March 4, 2015
elections OF THE PRESIDENT of the republic of uzbekistan.. 2
Meeting of Islam Karimov with voters of Samarkand region. 2
Meeting of Narimon Umarov with voters of Andijan region. 2
Meeting of Hotamjon Ketmonov with voters of Syrdarya region. 3
A Word Resounding from the Depth of Ages. 5
elections OF THE PRESIDENT of the republic of uzbekistan
Meeting of Islam Karimov with voters of Samarkand region
Candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen – Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov on March 2 met voters of Samarkand region.
The meeting was opened by the chairman of the 7th Samarkand district election commission of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Y.Allayarov.
Candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov made a speech and presented the main directions of its election program.
The program identifies ten main directions of development of our country. In particular, the consistent continuation of the ongoing reforms in all areas, gaining a worthy place among developed countries, further improving the welfare of the population, the structural transformation of the economy and increasing its competitiveness, the revision of the level of government involvement in the economy and other spheres of activity, business development, entrepreneurship and farming movement , optimization of acreage and yield increase, expansion of localization programs, improvement of the investment climate and increasing export, guarateeing employment, strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries.
The results of ongoing reforms in all spheres can be seen in the regions. It is confirmed by tremendous creative work carried out in the Samarkand region. The celebration of the 2750th anniversary of Samarkand International Music Festival “Sharq taronalari” even more famous by the ancient city on an international scale.
Today, region’s economy is developing on dynamic pace, increasing the level and quality of life. Production volumes are increasing at large enterprises such as Samarkand Automobile Plant, “JV MAN AUTO UZBEKISTAN”, “SamAntepgilam”, “Sino”, “8 March” and others. Consistently small business and private entrepreneurship, agriculture and tourism are developing.
Chairman of the Samarkand regional branch of the fund “Nuroniy” H.Normurodov, master of Samarkand State University named after Alisher Navoi, laureate of State Prize n.a. “Zulfiya” U.Juraeva and others proudly noted that due to the “Uzbek model” of development economic power of our country and the standard of living has been steadily increasing, the thinking and culture of young people are rising and enriching. It was emphasized that the process of preparation and conduct of election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is in full compliance with national legislation and international democratic principles. The speakers called on the voters to take an active part in the upcoming March 29 elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
(Source: IA «Jahon»)
Meeting of Narimon Umarov with voters of Andijan region
Candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Adolat” Narimon Umarov on March 2 had a meeting with voters of Andijan region.
The meeting was opened by the chairman of 2nd Andijan district election commission for the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan O.Mirzaev. Trustee of candidate for President A.Nazarov familiarized participants with the biography of the candidate.
Candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Narimon Umarov spoke about his election program, told voters on its core areas.
According to the program of the candidate the important tasks are strengthening social partnership between employers and employees, improving working conditions in the enterprises, further enhancing the social responsibility of business structures. Special attention was also paid to the issues of broad public examination of social development programs, especially the implementation of measures to strengthen public control at the regional and municipal levels, to support socially significant civic initiatives, creating more favorable conditions for the activities of NGOs and development charity.
At the meeting, the director of a comprehensive school №1 Xodjaabad district M.Hudoyberdyeva, director of Izbaskan Socio-economic professional college Y.Nishonova and others expressed their views on the election program of the candidate, called on the voters to take an active part in the upcoming March 29 elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
(Source: IA «Jahon»)
Meeting of Hotamjon Ketmonov with voters of Syrdarya region
Candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Hotamjon Ketmonov on March 3 had a meeting with voters of Syrdarya region.
The meeting was opened by the chairman of the 8th Syrdarya district election commission on elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mamatkulov. Trustee of candidate for President A.Toshmatov familiarized participants with the biography of the candidate.
At the meeting the presidential candidate of the Republic of Uzbekistan Hotamjon Ketmonov made a speech about his election program.
The program includes a lot of attention paid to further improving the activity of the enterprises for processing of local raw materials and stimulate the production of competitive on the domestic and foreign markets for goods, improve the efficiency of concessional lending. As important tasks it was identified the development of rural family businesses and cottage industry in processing grown in the country of agricultural products, the consistent continuation of reforms in health care and education system, strengthening state control over the activities of pharmaceutical companies and institutions.
At the meeting, Chairman of the Syrdarya District Council of People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan M.Ahmedov, head of the regional department of Sayhunabad Fund “Nuroniy” H.Mamatkulov and others expressed their views on the election program of the candidate, and noted that the conduct of the forthcoming election in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution, national legislation and universally recognized international standards for evidence of strict compliance of democratic principles with the electoral system of Uzbekistan.
(Source: IA «Jahon»)
International cooperation
New Routes, New Markets
Setting up a diverse transportation system to provide reliable and secure access to foreign markets and international transport links is one of the strategic priorities of Uzbek foreign policy since gaining independence.
The government policy in this area has proven it right and yields practical results. While in the early 1990s Uzbekistan was mainly using three north routes in foreign trade, it has managed to increase the number to ten, focusing on the markets in different geographical areas.
The proposal for the formation of Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Oman transport corridor put forward in October 2010 in Ashgabat was one of the initiatives of Uzbekistan to promote transport links and communication of Central Asia. The high relevance and careful planning of the initiative ensured the political support of the stakeholders. The development of the initiative was completed by April 25, 2011 when the governments of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Oman signed an agreement to establish an international transport and transit corridor. The experts then worked on the details of the projects and on August 6, 2014 Foreign ministers of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Oman inked a memorandum of understanding to facilitate transportation along the transport and transit corridor.
The use of this corridor, which runs along Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, the Iranian Farabi, Sarakhs, and the port of Bandar Abbas and Omani ports to continue the transportation to other regions will significantly improve transportation links and stimulate trade between the countries of Central Asia and the Persian Gulf.
On February 15, 2015, the meeting of the Coordination Council of the Ashgabat Agreement including Oman, Iran, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, was held in Tehran (Iran) when the participating states have approved Kazakhstan’s access to Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Oman international transit and transport corridor.
The speakers noted then that the volume of rail shipments within the countries of the Ashgabat Agreement increased by 2.3 million tons or 10 percent compared to 2013 and amounted to more than 25 million tons of cargo. By 2020, the volume of cargo traffic may exceed 40 million tons per year.
Uzbekistan, whose territory was part of the Great Silk Road, has always occupied an important geo-strategic position in the Central Asian region. Historically it was the crossroad of the key trade routes. Today, the republic has all the capabilities and resources to enhance its important role in the modern system of international relations. Uzbekistan is deepening cooperation with foreign countries and international financial institutions and organizations in transportation, implementing joint projects for the development of transportation links. The country is a party to more than 30 international conventions and more than 100 bilateral and multilateral agreements in the field of transport.
In this context, the construction of Hairaton-Mazar-i-Shari, the first railway in Afghanistan was yet another breakthrough project. The railway that began operating fully in December 2011 is an important factor in economic development and stabilization in Afghanistan. Looking forward, the expansion of the railway to Herat with a further access to the railway system of Iran and Pakistan will provide the countries of Central Asia with the shortest route to the major ports of the Indian Ocean.
The Navoi-Turkmenbashi-Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway transport corridor connecting Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Georgia to the railway network in Turkey is another project interesting to Uzbekistan. It ensures the access to the port of Mersin on the Mediterranean Sea and to Europe through a tunnel under the Bosporus.
The Reconstruction and repair of Tashkent-Osh highway, part of Angren-Pap road, going through the Kamchik and Rezak tunnels and the construction of a modern railway network there would also enhance the strategic importance of the international corridor connecting Europe with China, passing through the territory of Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries.
The new transport corridors will contribute to the further integration of all the countries of Central Asia, creation of new jobs and construction of social and industrial infrastructure, it will boost investments and economic development of the region. Joint and consistent efforts pay rich dividends to the countries of the region. Uzbekistan’s initiatives in this area enhance the atmosphere of mutual understanding, friendship and trust between nations to make a positive contribution to stability, peace and security in the region.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
A Word Resounding from the Depth of Ages
There are hundreds of unique archaeological sites preserved in the wide expanse of Karakalpakstan, land of ancient culture. Few of them have been studied well. The rich history of the country is duly presented in epigraphic inscriptions on numerous monuments. These treasures of written language have been deciphered, supplemented with historical texts and presented in a new book from the series “Architectural Epigraphy of Uzbekistan” prepared for publication by a group of creative researchers of the country.
Eight out of twenty planned volumes of encyclopedic-type edition is ready for publication. This is the first large-scale experience in the study of epigraphic inscriptions on the architectural monuments and other masterpieces of Uzbekistan’s ancient architecture.
The work carried out by the creative group has a great public and international impact. Among them the album ‘Masterpieces of Uzbekistan’s Architectural Epigraphy’ created within the President Islam Karimov’s resolution ‘On Preparation and Celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan’ dated April 6, 2011. The book has been awarded a number of prestigious prizes at International competitions and book fairs. Thus, the album ‘Masterpieces of Uzbekistan’s Architectural Epigraphy’ was rated first in the nomination ‘Culture. Science. Education’ and was second in the ‘Art Book’ nomination at the 9th Interstate competition of CIS member-states ‘The Book Art’ held in Astana. The book was also got positive assessment on the part of a number of leading global experts.
All this is a proof of a rather important academic and cultural significance of the project, which enabled to decently and at the professional level present masterpieces of material and spiritual heritage of Uzbekistan on international arena and promotes its recognition and authority thus manifesting the Government’s true care and concern about its monuments.
These circumstances inspired the creative group to expand the project scale and start activities on a series of albums on the epigraphic monuments in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the provinces of the Republic of Uzbekistan. A series of books ‘Architectural Epigraphy of Uzbekistan’ is a logical continuation of the album ‘Masterpieces of Uzbekistan’s Architectural Epigraphy.’
“This project on the study and publication of architectural epigraphic monuments is being successfully implemented,” says Komiljon Rakhimov, researcher of the Oriental manuscripts’ center under the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, coordinator on the preparation and publication of book editions in the series ‘Masterpieces of Uzbekistan’s Architectural Epigraphy.’ So far the monuments seemed to have kept silence, since oriental inscriptions look like patterns and so much interrelated with ornamental patterns that ignorant people accept them as a decoration. Only now inscriptions on the monuments started to ‘talk’ the language of our forefathers.”
A big number of historians, art and culture specialists, philologists and Islam researchers are involved for project implementation. Local specialists and representatives of local administrations rendered assistance in the provinces. ‘Uzbekistan Today’ News Agency ensures necessary logistical support.
The volume devoted to Epigraphy of Karakalpakstan presents for the first time the full reading of all inscriptions in a number of sepulchral and burial grounds. The creative group made quite a discovery in the course of their study and deciphering process.
Wood-carving tradition especially that of columns and doors has become rather popular in this ancient land. Their samples are kept in Sultan Uvays-bobo mausoleum in Beruniy district, one of the most respected monuments of Karakalpak architecture frequently visited by pilgrims and tourists. Legend has it that the Prophet edified Uvays al-Karani (the mausoleum complex bears his name) to the righteous path. An antique folding door at the complex entrance is decorated with carved writings, which reflect the name of the author of wood-carving and date of its completion. Few masters of their trade merited such an honor – to leave their names on the monument. There is a deciphered dictum in the form of a good edification in the saint’s grave-yard frieze.
Excavations on the site of Caliph Rejep monument revealed samples of fine epigraphy in the form of Arab “naskh” script, which framed its façade and central niche.
Another monument – Mazlum-sulu mausoleum (researchers date its construction to the 13th -early 14th cc.) is considered a burial ground of local ruler Mazlum-sulu’s daughter. One of the walls of the structure bears an excellent text, in which the girl seems to console those who come to bow her remains. A group of researchers found an inscription in this complex, which was so indiscernible that it had never attracted anybody’s attention. It was information on a calligrapher who wrote the text. There is also Saadi’s maxim here so much popular with the calligraphers and found in many monuments in Uzbekistan. It starts with the words, “The object of these patterns is to leave fond memories of …”
The epigraph of Narinjan-bobo complex is a unique inscription on ceramic briquette, which in its time was attached over the Saint’s mausoleum entrance (currently it is kept at the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan). The name of a calligrapher is almost effaced in the mid-13th century text made in decorative ‘naskh’ script. Researchers succeeded to read his name as well as many epigraphs almost fully lost in the bygone years.
The epigraphy also provides examples of a rather high level of population literacy in the past. This was a conclusion drawn up in the process of studying inscriptions in various structures’ walls and columns. For instance, these include the lines written in Indian ink or scribbled by pilgrims on walls of the Mizdak-khan memorial complex mostly by rank and file people: copper-smiths, carpenters, merchants, etc. Very frequently these ‘autographs’ cite verses by prominent poets or even represent pieces of poetry by writers themselves.
Inscriptions on minor architectural structures – kuluptas – have been researched and described for the first time in Karakalpakstan. If we turn to etymology of this word it may be interpreted as a “stone key”, although the structures themselves bear stronger resemblance to a keyhole. They also appear to remind of stylized human images, which they are devoted to, with description of their genealogy and certain episodes of their lives.
This laborious and exciting task will, in my opinion, serve an impetus for further research activities of restoration workers. Tourist guides will find this information helpful since from now on they can provide accurate information on deciphered inscriptions related to one or another architectural monument rather than existing legends.
But most importantly the work on epigraphic pieces holds in itself spiritual nourishment and enables to deeper realize one’s national values and originality.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
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