March 18, 2015
Industrial output of Uzbekistan exceeds 75.193 trillion soums in 2014. 2
Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan.. 2
‘Bloc of Democratic Forces’ created in the lower house of parliament 2
Opening of the spring exhibition season in “Uzexpocentre” NEC OJSS. 4
Tashkent Hosts International Tournament 5
Industrial output of Uzbekistan exceeds 75.193 trillion soums in 2014
Industrial output of Uzbekistan reached 75.193 trillion soums in January-December 2014, which grew by 8.3% year-on-year, the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan said.
The increase of labor productivity in industry by 6.5% to January-December 2014 has led to the growth of industrial production.
The creation of a favorable business environment for small business development has led to the increase in the share of small business in industrial production in comparison with the similar period of the last year by 3.8 percentage points to 31.9% in 2014.
Within the implementation of the Programme for deepening localization of production of finished products, components and materials, under which in January-December 2014, Uzbekistan produced goods for 3.113 trillion soums.
Measures were taken to stimulate and support domestic producers contributed to increase of production of consumer goods, which total volume in January-December 2014 reached 29.787 trillion soums (+9.4%), of which food products – 12.739 trillion soums (+8.7%) and non-food products – 17.048 trillion soums (+10%).
The share of consumer goods in the total volume of industrial production reached 36.4% in January-December 2014.
Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan
‘Bloc of Democratic Forces’ created in the lower house of parliament
The Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis held joint meetings between factions UzLiDeP and DP ‘Milly Tiklanish’, where it was decided to create a ‘bloc of democratic forces.
The ‘Bloc of Democratic Forces’ will act on the basis of an agreement on interaction between the two factions of the party, which was signed at the end of the joint meeting. Thus, a parliamentary majority in the lower house of parliament has been created. Now, the total number of seats in the block will be 88, and the People’s Democrats get 27 seats, the Social Democratic Party ‘Adolat’ will have 20 deputies and 15 seats are provided to the representatives of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan.
“The participants noted that the experience of the ‘Democratic Bloc’ in the previous session of Parliament showed that the consolidation effort enhances the effectiveness of the factions of political parties in parliament, as well as contributes to the solution of policy objectives with higher priority set out in their election platforms.
At the same time it was noted that there is the need to identify the main objectives of the ‘Bloc of Democratic Forces’ to ensure their effective implementation in the programs of organizational and legal measures, legislative control and analytical work of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2015 and subsequent years.
This includes the initiation and promotion of legislation vital to the modernization of the country, and to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals, preservation of national traditions and values, as well as for the efficient and successful implementation of the tasks of deepening economic reforms, improving the legal framework for the protection of private property, business affairs … ” said the information service of the lower house of parliament.
The factions of the parties united in the block, along with a preliminary discussion and development of an agreed position on them, retain the right to act in accordance with their own program goals and objectives.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today»)
Electricity-Powered Trains
Global interest in electrification of railways has been increasing. The shift of locomotives to electric traction allows expanding the opportunities of further development of the contemporary railway system. So it is reasonable that the large-scale program on the electrification of this kind of transport has been underway in Uzbekistan.
Experts note that electrification might address the majority of the problems with railways, especially in terms of high relevance of optimization and energy saving. The transition of locomotives to electric traction produces tangible effect. For instance, the most powerful locomotives can pull cars under four thousand tons, and electric trains – six thousand. Moreover, the transportation cost remarkably reduces, and speed increased by average 40 km h. Most importantly, the electric trains are environment friendly as they shut out emissions of pollutants from exhaust gases of diesel engines of main locomotives.
By the end of 2019 Uzbekistan is planning to implement 13 big investment projects on the development and electrification of railway communications, including Angren-Pop, Marokand- Karshi, Karshi-Termez, Marokand-Bukhara routes. It is going to be an integrated transport network linking the country’s major industrial hubs to the capital city.
Uzbekistan Railways has gained impressive experience in shifting steel tracks to electric traction. The domestic experts actively apply the best global practices, and involve foreign partners in the projects.
A contract the national rail carrier signed with the German company DB International marked a new stage in this direction. The German side will provide consulting services under the project on electrification of 325 km of the Karshi-Termez section, namely a complicated section of Tashguzar- Baysun-Kumkurgan, which crosses a mountainous area, a 1,800 meters high ridge. This part of the route includes 37 bridges, a tunnel and a gallery.
Last year, Uzbekistan Railways invested $ 669.9 million in its projects. The funds were channeled to the electrification of railway sections Marokand-Karshi and Karshi-Termez, establishment of high-speed connection on Tashkent-Samarkand section, the construction of a new double track electrified section of Jizzakh-Yangiyer, rehabilitation of railways, update of passenger car and freight rolling stock fleet, the purchase and upgrade of locomotives.
In order to fully enable the infrastructure the company is planning to purchase 32 modern electric locomotives in China by the end of 2020. The Chinese electric locomotives of OZEL, which were adapted to the conditions of Uzbekistan, have been widely engaged on domestic routes. Capable of operating in the mountain areas up to 1,800 m above sea level, they are manufactured by a Chinese company CNTIC-CNRDLRC. Their short-term power was increased from 6,000 to 7,200 kW, they are equipped with modern converter units, on-board video surveillance, electronic brake control crane, and a touch-board monitor.
This February, Uzbekistan Railways and the Spanish Patentes Talgo SL signed a Memorandum on Cooperation in the field of high-speed rail traffic. The Spanish company ranks among the leading European manufacturers of high-speed trains. Uzbekistan has already bought two Talgo trains that run on the route Tashkent-Samarkand. The cooperation will apparently strengthen in the future. The Uzbek side has previously vowed its intention to purchase two more trains.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Opening of the spring exhibition season in “Uzexpocentre” NEC OJSS
On February 24, 2015 the regular exhibition season in «Uzexpocentre» NEC OJSS was started.
In the first half of the year, 30 exhibitions are expected to be held.
“Uzexpocentre” National Exhibition Company’s fairs’ and exhibitions’ schedule for the first half of the year 2015
№ | Topic | Organizer | Date | Venue |
1. | UZBEKISTAN INDUSTRIAL FORUM – 2015 | IEG UZBEKISTAN | 17-19.03 | Pavilion №1 |
2. | UZSPECTECHEXPO – 2015 | IEG UZBEKISTAN | 17-19.03 | Pavilion №1 |
3. | UZMETALMASHEXPO – 2015 | IEG UZBEKISTAN | 17-19.03 | Pavilion №1 |
4. | UZMININGEXPO – 2015 | IEG UZBEKISTAN | 17-19.03 | Pavilion №1 |
5. | UZSECUREEXPO – 2015 | IEG UZBEKISTAN | 17-19.03 | Pavilion №1 |
6. | UZAUTOMATIONEXPO – 2015 | IEG UZBEKISTAN | 17-19.03 | Pavilion №1 |
7. | UZCHEMPLASTEXPO 2015 | IEG UZBEKISTAN | 17-19.03 | Pavilon №1 |
8. | WORLD FOOD UZBEKISTAN 2015 | ITE UZBEKISTAN | 25-27.03 | Pavilion №2 |
9. | AGRO WORLD UZBEKISTAN 2015 | ITE UZBEKISTAN | 25-27.03 | Pavilion №1 |
10. | Industrial fair of fields of culture, education, healthcare, social protection | Appropriate complex of Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan | 25-27.03 | Pavilon №3 |
11. | «JobFair – 2015» | “Career +” weekly | 10.04 | Atrium1 Conf.hall |
12. | TIHE 2015 | ITE UZBEKISTAN | 14-16.04 | Pavilion №2 |
13. | APTEKA EXPO CENTRAL ASIA 2015 | ITE UZBEKISTAN | 14-16.04 | Pavilion №1 |
14. | STOMATOLOGY UZBEKISTAN 2015 | ITE UZBEKISTAN | 14-16.04 | Pavilion №1 Atrium 1 |
15. | Industrial fair of fields of public utilities, transport, capital construction and construction industry | Appropriate complex of Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan | 15-17.04 | Pavilion №3 |
16. | Fair of innovations | Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Uzbekistan | 21-23.04 | Pavilion №1 Atrium 1 Conf.hall |
17. | “World of Rest” International tourist exhibition & Festival of national dishes “Taste of Silk Road” | “The Great Silk Road” AA “Uzbektourism” NC | 27-28.04 | Pavilion №1 Atrium 1 Conf.hall |
18. | Industrial fair of fields of information systems and telecommunications | Appropriate complex of Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan | 29.04-01.05 | Pavilion №3 |
19. | Industrial fair of agricultural and irrigation branches and as well processing branch for agricultural and consumer goods | Appropriate complex of Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan | 29.04-01.05 | Pavilion №3 |
20. | OGU 2015 | ITE UZBEKISTAN | 12-14.05 | Pavilions №№1,2 |
21. | POWER UZBEKISTAN 2015 | ITE UZBEKISTAN | 12-14.05 | Pavilion №1 Atrium 1 |
22. | Industrial fair of products of machinery, electronics, aviation and standardization of products | Appropriate complex of Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan | 13-15.05 | Pavilion №3 |
23. | UZBEKISTAN AGROMINITECH EXPO | Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations, Investments & Trade | 21-29.05 | Pavilions №№1,2,3 Atrium 1 Conf.hall |
24. | UZBEKISTAN AGROTECHMASH EXPO | MFERIT, Ministry of agriculture & water management | 21-29.05 | Pavilion №4 Atrium 2 |
25. | TEXTILE EXPO UZBEKISTAN 2015 | ITE UZBEKISTAN | 27-29.05 | Pavilion №1 |
26. | Industrial fair of geological, fuel-power engineering, chemical, oil-chemical and metallurgical branches | Appropriate complex of Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan | 10-12.06 | Pavilion №3 |
Tashkent Hosts International Tournament
The prestigious international tournament ITF series started on the courts of the Republican tennis school of Olympic reserve. More than sixty boys and girls from almost twenty countries compete for victory in it.
In singles and doubles competition, young tennis players like Jurabek Karimov, Khumoyun Sultonov, Khumoyun Abdumalikov, Ahad Ermatov, Sharobiddin Abzalov, Saida’lo Saidkarimov, Guzal Yusupova, Sarvinoz Saidkhujayeva, Shahnoza Khamatova and Laylo Bahodirova protect the honor of our country.
In the first round of the competition in the main set, Jurabek Karimov beat the Russian Nikita Valensev with the score of 6:1, 6:2, and Khumoyun Sultonov defeated the Russian Lev Kazakov with 6:3, 6:0.
Sharobiddin Abzalov defeated the representative of the USA Olukayode Ayyeni with the score of 7:6, 7:5, Saida’lo Saidkarimov – over Russian Nikolay Kolobayev with the score of 3:6, 6:0, 6:2. Laylo Bahodirova defeated Viktoriya Kovaleva (Russia) with 6:4, 6:2.
The international tournament continues.
(Source: UzA)
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