“Uzstroymateriali” enterprises produce more than 100 types of building materials. 1
Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan.. 1
Deputies review draft laws aimed at further improvement of legal base. 1
Conference in Tashkent discusses infectious diseases treatment 3
“Uzstroymateriali” enterprises produce more than 100 types of building materials
Tashkent hosted a press conference dedicated to the work carried out by JSC “Uzstroymaterialy” on the implementation of structural changes in the industry, modernization and diversification of production, as well as the introduction on enterprises of modern system of corporate governance.
As was noted at the event, today “Uzstroymateriali” unites more than 120 large enterprises of medium and small businesses, which produce more than 100 types of building materials.
As a result of the work done in 2015, enterprises of the company provided the growth of production volume in comparison with 2014 by 6.1%. Hereby, the growth rates of cement production amounted to 107.7%, construction glass – 125.8%, dry mixes – 106%, glass products – 100.8% and others.
The increase is due to the commissioning of high-tech and modern production facilities, which produce competitive products on the basis of deep processing of raw materials and semi-finished products.
The company on a permanent basis studies the market demand for construction materials, conducts monitoring and analysis of import and export of construction materials in order to saturate the market with building materials of domestic production, deepen import substitution and increase exports. As was reported in a press conference, about 40 types of building materials such as drywall, lime, decorative brick and cement were exported last year abroad. This year it is planned to increase the assortment up to 50 types.
A number of projects to date are under implementation on the basis of the approved by government programs.
In particular, according to the investment program of 2016, commissioning of six projects are scheduled for this year. Moreover, it is planned to utilize $14.31 million and create 100 new jobs.
At that, pursuant to the Localization program for 2016-2019, it is planned to master the production of more than 20 types of new products, including sanitary ceramics, wallpaper for walls and ceilings, composite materials, metallic and non-metallic products from graphite, products from ftorplasta, caprolon, as well as the ceramic tiles from graphite, expanded perlite products, soft roofing material “bikrom” glass crystallite, finishing materials made of glass.
A number of other projects are also planned for commissioning under the “Program for ensuring structural reforms, modernization and diversification of production in 2015-2019”.
(Source: UzReport.uz )
Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan
Deputies review draft laws aimed at further improvement of legal base
On March 3, the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan held its regular session, in the course of which the deputies reviewed a number of bills aimed at deepening of the reforms in various spheres of the society.
The issues included in the agenda of the session of the lower house of the Parliament had previously been preliminary discussed at the meetings of factions of political parties and deputy group from Ecological movement of Uzbekistan, committees of the Legislative chamber with participation of representatives of ministries and departments, civil society institutions.
As was noted at the session, our country is implementing measures to establish effective legal mechanisms to ensure citizens ‘ rights to work, to free choice of employment and favorable conditions of work. The legislation in this sphere is constantly improving.
In the process of article-by-article discussion of the draft law “On labor protection” in a new edition, the deputies stressed that the need to further strengthen the constitutional guarantees of citizens ‘ rights in the sphere of labor protection is determined by the dynamic development of the market economy, modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of production, development of the legal framework reforms.
Previously, the bill was discussed by the members of the committees of the lower chamber with participation of representatives of civil society, labor groups, specialists of this sphere, which allowed to develop a number of proposals and recommendations for its further improvement. The discussion of the bill also took place at the meetings of the “Bloc of democratic forces” and opposition factions in the lower house of parliament, following the results of which their positions on this legal act have been formed.
– In preparing the bill for the second reading, we paid particular attention to the priorities identified by the head of our state at the ceremonial meeting devoted to the 23rd anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. We tried to work out the most detailed provisions that establish the general principles and mechanisms, reduced the reference rules – says the Chairman of the Committee for labor and social affairs Yoqub Umarov. – New edition of the law “On labor protection” aims at bringing its provisions into conformity with the requirements of the newly adopted normative-legal acts, as well as with modern requirements of market economy, democratic reforms, strengthening of social partnership, development of entrepreneurship and labor legislation in the country. The law provides for the strengthening of public control over observance of legislation in the sphere of labor protection, a clear definition of the powers of state bodies in regulation of relations in the sphere of labor protection, the establishment of requirements for state examination of working conditions, certification of workplaces, organization of audit of labor protection, increasing the responsibility of employers and employees for violation of requirements in the sphere of labor protection.
During the discussion, deputies exchanged views on the issues of application of norms of the Law “On labor protection” and other legal acts in this sphere. It was noted that the law under consideration will become a solid legal basis in the protection of labor.
In the preparation of bills great attention was paid to the organization of their meaningful discussion at different levels of government, institutions of civil society. Hereby the process of discussion of drafts of legislative acts involved members of the expert groups formed under the committees, and comprised of a number of leading experts, scientists, practitioners of the respective fields, representatives of civil institutions.
Particular attention at the session was paid to the review of adopted in December last year the draft law “On introducing amendments and addenda to the Law “On accounting”. On the proposal of the “Bloc of democratic forces” this bill has been adopted as amended.
It was pointed out that the Republic has a solid legal basis for the establishment and formation of the accounting system, ensuring the observance by economic entities of the legislation requirements on accounting, the effective decision of tasks on formation of the integrated system in this sphere.
The meeting participants stressed that the proposed amendments will facilitate the implementation of the tasks defined in decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures on introduction of modern methods of corporate management in joint stock companies” and “On measures on further cardinal improvement of business environment and providing greater freedom to entrepreneurship”. They will also serve to further increase the responsibility of officials, heads of the accounting services for the organization and maintenance of accounting records. The law will create better conditions and opportunities for further development of the system of accounting in accordance with international principles and standards, the growth of the economy.
– I would like to note the timeliness of consolidation of some concepts, in particular, a clear definition of “accounting”, “accounting information” that contributes to a more complete disclosure of the principles of accounting, – said a member of the Committee on budget and economic reforms A. Tukhtabaev. – In preparing the bill for the second reading the deputies, committees and deputy unions of the Legislative chamber, state bodies, public organizations and scientists, experts and accountants-practitioners forwarded over 70 proposals for improving this bill. Most of them have been taken into account during its preparation for the second reading. The new edition of the law was discussed at the meetings of factions and the “Bloc of democratic forces” and opposition factions, where they formed their own positions.
The deputies of the lower house of parliament has article by article reviewed in the second reading of the draft law “On introducing amendments and addenda to the Law “On donorship of blood and its components”, which aims at further development in the Republic of donation, as well as the draft law “On introducing amendments and addenda to the laws “On natural monopolies” and “On protection of consumer rights”.
After item-by-item discussion, the deputies approved the above draft laws and adopted them in the second reading.
Members of the lower house of Parliament also reviewed a number of bills in the first reading. In particular, they reviewed the draft law “On introducing amendments and addenda to the Law “On technical regulation”, which provides for bringing the provisions into line with international requirements that will protect the interests of consumers and the state in the field of safety of products, processes and services, the use of international test methods and measurement products.
The deputies also considered the draft law “On introducing amendments and addenda to the Law “On subsoil”. As was noted, its adoption will further enhance the efficiency of exploration activities and creation of competitive environment in the sphere of subsoil use, as well as high-quality execution of requirements of the legislation in the sphere of rational use of raw minerals base of the Republic.
Following the conceptual discussion, the deputies approved the draft laws and adopted them in the first reading. The responsible committees have been entrusted with the preparation of documents for the next reading, taking into account the received proposals.
(Source: UzReport.uz )
Conference in Tashkent discusses infectious diseases treatment
Tashkent hosted a conference on the issues of diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. The event was organized jointly by the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan and the Tashkent Doctors Retraining Institute.
Deputy Minister of Health, Chief Sanitary Doctor of Uzbekistan Saidmurod Saidaliev and others noted that under the leadership of President Islam Karimov huge work was conducted in the country to improve medical service.
Today, Uzbekistan has a reliable system to fight infectious diseases. As a result of large-scale programs and projects to protect maternal and child health, and to improve disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment activities, health facilities now have strong material and technical capacities.
Regular awareness raising activities aimed to improve the health culture among the population have contributed to reducing the number of patients with infectious diseases.
The national calendar for fighting infectious diseases envisages immunization of children against 10 types of diseases. Currently, the immunization of children under 5 years of age against polio is underway. All this contributes to maintaining the epidemiological situation in the country at a stable level.
The conference participants listened to reports on national and international projects for combating infectious diseases, detection and effective treatment of infectious diseases among children, application of new technologies and nanotechnologies in treatment of infectious diseases, as well as domestic and world experience in this direction.
(Source: UzA)
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