National airline “Uzbekistan Airways”. 1
Meeting with the Minister of China. 2
Uzbekistan intends to bring the level of localization of LCD TV production up to 50% in the next two years
Today, the country annually produces about 150,000 TVs. The market is shared by the four leading manufacturers – Roison, Artel, Photon and Zenith Electronics.
Uzbek manufacturers have set an ambitious goal to increase the production of state-of-the-art TV sets by 4.4 times by 2020 – from 150,000 in 2015 to 670,000. There are domestic and foreign marketing outlets in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, which lack similar tech industries. Local manufacturers are challenged by the competition with the Chinese manufacturers who supply not always quality, but cheap goods.
The domestic manufacturers intend to intensify the localization of components inside the country, because the localized goods have much more affordable price than their imported counterparts. Among other things, this also helps stimulate domestic demand and replace the off-grade foreign goods with quality domestic output.
The work in this direction has been underway. By 2014, the production of LCD TVs was based on large-block assemblies with localization level under 35%, while last year the localization level reached 40% as a result of developed manufacture of integrated circuit boards, case and component parts, cables, remote controls and other components. In 2017, the index is expected to exceed 50% through the development of LCD panels in the domestic production capacities.
Zenith Electronics – the manufacturer of Samsung TVs – has been most active. The company purchased South Korea’s automated robotic electronic board production line and a set of additional equipment for the production of electronic stuff. In 2016, it is planning to invest another $1 million for the further upgrade.
This December Photon is planning to launch a new production line of 42-inch TVs. The first trial batch will contain 10,000 items.
Roison has planned to complete the second phase of expansion of the electrical appliances plant in Jizzakh by the end of the current year. This would bring TV set output to 200,000. The project’s total cost exceeds $26 million.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
National airline “Uzbekistan Airways”
Expanding flight zones
Uzbekistan Airways continues expanding the geography of its flights both by launching new routes and expanding the existing ones. The Middle East, and particularly the United Arab Emirates, ranks among the most promising destinations.
Many domestic and international experts have repeatedly pointed out to great prospects of the National Airline of Uzbekistan. The further development of the national civil aviation has been built in the right direction, that is a complex measures on pilot training, the revival of the airfield network, and adequate cost of flights. Now there is a need to adapt to new conditions, to minimize costs.
The national airline is not just a phenomenon of the civil aviation in the CIS space, but it has come up with many initiatives. The establishment of the Navoi international logistics center is one of them. Korean Air was involved in the project as a strategic partner in 2008. An advanced cargo terminal, the loading and unloading station, refrigerators and freezers, a heating room, storage rooms for dangerous goods, perishable foodstuffs and animals were built there in just several years. The center grew so rapidly that it drew over the air cargo traffic to Europe, India, China and Southeast Asia within a short time. More than 200,000 tons of cargo has been transported since its launch.
The success encouraged the air carrier to go further, invent and implement steps to expand its market share and win new niches, including intensive development of transportation in the Middle East. Today, NAC aircrafts perform seven flights from three airports of the United Arab Emirates – Sharjah, Dubai and Al-Maktoum. The flights from the latter airport are performed to the Navoi international logistics hub by the two company’s cargo carriers.
Last year marked a significant increase in the number of passengers – over 42,000. It is planned to considerably increase this indicator this year. 523.5 tons of cargo and 218 tons of baggage were transported in 2015.
Specialists are currently working on the development of freight traffic between Al-Maktoum and Navoi airports, which comes to the elaboration of new routes and competitive prices in the freight market, development of new tools and ways of delivery. For example, they analyze the options of combined transportation of goods from the UAE to Central Asian countries through the Navoi hub. It is planned that the domestic cargo planes will deliver freights to the hub, from where a specialized transport company will forward them to the customers to the countries of the region by land.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
International cooperation
Meeting with the Minister of China
On March 16, 2016, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov, paying a working visit to China, met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yi in Beijing.
During the meeting the sides discussed the topical issues of the Uzbek-Chinese relations, including the current state and prospects of cooperation within the SCO.
The Chinese side highly appreciated the presidency of Uzbekistan in the SCO aimed at resolving practical issues of further development of cooperation between the Member States of the organization.
The Foreign Ministers of Uzbekistan and China highlighted the mutual interest in conducting the successful meeting of the Council of the Heads of State in Tashkent, the other events under the presidency of Uzbekistan.
(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
On accreditation of the foreign media representative for coverage of Meeting of Secretaries of Security Councils of the SCO Member States
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan announced the accreditation of the foreign media representatives for coverage of the Meeting of Secretaries of Security Councils of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization which will take place on April 13-14, 2016, in Tashkent.
Representatives of media wishing to participate in the coverage of the Meeting of Secretaries of Security Councils of the SCO Member States should send to the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan the following documents:
- a letter of application from the head of the interested foreign mass media addressed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan concerning on the accreditation of correspondent. The letter should be transferred through the diplomatic or consular missions of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad or the foreign diplomatic missions accredited by the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- basic information about interested mass media;
- biographic data (CV) of the journalist and passport copy;
- a photograph of the accrediting journalist in 700х700 dpi size (high quality, full face, white or blue background, please send the electronic version to the e-mail;
- a completed accreditation form.
Applications from the media representatives on accreditation will be accepted until 18:00 Tashkent time (GMT+5), March 30, 2016.
Applications received after the deadline as well as with the missing documents or attached photograph of the journalist will not be accepted for consideration.
If the foreign media representatives submit the application on coverage Meeting of Secretaries of Security Councils of the SCO Member States but have not received the confirmation on their accreditation from the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it does not justify the arrival to Uzbekistan and their further professional activity.
(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
A Dance as Long as Life
An Uzbek dancer is capable of captivating the viewer merely with her glance. Graceful movements, rich mimics and sensibility, all these elements turn national dances into an inimitable performance.
To find out the secrets of the Uzbek dance on the eve of the International Women’s Day the Uzbekistan Today correspondent met with one of the brightest representatives of this art, Merited artist of Uzbekistan, ballet-master, and General Manager of the “Uzbekraqs” creative association Muyassar Sotvoldiyeva.
Muyassar Rakhimovna, how did it happen that the Uzbek dance turned into your life-work?
I grew up in the Ferghana valley at a time when traditional moral principles and preconceived opinions about women-dancers dominated in the region. I turned out to become the only representative of art in the family of pedagogue-parents. I attended dance circles since I studied in the fourth form. My mother supported me, while my father objected. I would steal away to take part in the concert programs and after performances I would hide at home to avoid meeting his eyes.
But I couldn’t do otherwise, nothing could stop me – I enjoy dancing tremendously, while victories at contests and festivals only inspired me.
My dream was to get a professional education, but at my father’s insistence I enrolled at the Namangan Teachers Training Institute to department of Russian language and literature. My love for dancing had never faded away. I set up a song and dance ensemble at the higher educational institution and the “Namangan gullari” group – at the Palace of Culture.
One day I wrote a letter to the Ministry of Culture. I still cannot understand why I wrote that I cherished a dream to get professionally trained in dancing and that my parents objected that. The officials of the Ministry knew me as a laureate of Republican contests. Can you imagine my surprise when I received an answer saying that I was enrolled to the second course of choreography department of the Institute of Arts and Culture… It was a real shock for me. I didn’t know how to inform my parents about the news. My mother helped me out of this trouble. She found a moment when we had visiting guests from Tashkent and persuaded my father not to resist my choice. After that I continued my education in Tashkent.
Performing with the dance ensemble and appearance on the television was something of a fantastic event. And now I am a director of those dance groups. This is where my love for arts has driven me to.
What about your father? Did he eventually approve of your choice?
This happened when I was awarded the title of Merited Artist. He couldn’t believe it unless he saw my name in the newspaper. One day he even shed a few tears, “I feel guilty. It looks like you were blessed by God. So, please forgive me.” After so many years I still cannot help recalling his words without tears.
How did your career go following your graduation from the Institute?”
I taught at the Teachers Training institute in my native Namangan; organized various competitions, helped students get prepared for Republican festivals, continued my work with the staff of the Palace of culture and even set up an ensemble at a kindergarten. Love for stage never left me in peace; hence I entered the prost graduate course under the Institute of Art studies. I earned additionally as a choreographer in the children’s ensemble “Bulbulcha” under the State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company. The “Tanovar” group was also set up there; today it is part of the “Uzbekraqs” association. Its director Yulduz Ismatova had practically compelled me to come back to professional stage. I hadn’t danced for nine years by then and I thought that I wouldn’t be able to cope with the challenge. But it took me one month to feel fit again. Then I worked as a coach, chief ballet-master and thus I arrived to my current position.
You originally come from Ferghana valley and most of your life you worked in Tashkent. But how did you become People’s artist of Karakalpakstan?
I was chief ballet-master at the holiday celebrations devoted to the 70th anniversary of the city of Nukus. I tried to focus on Karakalpak groups and alternated performances of professional groups from the capital city with local amateur ensembles. I held that genuine Karakalpak costumes had to be used, not stylized ones. We even had to ask the local museum for help. Having seen my keen interest in the demonstration of folk dances the leadership of the country took a decision to award me with this title.
How do you manage to combine so many things?
Back in my school years I went not only for dancing, but also attended the circle of the Russian language and literature, was candidate for ‘Master of sports’ title in handball, composed verses, drew pictures and had taken part at school discipline Olympiads. And that – on top of my regular household duties and responsibilities and gardening. Diligence, in my opinion is the merit of my parents. That was an accepted tradition with our family. I feel happy when I see this feature in my grandchildren.
What do you do in your free time?
I love reading fiction, especially works by French classicists of the 16th-17th centuries. But currently I read a historic novel about Amir Timur. I prefer printed materials to electronic options. I enjoy turning over the pages of books after the working hours when I feel tired of phone calls and computers.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
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