“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

February 26, 2016


investments. 1

Uzbekistan establishes “Uzbekoziqovqatholding” Holding Company. 1


Uzbekistan cuts Internet tariffs for ISPs. 1


Uzbekistan, Bulgaria discus trade-economic cooperation. 1

People of Art.. 2

Dilbar Abdurakhmanova: “Conducting is My Life”. 2

sport.. 3

Sport: a Lifetime Companion. 3



Uzbekistan establishes “Uzbekoziqovqatholding” Holding Company

On 18 February, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a Resolution “On measures on further improving organization of management of food industry of the Republic”, according to which the Association of enterprises of food industry has been abolished and formed into “Uzbekoziqovqatholding” Holding Company.

According to the Resolution, the authorized capital of HC “Uzbekoziqovqatholding” is formed through the transfer of state shares at enterprises of the Association at book (nominal) value. Hereby, the HC is considered as the successor of the Association, which donates Holding its rights and responsibilities, including the property at book value.

The Resolution approved:

– the organizational structure of the HC, the structure of the Executive apparatus with limiting the number of managerial personnel at 50 units;

– the list of companies and organizations in the structure of HC (total 176), according to which the state share at “Urgench gust”, “Tashkent Sifat sut”, “Chimbay may”, and “UzBAT A. O.” are transferred to the authorized capital of HC.

At that, the document defines that the enterprises with participation of funds of the HC are to be established in the form of a JSC or LLC. Private enterprises producing food products are eligible to voluntarily enter into the composition of HC in the status of associate members. The current maintenance and funding of the Executive office of HC are carried out at the expense of dividends, deductions of enterprises and organizations included in its composition, production and business activities, other sources not prohibited by legislation.



Uzbekistan cuts Internet tariffs for ISPs

JSC “Uzbektelecom” reduced tariffs for Internet services (external channel) for providers of Uzbekistan up to $136.34 for 1 Mbps.

This year the rates have been reduced three times already. From 13 January to $156.24, from February 1 to $141.94 and from 17 February to $136.34 for 1 Mbps.

In 2015 the cost down seventeen times. From $259.29 in January to $157.60 in December 2015.



Uzbekistan, Bulgaria discus trade-economic cooperation

Uzbekistan and Bulgaria held the fourth session of the intergovernmental commission on economic and scientific-technical of cooperation on 25 February 2016.

Within the session of the intergovernmental commission, the business circles of Uzbekistan and Bulgaria participated in the business forum.

The delegation of Uzbekistan was led by the Minister of Foreign Economic Relations, Investment and Trade Elyor Ganiev, a Bulgarian delegation – Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Lilyana Pavlova.

Opening the session, Elyor Ganiev said that Bulgaria is a perspective trade-economic partner of Uzbekistan in the European Union. He said that currently there are all conditions for development of trade-economic and investment cooperation between two sides.

Ganiev underlined that Uzbekistan and Bulgaria are not using existing opportunities for development of bilateral trade. He said that according to the statistics of the Uzbek side, trade turnover between two nations rose almost by 60% and reached US$42 million in 2015. He said that there is potential to increase bilateral trade by ten and thousand times.

Minister expressed hope that the event will help to simulate development of trade-economic relations between two states.

Enterprises of Uzbekistan is ready to supply products of such industries as machinery, chemistry, petrochemical, textile and others to Bulgaria. He said that Uzbekistan is interested in purchasing high technological and modern equipment from Bulgaria.

Elyor Ganiev called Bulgarian businesses to invest into Uzbekistan and realize joint projects. He noted that currently 14 enterprises with Bulgarian investments are operating in Uzbekistan. He also said that Bulgarian side could use logistic hubs of Uzbekistan at supplying its products to the Asian states.

In her turn, Liliyana Pavlova stated that Bulgaria considers Uzbekistan as its priority partner in Central Asia and wants to develop friendly and economic relations. She noted that representatives of many state bodies and representatives of over 30 companies are in the Bulgarian delegation.

She said that there is huge potential to develop bilateral trade-economic relations, which is not used fully. Bilateral trade can be increased and diversified, she said.

At the meeting, the sides exchanged opinion on current state of bilateral trade-economic relations and considered perspective development of cooperation in trade, transport and transit, realization of joint projects, cooperation in agriculture, science, education, tourism, etc.


People of Art

Dilbar Abdurakhmanova: “Conducting is My Life”

The conductor of the Alisher Navoi Opera and Ballet Theater, Dilbar Abdurakhmanova, will celebrate her 80th birthday this year. She devoted sixty years of her life to the theater, the greater part of which she worked as a conductor. The maestro is full of creative strength and plans for the future.

She has found time in her busy schedule and talked to an Uzbekistan Today correspondent.

“Do you get tired?”

“No. I like to work with actors, and judging by everything, they like to work with me. After all, when we work out with them a party from an opera, they start feeling confident. Furthermore, I am strongly convinced that conductor is a profession for the second half of one’s life. So, everything lies ahead of me.

“You made an appointment for me at the producers department and said that you would be there for the first time. Why?”

“I mean for the first time after the overhaul. Generally speaking, I seldom visit this part of the theater; I spend most of my time with the orchestra. I come here to work with singers. But mostly they come to my place.”

“How do you like the new environment?”

“We introduce young actors to “Carmen”. The thing is that we have only one Jose in our group, who is 58 years old. He is an excellent endowed singer. But currently we train the second group; any theater should have a replacement. Even we, conductors, have our substitutes.”

“How do you assess the youth’s level of training?”

“There are many talents and well-trained young people among those who join the staff of the theater. But all of them are just beginners. They used to work alone at the Conservatory, while here they need to get used to the team and act as team players.

To ensure that a theatrical performance has turned into one single play one has to know many laws. Only experienced specialists can teach it to young people.

We have to work hard with young performers, literally to pronounce every single word they have to say on the stage and sharpen every motion not to feel lost on the stage.

Imagine such a complex play as opera “Aida” going on the stage – there is a brass band on the stage, the other one is in the orchestra pit; also there are two choirs, ten leading soloists – everybody may get confused here. And the conductor’s task is to make sure that the entire staff, that creative organism, works as one single whole.”

“What do you most often compare the conductor’s job with?”

“With the construction of a multi-deck ship. Especially, when you work on a new production with the involvement of a chorus master, ballet master, sewing shop workers, lighting shop operators, chief artist, producers – everybody doing his or her job. The conductor has a special role to play at this stage, who works with every individual singer and musician and explains what they will have to do during the play; and then puts everything together.”

“What would you say if you were asked to characterize in one word what your occupation means to you?”

“Everything. It’s my life. I have been in the theater since I was 19; the first five years I studied at the Conservatory. Then I started my career as a conductor. I have 60 years of service record in one place. I can remember many funny events. For example, how we worked on a production timed for the opening of the Istiqlol Palace, or how we marked the 2000th anniversary of Tashkent. I have the richest repertoire and I travelled more than anyone else with the troupe on tours; and worked as chief conductor for 16 years.”

“What is your favorite play in the repertoire?”

“I remember how I worked on Prokofiev’s “Fiery Angel” in 1984 and how Evgeny Svetlanov asked me in Moscow, “Dilbar, what are working on?” I told him that I was working on the “Fiery Angel?” “And where did you take the notes?” he kept asking. I told him, “At the London Royal Library.” And that was true.

It was incredibly difficult to get the notes since Prokofyev, who moved to Germany together with his family for permanent residence, suffered great financial difficulties and was forced to sell his notes to Englishmen. But nobody staged his play in Great Britain and the notes eventually were placed into Great Britain’s main library. This is something we had learnt from the composer’s biography.

Later, I found out that by then Gennady Rozhdenstvensky had made a clavier of these notes, although where had he taken them from – remains unknown. We also found Rozhdenstvensky’s work, which was kept in the stocks of the Moscow Conservatory. It was the author’s copy – all covered with scribbles and notes.

I gave all money I had with me a copy of it. The production had really turned out good, because all the very best specialists worked on it: production director Firudin Safarov, the then the best theatrical artist in Tashkent Yuri Brim, whom we invited from the Khamza Theater.”

“Would you agree to live through another life of a conductor Dilbar Abdurakhmanova if you had to make a life choice now?”

“It’s hard to say, you know. Probably I wouldn’t. It’s a tough job.”

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


Sport: a Lifetime Companion

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Children’s Sports Development Fund of Uzbekistan, held under the chairmanship of the head of state, analyzed the work carried out last year and since its creation in 2002.

Sport has become one of the key factors in the upbringing of a harmoniously developed people leading healthy lifestyles.

The Children’s Sport Development Fund was established fourteen years ago. At the same time a unique system of sports competitions among the youth has been implemented. From the very outset, it has been tasked with turning children’s sports into a massive public movement. Over the years, the fund has focused primarily on developing sports, especially in rural areas, constructing new modern sports facilities in schools and providing them with the most modern equipment.

Thanks to these efforts, the modern youth views sport as a lifetime companion since their childhood. As a result, the number of children who have become constantly engaged in various sports has drastically increased.

The three stage sports games ‘Umid Nihollari’, ‘Barkamol Avlod’ and the Universiade that are held in the republic annually, have become a massiv sports movement for hundreds of thousands of children, as well as a school for preparing talented athletes that can represent our country at the most prestigious international tournaments including world championships and the Olympic Games.

The Universiade has become the perfect starting point for many of our famous athletes like judo athlete Rishod Sobirov, boxer Aboss Atoyev, chess player Rustam Kasymjanov, athlete Svetalana Radzivil, tennis player Denis Istomin, canoeist Vadim Menkov and many others.

Rano Omonova, a student at the Andijan State Unviersity, has become the champion of the republic eight times, won over 10 medals at the Umid Nihollari’, ‘Barkamol Avlod’ and the Universiade competitions.

“Last year’s Grand Prix in Doha (Qatar) was a great success,” says Rano. “There I was able to obtain a license for the summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Currently I am preparing for this huge competition.”

Positive dynamics have been reported in attracting girls to sports. In the last ten years, the amount of girls engaged in sports has drastically increased. In order to increase the popularization of sports for girls, special attention has been provided to the training of women-coaches. This action has been boosted by the implementation of focused decrees and bill’s as well as a newly developed work compensation package for female coaches.

“The sporting arenas and the coaches in the rural areas are now on the same level as in bigger cities,” says the coach at the children’s-youth sports school of Dostlik region and the honorary coach of the republic, Abdumutal Husanov.

Rhythmic gymnastics is being developed at a very fast pace. Dozens of new sporting facilities, aimed at popularizing this sport, have been constructed in rural and urban areas.

The Gymnastics Federation of Uzbekistan is completing large-scale works towards popularizing this sport and further increasing the sports mastery of the gymnasts. Each region has an active sports school dedicated to gymnastics, new gymnastics gyms have been completed in different regions. They have been fitted with all of the necessary equipment, and normal schools have launched gymnastics clubs.

The program of developing gymnastics in the country and the great conditions for employing female coaches, created in the republic, have resulted in an ten-fold increase of active gymnasts in the country.

In Surkhandarya region, over three thousand children are engaged in this sport under the guidance of over 40 highly experienced coaches.

“Every day, I eagerly wait to start my trainings after school,” said the student of School №3 of Termez, Rahima Abdurasulova. “I have won several medals on the republican level, now my goal is to compete on the international arena.”

Our athletes were able to create a positive impact on the world arena, as well as strengthen their positions in the world. It is not by chance that for several years Tashkent is hosting the Grand prix stages of the world championship and the youth competitions Happy Caravan, where our young athletes have traditionally won places on the podium.

Uzbekistan has been paying great attention to the manufacturing of sports equipment, which is of very high quality. There are over a hundred companies that manufacture sports inventory; they are being supported through preferences and various governmental benefits. One of them is Asia Sport-S, a company based in Tashkent, which is the partner of the fund.

“We have launched the production of 38 types of sports goods and equipment,” says the head of the firm, Sherzod Halikov. “We use locally sourced raw materials and manufacture goods for gymnastics, boxing, basketball, volleyball, handball, table tennis, other sports and special sports floor tiles.”

During the meeting it was noted that during the manufacturing process, special attention must be paid towards the quality, convenience and standards of the sporting goods. It is also important to increase the number of companies working in this business, and create a strict licensing system for sports goods.

In the newly adopted State Program “Year of the Healthy Mother and Child’, the massive popularization of sport and physical culture are one of the primary goals. It also covers and promotes the attraction of the youth and especially girls, to the engagement in various sports, building and renovating new and existing sports facilities, and fitting them with modern sports equipment.

There are plans afoot to construct over 1,700 sports arenas for schools, as well as the launch of at least one children’s-youth sports school in each district. The program also works towards increasing the number of swimming pools in the country.

The enhancement of the role of physical culture and sports in the formation of the healthy new generation has become the primary goal of the government, as was highlighted during the meeting.

New objectives for the next five years have been set, which include the construction of schools of high sports mastery in all regional centers, including Nukus and Tashkent.

Figures and Facts

In 2005 only 30% of kids and adolescents, aged 6 – 15 in Uzbekistan were engaged in sports and only 29% in rural areas. In 2015, this figure reached 57.2% and 56% for rural areas.

Ten years ago they could choose from 43 sports disciplines, while now there are a total of 59 disciplines officially trained in Uzbekistan.

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Thanks to attracting girls to mass sports today, 47% of them (in rural areas – 44.7%) regularly participate in sports. In 2005, these rates were two times lower

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In 2015, the number of coaches and sports instructors has increased by 1.5 times compared to 2005, including the increase in female trainers by 3,8 times.

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In 2000, for every 100 thousand children, around 6 thousand were affected by acute respiratory viral infections, 576 by pneumonia, 449 by bronchitis, and 310 by scoliosis. As a result of the work, including the work of the Children’s Sports Development Fund, today among children 6-15 years old, engaged in sports, the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections decreased by 47.3%, pneumonia by 55.6%, bronchitis by 61.7%, and scoliosis by 45.5%.

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The development of the Children’s Sports Development Fund promotes physical improvement of the rising generation. In particular, the height of our boys and girls under the age of 14 years in the last ten years increased on average by 2.8 centimeters.

Another important result is the number of men fit for military service, which increased from 63.4% in 2000 to 86.3% in 2015.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


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