Uzbekistan to produce about 57.274bn KWH of electricity in 2015. 2
Uzbekyengilsanoat’s enterprises produce industrial goods for 452bn soums. 2
elections OF THE PRESIDENT of the republic of uzbekistan.. 2
At the Central Election Commission. 2
Online meeting of the Central Election Commission. 3
Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan.. 4
Deputies heard reports of political parties. 4
Actual issues are discussed. 5
Uzbekistan – Korea: a new stage of bilateral trade-economic and investment cooperation. 7
Whole Uzbekistan on a Little Screen. 9
Uzbekistan to produce about 57.274bn KWH of electricity in 2015
Uzbekistan is planning to produce about 57.274 billion KWH of electricity in 2015.
The Government of Uzbekistan with its resolution from 12 March 2015 approved a balance of production and consumption of electricity for 2015.
According to the document, Uzbekistan to produce over 57.273 billion KWH of electricity in 2015, of which 55.751 billion KWH will fell to share of Uzbekenergo and 1.503 billion KWH to share of other producers.
The resolution said that thermal power station of Uzbekenergo will produce 50.587 billion KWH of electricity and hydro power stations – 5.163 billion KWH of electricity. Thermal power station of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgy Combine will produce 200 million KWH of electricity and hydro power stations of Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management – 1.303 billion KWH of electricity.
The document underlined that 55.774 billion KWH of electricity will be supplied to consumers in Uzbekistan: 10.491 billion KWH of electricity – to inter-industrial consumers and 45.282 billion KWH of electricity – to consumers of the country. Population of Uzbekistan will get 9.9 billion KWH of electricity this year.
The volume of exports of electricity in 2015 is expected at the level of 1.5 billion KWH of electricity.
Uzbekyengilsanoat’s enterprises produce industrial goods for 452bn soums
Enterprises of Uzbekyengilsanoat (Uzbek Light Industry) produced industrial goods for 452 billion soums in January-February 2015, which rose by 12.1% year-on-year (currency rates of CB RU from 16.03.2015 1$= 2472.34 soums)
At the same time, enterprises of the industry manufactured consumer goods for 181 billion soums in the first two months of 2015, which grew by 15.3% year-on-year.
Within the expansion of production of ready goods, the industry started to produce 15 types and 52 assortments of new ready goods for 43.5 billion soums.
According to Uzbekyengilsanoat, share of ready goods in total volume of produced goods made up 40%.
elections OF THE PRESIDENT of the republic of uzbekistan
At the Central Election Commission
A regular meeting of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held. The event led by the Chairman of the Central Election Commission M. Abdusalomov, was attended by members of the Commission, representatives of political parties, media and international observers.
The meeting discussed issues of realization of the tasks, provided by Program of main measures on preparing and conducting of elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including some matters of law-enforcement practice in the activities of precinct election commissions in preparation for this important political event and organization of voting.
As it was noted, the election campaign for the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is being held in open and transparent manner, in full compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the electoral legislation and regulations, provisions and instructions of the Central Election Commission.
Central and district election commissions are taking measures on deepening the knowledge and skills of members of precinct election commissions in the electoral legislation and practice of carrying this important political event out, it is being held training seminars for them, organizational and legal assistance is provided.
At the meeting it was emphasized that in accordance with Article 5 of the Law “On Elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan” in all the preparations and conduct of elections, as well as at polling stations on election day and during the process of vote counting at each polling station it shall be entitled to participate per one observer from political parties that nominated candidates for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, representatives of the press, television and radio, observers from foreign countries, international organizations and movements.
In this case, the Central Election Commission examined the registration of observers from international organizations and foreign states, submitted necessary documents, as well as registration of local and foreign media.
At the meeting it was also discussed other issues relating to the authorities of the Central Election Commission.
(Source: Republican Press Center on Covering the Election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Online meeting of the Central Election Commission
The extended online meeting of the Central Election Commission with the participation of the chairmen and members of the district election commissions for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held.
The international observers, representatives of political parties and the media also took part in the meeting.
Opening the meeting, the Chairman of the Central Election Commission M.Abdusalamov emphasized that a few days left before the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Preparing for this important social and political event is conducted in full compliance with the national election legislation, set forth herein, the principles of openness, transparency and fairness.
At the meeting were discussed issues of the Program of main measures on preparing and conducting of the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It was noted that in the frames of its realization have been done a great organizational work aimed at ensuring electoral rights of citizens. For the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a timely manner were established 9058 polling stations, including 44 – at representatives of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign countries. Polling stations are provided with all the necessary equipment for the ballot. Voter lists are posted for the public acquaintance. Each polling station has information on the candidates for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Precinct election commissions are working on informing voters about the time and place of voting, taking steps to organize early voting and voting at the seat of the voters who are unable to come to the polling station on Election Day.
In accordance with the Law “On Elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan” election commissions carry out its activity openly and publicly, inform citizens about the preparation and conduct of elections, the formation of election commissions, their location and operation time, acquaint with the list of voters, give information on the candidates for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the results of voting and elections. During the meeting, attention was also focused on the issues of quality of work of election commissions in this direction.
It was noted that the OSCE ODIHR and the CIS Observation Missions are carrying out its activities. The members of mission of international organizations hold meetings at election commissions. In addition, in all activities on the preparations and conduct of elections, as well as at polling stations on Election Day and during counting the vote at each polling station have the right to participate observers from political parties nominated candidates for the President, representatives of press, television and radio. Creation of all necessary conditions for their work is one of the main activities of the election commissions.
Because of the installed visual communication the members of district election commissions received detailed information on all the practical issues related to the organization and conduct of elections.
(Source: Republican Press Center on Covering the Election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan
Deputies heard reports of political parties
On March 13, the regular meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held.
In accordance with the constitutional powers, deputies heard reports of political parties on the sources of funding of their activities in 2014. The reports on this issue were made by the chairman of the Executive Committee of the Political Council of the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen – Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan S.Turdiev, chairman of the Central Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan H.Ketmonov, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Central Council of the Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Milliy Tiklanish” S.Otamuratov, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Political Council of the Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Adolat” N.Umarov.
During the meetings, it was emphasized that in recent years the role and influence of political parties in addressing the most important public issues, the activities of Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan has increased. A reliable legal framework of development of political parties, in full compliance with generally accepted democratic standards and existing international standards is created. The elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, regional, city and district Kengashes (Councils) of people’s deputies have once again shown that political parties have every opportunity to promote and implement their program objectives, to protect the interests of the electorate. Equal conditions for campaigning at all its stages were created for them.
According to the Law “On financing of political parties”, each party if after the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis has received the required number of deputy seats to form a faction in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, is entitled to receive public funds for financing its statutory activities. Amounts of public funds have been established on the results of elections to the Legislative Chamber and distributed among the political parties entitled to receive them, in proportion to the number of deputy seats they received in the Legislative Chamber.
Financing of political parties in our country was carried out strictly according to the law on the basis of principles of legitimacy, openness, transparency and equality of political parties. All political parties provided access to information about their funding to their members and the public shall promptly publish information on the amount and sources of funding their activities.
At the meeting, it was also noted that all political parties of Uzbekistan provided the financial accounting in the manner and terms established by law.
During the discussion of this issue, deputies noted that the last parliamentary elections once again clearly demonstrated the increasing role of political parties in the life of independent Uzbekistan, which became an important condition for the democratic development of the young independent state, establishment of legal civil society. Deputies also emphasized the particular importance of parliamentary control in strengthening the financial discipline of political parties in connection with strengthening their role in socio-political life of the country, the practical implementation of tasks set by the head of our state.
According to deputies, material and financial, organizational, personnel and other resources of political parties are of great importance in practical implementation of their program goals and objectives, so it is very important that they are transparent and legitimate, have always been subject to public scrutiny. It was also emphasized that in the context of a multi-party system, increasing competition between political parties in parliament and society, this issue requires constant attention of deputies. Taking into account the views expressed during the discussion, deputies took note of the reports of political parties on sources of funding their activities in 2014.
(Source: Information Service of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis)
Actual issues are discussed
On March 12, deputies continued the discussion of the issues included in the previously approved agenda of the meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis.
Members of the lower house of parliament began their work with a discussion of the Program of organizational and legal activities, legislative, control and analytical work of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2015 and subsequent years on implementation of priorities identified in the reports of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov at the joint session of the Legislative Chamber and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on January 23, 2015, as well as at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on January 16, 2015, dedicated to the socio-economic development of the country in 2014 and the most important priorities of economic program for 2015.
The draft Program was tentatively discussed at the meetings of political parties and the deputy group of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan, as well as committees of the lower house of parliament with participation of experts. Following the discussions, the document was significantly enhanced taking into account the proposals and comments.
Participation of factions in preparation and approval of the program was focused on including prioritative, in terms of provisions of the pre-election programs of political parties, legislative measures and control and analytical activities. Factions of political parties sought to more fully reflect interests of its electorate, pre-election promises in the program document that defines the activities of the Legislative Chamber for the near and medium-term
– Consistently advocating for the further deepening of market reforms in order to maintain macroeconomic stability and ensure sustainable high economic growth rates, our party faction submitted its proposals in the plan of the legislative work – said member of the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen – Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan V.Svetkov. – On the initiative of the faction the Program includes issues involving securing effective legal mechanisms of ensuring full freedom of developing and strengthening of private property and private entrepreneurship, further improving transparency of mechanisms of private entrepreneurs access to raw materials and other organizational-legal mechanisms that will significantly strengthen the legal guarantees of reliable protection of private property and the rights of property owners.
– In terms of priorities of the Pre-election program of our party, for us important areas of the considered Program are those sections that are linked to sustainable national development, protection and promotion of national interests, preservation and enhancement of national, cultural and spiritual values, the rich historical heritage of the people of Uzbekistan, – said member of the Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Milliy tiklanish” I.Abdullaev. – According to members of our faction need to take measures aimed at gradual development of civil society institutions, independent media, strengthening their role in protecting human rights and freedoms, further deepening democratic reforms. Our faction is actively involved in the process of implementing legislative initiatives of the President of the Republic outlined in the Concept of further deepening democratic reforms and establishing civil society in the country, which are an integral part of the developed Program. “On economic foundations of the mass media activities”, “On guarantees of state support for the mass media”, “On Broadcasting” and others are among these draft laws.
– Taking into account the fact that our party has prioritized the further improvement of employment policy, ensuring the effective employment of the population in enterprises that provide stable jobs with a decent level of remuneration in its activities, we initiated the inclusion of measures related to the development of this important for socio-economic development trends in the program, – said member of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan R.Kamilov. – So, on the initiative of members of our faction, hearing of information of the Minister of Labor and Social Welfare on implementation of the Program parameters on creating workplaces and providing employment for 2015 in the first half of this year will be organized. We also envisage the development and adoption of legislative acts contributing to job creation, in particular, the draft law “On the home-based work” and others.
– As an active supporter of innovative development of economy and social sphere, our faction also took an active part in the development and inclusion of activities in the program that contribute to further development of all spheres of life of the country, – says member of the Social Democratic Party “Adolat” A.Shadmanov. – In particular, we will actively participate in the development of the draft law “On renewable energy sources”, aimed at strengthening the legal framework of creating an effective infrastructure of implementing renewable energy in the country. Deputies of our faction also initiated the organization of hearing of the Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources on the state and prospects of more efficient use of water-saving technologies in Uzbekistan, introduction of modern agricultural production techniques and technologies, which will also serve the purpose of protecting the interests of our electorate.
– The interests of environmental protection are widely reflected in the adopted Program , – said member of the parliamentary group of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan S.Samoylov. – Members of our group initiated inclusion of a number of important legislative acts that contribute to improving the system of regulation of relations in the field of ecology and environment protection into the Program of activities of the lower house of parliament. Particularly, only this year it is planned to develop and adopt the draft law “On Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the population”, laws in new edition: “On Protection and Use of Flora”, “On Protection and Use of Animal world” and others.
In general, the developed program with the broad objectives implemented in the socio-economic, socio-political development of the country is aimed at radically improving the activities of the national parliament. Proposed measures in the Program are a logical continuation of phased democratic reforms conducted in Uzbekistan, which will be an important step in the process of further deepening democratic reforms and establishing civil society.
Deputies emphasized that they will be working in a qualitatively new socio-political, socio-economic conditions. They called for a radical improvement of legislative work based on a comprehensive and in-depth comparative analysis of foreign legal practice, the organization of more effective discussion of draft laws on different levels of government, civil society institutions. It was noted that an important direction of future work of the Legislative Chamber should be qualitative improvement of parliamentary control over the activities of state governing bodies, unconditional execution of the adopted laws, the most important state programs of socio-economic, socio-political development. During the discussion, proposals aimed at improving the efficiency of interaction between the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a whole system, a single legislative body of the country were also made.
After a thorough discussion, the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis approved this Program.
Then deputies considered a number of actual draft laws aimed at further strengthening the legal framework of reforms in various spheres of society. The discussion started with consideration at the second reading of the draft law “On introducing amendments to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On prevention of iodine deficiency diseases”, which has important social value. It is aimed at regulating relations in production, sale and use of iodized salt in order to protect the health of citizens. The document provides for the prevention and reduction of iodine deficiency diseases among the population by providing only high-quality iodized salt.
The agenda also included a number of draft laws in the first reading. In particular, the draft law “On state control of economic entities’ activity”, developed in accordance with the Concept of further deepening democratic reforms and establishing civil society in the country, aimed at further improving the procedures on control of business activities, ensuring stability of their work, reducing interference in the activities of entrepreneurship, faithfully complying with the law.
The next issue on the agenda became the draft law “On introducing amendments to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, providing further improvement of business environment, creating the most favorable investment climate, the removal of barriers in implementing entrepreneurial activity, increasing transparency of government and economic management, a radical improvement of conditions for doing business on this basis. The amendments provide for the exclusion of constituent documents of organizations from a list submitted by the applicant for providing relevant public services. Amendments are made to the laws “On the mass media”, “On micro credit organizations” and “On conformity assessment”.
Deputies also discussed the draft law “On introducing amendments and addenda to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, aimed at improving the activities of private educational institutions.
During the discussion of draft laws, representatives of all factions of political parties and the deputy group of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan made speeches.
After extensive discussions, deputies approved the main provisions of the above-mentioned draft laws and adopted them in the first reading. Responsible committees were entrusted to prepare documents for consideration in the next reading, taking into account the proposals.
(Source: Information Service of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis)
International cooperation
Uzbekistan – Korea: a new stage of bilateral trade-economic and investment cooperation
Participation of the national economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in international trade and economic relations constitutes an immediate and most promising form of international cooperation. International trade is a historically initial form of economic ties between different countries.
International trade accounts for a great portion of international cooperation. For any country, the role of foreign trade may hardly be overrated. Both the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea attach special importance to the successive development of commercial, economic and investment cooperation on terms of mutual benefit, in keeping with the established agreements.
The successes achieved by the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of economic development are largely attributable to the nation’s open foreign economic policy and diversification of cooperation with foreign countries. The Republic of Korea is one of Uzbekistan’s leading foreign trade partners. It was one of the first states in the Asia-Pacific region that acknowledged Uzbekistan’s independence (30 December 1991), with diplomatic relations between the two countries being established shortly after that – on 29 January 1992.
Nowadays, the Republic of Korea occupies one of the leading places in a list of top foreign trade partners of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Partner cooperation between the two states was initiated in 1992, through the establishment of friendly relations between the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Uzbekistan, which cover almost all areas of life.
Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the governments of both countries have been bending every effort to create a necessary environment for expanding the scope of two-way export activity, attracting mutual investments and boosting reciprocal commerce. A number of bilateral agreements signed in this area has provided a solid base on which to develop trade and economic collaboration.
The mutually advantageous trade and economic links, without doubt, prevail in the entire system of relationships between the two countries. Today, a great deal of attention is devoted not only to increasing the number of joint projects, but also to improving and perfecting the very essence of Uzbek-Korean bilateral cooperation.
As part of the efforts to develop such relations, the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Small and Mid-Sized Business Administration of the Republic of Korea have conducted talks on a range of issues surrounding their two-way cooperation in different sectors on 17 November 2014. In the course of the talks, the sides have signed the Memorandum of Mutual Understanding and Cooperation, in a move to further enlarge bilateral trade-economic and investment relations. The document’s key aims are as follows: the further solidification and intensification of mutually beneficial trade-economic, investment and financial cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea; the development of long-term partner ties between small businesses and entrepreneurs, as well as between leading companies from both countries, their active attraction to the expansion of reciprocal commercial links and implementation of joint investment projects in the high-tech industries of the Uzbek economy.
The Small and Mid-Sized Business Administration of the Republic of Korea is a state-run agency, which is responsible for the creation of a whole network of support and assistance designed to make the national small and medium-sized enterprises much more competitive. The Administration’s main goal is to work out a policy aimed at accelerating the development of venture capital and facilitating exports by small and mid-sized businesses.
The Memorandum of Mutual Understanding, Cooperation and Further Expansion of Bilateral Trade-Economic and Investment Relations establishes that the sides, acting within their own cognizance, will develop and strengthen mutually advantageous and equal cooperation, in an effort to promote joint projects with the participation of Uzbek and Korean small businesses and entrepreneurs, for the purpose of augmenting reciprocal commodity circulation volumes and luring direct investments and up-to-date technologies badly needed for the creation of high-tech production facilities in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
It is also established in a given document that the following measures will be taken to implement the Memorandum:
– To provide small businesses and entrepreneurs with every sort of support and assistance in forging and developing direct commercial and investment linkages with leading countries, large enterprises and organizations from both countries;
– To regularly inform small businesses and entrepreneurs about concrete promising projects and the auspicious conditions created for the expansion of bilateral trade and investment ties;
– To exchange information in the field of foreign trade and investment legislation;
– To organize and conduct mutual visits, joint forums, round-table discussions, seminars, presentations, meetings and negotiations with the participation of small businesses and entrepreneurs, leading companies, enterprises and organizations from Uzbekistan and Korea, as well as to arrange other forms of mutually advantageous activity, with the object of promoting two-way trade and investments.
Cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea is developing across almost all areas. Their potentialities to forge commercial and economic relations on terms of mutual benefit are considerable, indeed. According to information from the Jakhon Information Agency at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in 2013, bilateral turnover between the two countries was estimated at US $2.12billion. The composition of Uzbek exports to Korea includes foodstuffs, machinery and equipment, nitrogenous fertilizers, chemicals, as well as transport, communications and tourist service. Uzbekistan imports from the Republic of Korea means of transport, electrical and mechanical equipment, plastics and goods made thereof, ferrous metals, foodstuffs etc.
The total volume of Korean investments attracted to the Uzbek economy over the years of independence exceeded US $6 billion. For the time being, a lot of large investment projects are implemented in the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the following Korean firms: KOGAS, STX, HONAM Petrochemical Corporation, Shindong Resources Co. Ltd, and Textile Technologies Group. Among these projects are “The construction of the Ustyurt Gas-Chemical Complex on the basis of the Surgil field”, “The development of the Sautbai tungsten deposit”, “The organization of a textile complex in Tashkent province” and others.
At present, as many as 412 joint ventures set up with the participation of Korean investments are functioning in Uzbekistan. 68 of them are companies with 100 per cent foreign capital. All these enterprises operate in different industries, such as mining, metallurgy, chemistry, foodstuffs production, trade and services. 81 representative offices of South-Korean firms are accredited at the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investment and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Analysis of the state and development prospects of Uzbek-Korean commercial and economic relations leads to the following conclusions.
After the acquisition of independence, the countries of Central Asia have occupied an important geopolitical position in the region. Situated at the crossroads of transport corridors that connect Europe and Asia, they play a key role in today’s geopolitics.
The development of trade and economic cooperation with the Republic of Korea and attraction of Korean investments to the Uzbek economy is one of the major directions prioritized by the Republic of Uzbekistan in its foreign economic policy. Today, South Korea is the biggest donor, investing in various countries. At the same time, its economy is an efficient investment destination for many foreign companies.
(Source: «Business» newspaper)
Whole Uzbekistan on a Little Screen
Uzbektelecom Company together with Japanese NEC and Toyota Tsusho has commissioned a new DWDM-line of 100 Gbit/s.
The current stage of development of telecommunication technologies, networks and infrastructure in Uzbekistan primarily focuses on the expansion of the networks of fixed and mobile broadband access, increase of the capacity of switching data centers, upgrade of the main telecommunications networks, as well as the creation of infrastructure for the development of multimedia services.
Last year, the total rate of use of international information networks has increased by 151.3% to 15.5 Gb/s. Two thousand kilometers of fiber-optic communication lines have been laid in the recent years in the sections of Buzatau-Kungrad, Guzar-Baysun, Denau-Uzun-Shargun, Jaslik-Karakalpakstan, Muinak-Kibla-Usturt, Uzun-Tajik border, which have allowed providing certain converged services. The number of ports for provision of fixed broadband Internet access has exceeded 640,000, and the number of ports used increased by 135.1%.
The new line has connected the Uzbek capital with one of the historical monuments of Uzbekistan – the city of Bukhara. This is the first system in Central Asia that runs at speeds up to 100 Gb/s. It is about an advanced technology of coherent detection and correction, which significantly differs the system from the traditional DWDM technology, which operates at 10 Gb/s.
The project aims at multiplication of the capacity of the main data transfer networks that should provide a reliable and high-speed access to online services. Besides, the new line will make it possible to provide video telephony, Internet TV, HDTV channels, and others technologies for a large number of users.
This is far not the only interesting project. Jointly with the State Development Bank of China Uzbekistan is implementing initiatives on the development of telecommunication infrastructure totaling $117.6 million. The projects are aimed at expansion of capacity of the main data networks: international destinations – by 10 times (up to 100 Gb/s), to the regional centers – by 4 times (up to 40 Gbit/s), and district centers – 10 times (up to 10 Gbit/s). It is also envisaged to develop the FTTx technology for optical broadband access network, which is aimed at modernization of subscriber lines in Tashkent with the installation of data transmission equipment for broadband access at 69,120 ports.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
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