abdullaev. Trustee of candidate for President S.Agzamov familiarized participants with the biography of the candidate.
The event was a candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Hotamjon Ketmonov spoke about his election program.
The program stipulates that the priority areas for further improvement of employment policies should be to ensure the effective employment of unemployed working-age population in enterprises that provide stable jobs with a decent level of wages, as well as the development of investment programs for the development of promising industries need to ensure a comprehensive approach, in conjunction with training programs in their respective industries demanded specialists with secondary vocational and higher education and regional employment programs and job creation.
Head of rural health units “Nazarbek” Zangiata district M.Vorisova, vice-rector of the Tashkent State Agrarian University A.Abduvosikov, chairman Bekabad City Council of People’s Democratic Party U.Abdunazarov and others urged voters to actively participate in the upcoming elections and noted that the implementation provided for in the priorities of the program the candidate will contribute to social development of the country, consistent increase people’s welfare, the further deepening of democratic reforms.
(Source: IA «Jahon»)
Akmal Saidov met with voters of Namangan and Andijan regions
Candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Milly Tiklanish” Akmal Saidov met voters of Namangan region.
The meeting was opened byChairman of the 6th Namangan district election commission for the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan G.Artykov. Trustee of candidate for President O.Mamatkarimov presented the biography of the candidate.
At the event a presidential candidate of the Republic of Uzbekistan Akmal Saidov delivered a speech about his election program .
In the pre-election program of the candidate special attention paid to the growth of national consciousness, strengthening the sense of national pride and dignity. In particular, a wide space is devoted to strengthening cohesion and consent of the people of Uzbekistan, all citizens, regardless of nationality, religion, social status, further improvement of the Institute of Mahalla, strengthen its institutional and economic framework to further strengthen the role of Mahalla in matters of local importance, as well as regeneration and enriching the national and spiritual values, traditions and customs.
At the meeting, Chairman of the Regional Council of the Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Milly Tiklanish” O.Mamadaliev and others expressed their views on the program of the candidate, and stressed that the implementation of identified priority areas it will serve as a social development of the country, the further deepening of democratic reforms.
Continue to meet the candidates for President of Uzbekistan with voters. One such event took place on February 18 in Andijan. It voters in Andijan region met with the presidential candidate of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Milliy Tiklanish” Akmal Saidov.
The meeting was opened by the chairman 2nd Andijan district election commission for the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan O.Mirzaev. Trustee of candidate for President K.Otahonov presented the biography of the candidate.
At the event with a speech about his election program delivered presidential candidate Akmal Saidov.
In the pre-election program of the candidate focusing on the development of the tourism industry to promote the unique historical and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan, transforming our country into one of the centers of world tourism, as well as improve the quality of living standards and welfare of the population, in this case as well as the priorities identified housing and improvement of infrastructure, support for young families, taking effective measures to preserve cultural monuments, national image of cities of Uzbekistan.
At the meeting, Head of the Department of Regional Institute of retraining and advanced training of teachers and other M.Ohunov expressed their views on the election program of the candidate and called on the voters to take an active part in the upcoming March 29, 2015 election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
(Source: IA «Jahon»)
Narimon Umarov met with voters of Samarkand and Jizzakh regions
On February 18 the meeting of the candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Adolat” Narimon Umarov voters of Samarkand region.
The meeting was opened by the chairman of the 7th Samarkand district election commission for the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Y.Allayarov. Trustee of candidate for President N.Rabbimova familiarized participants with the biography of the candidate.
A speech on his election program was delivered by presidential candidate Uzbekistan Narimon Umarov.
In the pre-election program of special importance attached to the development policies pursued in our country based on the principle of “Reforms – not for reforms and for a man”, consistent continuation of the implementation of government social programs is a prerequisite to further improve the quality of life of the population. It is noted that in view of the fact that socio-economic issues can not be solved only by the efforts of state authorities, constant attention is paid to the strengthening of social partnership, improving working conditions of workers in enterprises, further improve the social responsibility of business structures.
At the meeting, the director of Samarkand secondary school №14 D.Saydullaeva, chairman of Koshrabad District Council Trade Union of Education, Science and Culture A.Tuhtarov, specialist Samarkand city department Charity Fund “Mahalla” M.Gulyamova and others stressed that the holding of elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on a multiparty and alternative basis indicates that the country formed a democratic state, our electoral system is fully consistent with accepted international standards.
On February 18 the meeting of the candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Adolat” Narimon Umarov voters of Jizzakh region.
The meeting was opened by the chairman of the 4th Jizzak District Election Commission on Elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.Sattarov. Trustee of candidate for President R.Tuychiev familiarized participants with the biography of the candidate.
A speech on his election program was delivered by presidential candidate Narimon Umarov.
The program of the candidate based on the requirements of the economy for the future focuses on what’s needed to improve the system of training and retraining, further develop the education system, the needs of the labor market during training. As an important task provides support for innovative activities of higher education institutions to strengthen their cooperation with science and the economy, improving the system of targeted training and retraining of the educational system of the country, making investments, as well as the introduction of new technologies in science and education.
At the meeting, the chairman of the district council Zarbdar SDP “Adolat” O.Ochilov, head of the central Mirzachul region multidisciplinary clinics H.Abduraimov, teacher of academic lyceum “Sayiljoy” at Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute named after Abdulla Kadiri D.Hakimova and others expressed their views about the election program of presidential candidate and outlined in her priorities, stressed that the presidential elections held on the basis of multi-party system, and alternatively, in accordance with the principles of democracy.
(Source: IA «Jahon»)
the 100th anniversary of People sing Zulfiya
Smithereens of Memory
Uzbekistan is set to celebrate the 100th anniversary of eminent Uzbek poetess Zulfiya, whose birthday, March 1, will commemorate the advent of the spring. Her poetry exudes sincere love for nature and people and is imbued with colors and filled with fresh characters.
Ahead of celebrations of the poetess’s anniversary, various parts of the country are hosting literature nights and meetings honoring the creativity of Zulfiya. The actors of the Diydor Theater Studio staged a play titled ‘Hotiram siniqlari’ (Smithereens of My Memory) reflecting her life at Turkiston Palace in Tashkent. The staging based on Zulfiya’s poem with the same name is filled with her thoughts and memories as well as happiness, love and everything that makes up each person’s life.
The play staged by director Bahodir Yuldashev drew a stormy ovation from the audience. Zulfiya’s role was played by prominent Uzbek actress Gulbahor Yuldasheva.
“The play is an account of not only the poetess’s life, but also the history of our nation,” the actress says. “It reflects Zulfiya’s remembrances of the Second World War’s tragic consequences, people’s suffering, and the untimely passing of loved ones. The goal of the play is to encourage young people to appreciate the peace that we enjoy today.”
‘The Smithereens of Memory’ will be stages in all parts of Uzbekistan.
Moreover, the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan is working on the development of a website dedicated to the poetess’s life and oeuvre, zulfiyaxonim.uz. The website will be available in Uzbek, Russian and English, and will present electronic versions of Zulfiya’s works, photo, video and audio materials, lyric poetry as well poetic works by Hamid Olimjon, Oybek and Ghofur Ghulom dedicated to the late poetess.
‘Zulfiya’s School’ Club has been set up at Saodat magazine’s office. The club will work to help boys and girls develop their poetic and journalistic skills. As it is known, Zulfiya worked for national newspapers and magazines in her lifetime. The club’s activities will also be covered on the website.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Uzbek Martial Arts on World Stage
The national martial art of Uzbek jang san’ati will be presented at the 30th World Festival of martial arts. For this event to be held in March in France the national team is preparing with the direct participation of one of the founders of the sport, Pulat Usmanov. In his busy schedule, he found time to answer the questions of an Uzbekistan Today correspondent.
Mr. Usmanov, this year the national martial art at the World Martial Arts Festival will be presented for a second time…
“Yes, we took part at this prestigious sports forum for the first time in 2013. At this festival, countries present their national sports. And the fact that we got an invitation for a second time points to the growing interest in our national sport. And we really have something to show.
Uzbek jang san’ati has a few differences among other types of martial arts. Foreign specialists are attracted by the fact that our system allows simultaneous use of defense and attack techniques. This sport has a great potential for military-patriotic education of youth and use in combat training of law enforcement officers, it can also be used for physical training in educational institutions.
In addition, with demonstration performances we have already performed not only at the World Festival of martial arts, but also on events in the United States, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Russia, and Italy. Preparing for a trip to Portugal, South Korea, Vietnam, US, we have the opportunity to hold training seminars, world championships and demonstrations.
Today, all goes to the fact that soon, international tournaments and competitions of our national sport will be held. For that reason, we are actively working on the creation of the International Federation, which will unify the terminology, because in each country they may be different. For example, for the sake of patriotic education, the whole set of techniques were named after of our great ancestors or youth patriotic words. For example, in our system there are complex techniques of Amir Temur, ‘Vatan’, ‘Istiqlol’, ‘Barkamol avlod’ and many others.“
Uzbek jang san’ati began to develop in 2009 with the establishment of the federation. However, there are many questions: what is it – a completely new kind of martial arts or revival of traditional sport?
“The creation of this sport was preceded by numerous debates of martial arts experts. All agreed in opinion that in recent years, many countries were developing national styles of martial arts that are spreading around the world, including in Uzbekistan. As an example, I can name Muaythai, Wushu, Taekwondo. It is only natural that such discussions have brought proposals to establish a national martial art of Uzbekistan. For the practical implementation of this idea a few experts in martial arts including myself have proposed a newly born sport called Uzbek jang san’ati.
Everything is created from scratch, so it was in our case. We have devoted a lot of time to studying martial art in the time of Amir Temur, Jalolitdin Manguberdi, Pahlavon Mahmoud, Princess Tumaris and other prominent figures of our region. The fact that Uzbekistan is located on the Silk Road couldn’t be ignored; it has played a huge role in the mutual enrichment of cultures of the Orient. Therefore, we carefully studied their martial arts – this part of the work was very simple, because each of us turned out to be an expert in this area. In particular, I did Judo, Karate, Jeet Kune Do, hand-to-hand combat, Muay Thai, kickboxing and I have a 7th dan black belt in Tae Kwon Do. The whole experience was the basis of our national sport. The biggest challenge was to create original complex techniques that would have advantages over other species – we succeeded. Our sport is based on the fundamentals and we have enriched the original techniques that helped to create the most perfect form of martial arts.”
Today we are witnessing the growing popularity of Uzbek jang san’ati in the world, but what about its spread in the country?
“With the efforts of the federation, about 300 trainers who work across the country have been trained. Substantial strengthening of the coaching staff will serve the newly introduced system of their certification. It helps to ensure that coaches are well known not only in this sport, but also have sufficient knowledge of psychology, physiology and pedagogy. More than a hundred specialists have already received appropriate standard certificates.
Uzbek jang san’ati is hugely popular with girls; we have more girls than boys attending our training sessions. Its spread is also aided by the fact that it has many directions: it all depends on the choice of a trainee. They develop sports, martial arts and health trends. The most popular reason for the new generation is sports and recreation.
In our sections we have also children with disabilities. During the lessons, they are never separated from the main participants, and thus achieve better results.”
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
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