March 23, 2015
President Islam Karimov’s Greeting Speech at the Navruz Central Festive Event 2
The National Park hosted celebrations dedicated to Navruz. 3
elections OF THE PRESIDENT of the republic of uzbekistan.. 3
Narimon Umarov met with voters of Namangan region. 3
Hotamjon Ketmonov met with voters in Surkhandarya region. 4
Akmal Saidov met with voters in Syrdarya region. 4
Senat of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan.. 5
Council of Senate considers Action Programme for 2015. 5
LUKOIL produces 4 billion cubic meters of gas in 2014. 5
NAVRUZ – 2015
President Islam Karimov’s Greeting Speech at the Navruz Central Festive Event
Dear compatriots!
Distinguished guests!
These brightest days, when the nature awakens, the long-expected Navruz – loved by all of us – has come to our blessed land, the native Uzbekistan, with the arrival of spring.
It gives me an immense pleasure, from the bottom of my heart, to sincerely congratulate you, my dear compatriots and our whole nation, on this most ancient and the noblest holiday which is as a symbol of spring, renewal and joy, and express my highest respect and kindest wishes to you all.
Dear friends!
There are myriads of splendid and brilliant holidays. Yet Navruz indisputably stands special amongst them, distinct with its greatest age and resplendent beauty, deepest meaning and substance, reflecting the unique identity and mentality of our people.
And it is for this very reason that this great festival – an embodiment of rebirth and rejuvenation – is greeted in each household and each family with widely open hearts and the most cherished dreams and aspirations, by saying, «Navruz, welcome to our land! May peace and prosperity accompany you!»
Indeed, the holiday of Navruz that emerged millennia ago in the Avesto era is truly national for our people and is looked forward by every one of us. It is the most adored festival that signifies the start of the new year by the Oriental calendar. Navruz is dear to us because it brings delight and bliss to each and every home, it helps to carefully preserve and perpetuate the ages-old traditions and values of our nation.
With the arrival of warm spring days, our ancestors and forefathers used to commence field works, sow the seeds, and organize sayils (folk festivities) to celebrate Navruz on the spaces covered with green shroud and with a sense of thankfulness. For us, it is not merely a far away history, but also the life itself, which fills our current days with light, benevolence and grace, and which affords us an even greater festive mood.
In these very days the whole neighborhood – mahalla dwellers – get together when women defy the nights and tirelessly cook such delicate and revitalizing victuals as sumalak, khalim, kuk-somsa and other meals with kind intentions, and treat with them their families and friends and neighbors. And, seeing this, we get convinced time and again that the unique customs and traditions we have inherited from our ancestors remain unbroken over centuries and make us feel as an inalienable part of the nature that surrounds us.
It is in this fascinating season that people display exceptional compassion and generosity toward each other, extend a gratuitous help to the sick and all who need assistance, seek blessings from those of esteemed age, while these unique qualities undoubtedly ennoble the human soul and make us more gracious and sensitive and responsive.
Another trait that makes Navruz distinct is that it appeals for peace and prosperity in each home, in each country and the entire world.
Wrongs and grievances are forgotten, quarrels and wars are ceased during this holiday, while harmony, cohesion and humanism prevail in the society.
Dear compatriots!
When we speak of this, it should be noted that the vital ideas, spirit and philosophy of the Navruz urge us to address the currently mounting confrontations, conflicts and wars in the world with solely political and peaceful means. And this confirms again the inseparable bonds between the essence of Navruz and the most imperative and pressing issues of the contemporary times.
Our nation, the people of Uzbekistan, aspires first and foremost for peace and harmony, and today this idea has been penetrating deep the consciousness of our fellow countrymen and women. This approach’s particular urgency is in the fact that the current extremely intricate and restless times require that every one of us be even more vigilant and considerate, soberly evaluate everything taking place around us, live in friendship and harmony with the whole world in the name of cementing the peaceful and affluent life and the clear sky above our Motherland.
Allow me to take this opportunity to greet on behalf of all our people and express deep respect and gratitude to all the guests from abroad, representatives of embassies of foreign nations and international organizations present here at this festive occasion, and to extend wishes of peace, prosperity and well-being to the peoples of those countries.
Today, appealing to the young men and women gathered here at this square, and the entire youth of Uzbekistan in their person, the generation that has been entering life with great hopes and confidence in the future, a generation with independent thinking and mindset, and which commands modern knowledge and is capable of assuming the responsibility for the future of the Motherland, I would like to say it once again that we have never been inferior to anyone in anything and we never are going to be so!
We will achieve our high goals for sure!
Dear compatriots!
By hugging you all in my mind, I congratulate you again on this magnificent and inimitable holiday and extend my kindest wishes to you from the bottom of my heart.
May Navruz bring peace, happiness and prosperity to every family, every home, and our country as a whole!
May all our gracious hopes and aspirations come true, may our native Uzbekistan do well and flourish!
Happy Navruz, dear friends!
The National Park hosted celebrations dedicated to Navruz
The National Park of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi hosted festive event dedicated to the celebration of Navruz.
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, in his congratulatory speech, wished the guests and residents of the country well-being, prosperity, welfare and peace.
Holiday program included musical performances and dance teams, as well as stars of the national stage.
elections OF THE PRESIDENT of the republic of uzbekistan
Narimon Umarov met with voters of Namangan region
The candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Adolat” Narimon Umarov on March 19 met with voters of Namangan region.
The meeting was opened by the chairman of the 6th Namangan district election commission G.Artykov. Trustee of the candidate for President O.Maksudov familiarized participants with the biography of the candidate.
The candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Narimon Umarov made a speech on his election program.
The program focuses on the important tasks such as the implementation of the general principles in society “Man – the main wealth of the country,” “Justice – the main criterion of our life”, “justice for all”, providing equal opportunities for all citizens, regardless of age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, the protection of the principles of social justice, rights and legal interests and freedoms of citizens.
However as priority areas identified tasks of ensuring the principles of openness, transparency and accountability in the management, active participation of the public in the process of development and decision making in the implementation of important issues of socio-economic development, strengthening of public control in their implementation.
Hotamjon Ketmonov met with voters in Surkhandarya region
On March 20, the presidential candidate of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the people’s democratic party of Uzbekistan Hotamjon Ketmonov met with voters in Surkhandarya region, UzA reported.
The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the 9th Surkhandarya district election commission A. Akhmedov. Trustee of the presidential candidate H. Jumagulov familiarized the participants with a biography of the candidate.
The program of the candidate includes measures on improvement of activities of enterprises on processing of local raw materials, improving economic and financial incentives and the effectiveness of preferential crediting of production of competitive on the domestic and foreign markets consumer goods, the development of rural family businesses and home-based work, the continuation of reforms in the areas of health and education.
Special attention is also paid to the priority areas of employment through the development of such important industries as textile, food industry, production of building materials, the processing of local raw materials, as well as improvement of judicial mechanisms for the protection of the rights of citizens, development of measures to improve the quality of execution of court decisions by strengthening judicial control.
Akmal Saidov met with voters in Syrdarya region
On March 20, the presidential candidate of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the Democratic party “Milliy Tiklanish” Akmal Saidov met with voters in Syrdarya region.
The meeting was opened by the chairman of the 8th Syrdarya district election commission Sh. Mamatkulov. Trustee of the presidential candidate N. Soatov familiarized the participants with the biography of the candidate.
The presidential candidate of the Republic of Uzbekistan Akmal Saidov made a speech about his election program.
The election program is mainly targeted on deepening the reforms in the spiritual education field. They are reflected on priorities for the preservation and enrichment of historical, cultural and intellectual heritage, culture and traditions of our people, general promotion of the achievements of the country among the younger generation, a systematic study of the history of Uzbekistan on the basis of the principles of objectivity, fencing consciousness of youth from the negative effects of “mass culture”, educating youth in the spirit of devotion to the idea of national revival, respect for national culture and values, the formation of culture with respect to reading and loving the book.
Senat of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan
Council of Senate considers Action Programme for 2015
Council of the Senate of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan held a session to discuss an Action Programme for 2015. Chairperson of Senate Nigmatilla Yuldoshev chaired the meeting.
The session considered priority directions of the Senate for 2015, the press service of the upper house of the parliament said.
Senate is planning to carry out analysis of legislation and control-analytical work within the Action Programme for 2015 and following years, directed at improving quality of legislative activities.
Senators noted that the Action Programme envisages to organize wide discussions of the adopted laws with attraction of scholars, specialists and experts, as well as civil society representatives, improving law-enforcement practices, timely publication of by-laws, etc.
The programme stipulates measures on raising efficiency of interaction of chambers of the parliament, Senate and local Councils of People’s Deputies, strengthening of parliamentary control, openness of Senate.
The Council of the Senate approved the considered Action programme. Afterwards, the Council considered and approved a work plan of the Senate’s Commission on assisting to boost activities of representative bodies of the government in places for 2015.
The Council considered other issues of its jurisdiction and adopted corresponding resolutions.
International cooperation
LUKOIL produces 4 billion cubic meters of gas in 2014
Russia’s LUKOIL produced 4 billion cubic meters of gas and over 100,000 tonnes of liquid hydrocarbons in Uzbekistan in 2014, the LUKOIL Overseas said in a statement.
The company said that the implementation of major gas projects in Uzbekistan continued in 2014.
In particular, a booster compressor station was started up in November at the Khauzak-Shady field, allowing for a 20% increase in production, the company said.
The Early Gas Kandym large capital project entered an active phase; work was underway on design documentation development, equipment fabrication and delivery, as well as early construction under the Gissar Full Development project.
The annual production at the fields in Uzbekistan totaled 4 billion cubic meters of gas and over 100,000 tonnes of liquid hydrocarbons, it noted.
Production was fully replaced by an increase in proven reserves due to additional exploration of the Gissar and Kandym fields.
No Savings, No Economy
Uzbekistan has been working on a program of cutting energy consumption, introduction of energy-saving technologies and systems in economy and social sector for the period 2015-2019. Its implementation will enable the country to take the lead on energy efficiency in the region, and significantly enhance the competitiveness of the real economy in the coming years.
A fundamental reduction of industrial energy consumption and the rational use of non-renewable hydrocarbon resources has been a modern trend of any economy, if it seeks to hold key positions on the global market. The causes of these processes are fairly obvious. The higher the production cost, the less competitive the product is in foreign markets. It is also vital to keep in mind the limits of many mineral resources like oil, coal and gas, the backbone of the contemporary power system.
In order to avoid a collapse in the future, many countries of the world, and especially in the European Union, have embarked on intensive implementation of various programs and projects over the past two decades to diversify their energy sources and optimally implement conservation technologies. Energy is a very specific system, which is defined by the investments channeled decades ago. For example, the construction of a large power plant may last about five years apart from the time spent for the project development, and many other related factors. Therefore, steps should be taken in advance.
The new program is destined to help Uzbekistan with making a drastic step forward. It envisages strengthening the legislative component of the energy conservation policy, and particularly the development of measures on limitation of the use of energy-consuming equipment and appliances, up to a total ban. For example, it is projected to connect the newly established business entities to the power and gas supply networks solely in case if they use energy-saving technological equipment. Specific measures also include the ban for energy supply to the business entities that are not equipped with modern electronic metering devices that are compatible with the automated system of accounting and control of energy consumption from 1 January 2017.
Drawing on international practice and criteria, the document will also provide conditions for reducing the loss rate of energy resources in their production, extraction, transportation, and use. The provision of energy efficiency in the construction of new and reconstruction of existing residential and commercial buildings and industrial facilities through the introduction of modern architectural solutions and new types of building structures and insulation materials should be key pillar of success. It is expected that the domestic enterprises that have established the production of advanced construction materials will contribute to this process.
The introduction of alternative energy sources in the current system of power generation is going to be a key element of the new program. To stimulate this process, the companies that produce energy using alternative sources will be exempt for 10 years from property tax, compulsory contributions to special funds, and the value-added tax with regard to the energy sold to Uzbekenergo enterprises. The manufacturers of plants for energy production from renewable sources will be exempt from all taxes and mandatory contributions for five years. The manufacturers of energy efficient equipment, its consumers will get certain customs privileges for importing the related equipment, components, devices, spare parts and raw materials for projects in energy conservation and alternative energy.
Another important undertaking implies a complete rejection of free circulation of incandescent lamps over 40 watts since September 2015, their sales on the territory of the republic as of January 2016.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
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