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Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

March 25, 2016


economy.. 1

Employment share in non-state sector of Uzbekistan reaches 82.2%.. 1

International cooperation.. 1

Uzbekistan and Hungary hold IGC session on economic cooperation. 1

On Uzbek-Japanese ministerial consultations. 2

“Central Asia plus Japan” dialogue meeting. 2

Tourism… 2

By the end of 2019, Uzbekistan is planning to build 50 hotels, 30 campsites and 20 boarding houses  2





Employment share in non-state sector of Uzbekistan reaches 82.2%

In January-December 2015, the number of economically active population of Uzbekistan comprised 13 million 767.7 thousand people, or 44 percent of the total population.

The number of people employed in the economy for January-December 2015, according to preliminary data of the State Statistics Committee amounted to 13 million 58.3 thousand people, having increased compared to 2014 by 1.9 percent.

Significant growth in employment is observed in transport and communication (3.8 percent), housing and public utilities and nonproduction types of consumer services (3.6 percent), trade, catering and marketing (3.5 percent), construction (3.3 percent).

The employment rate of the economically active population (the ratio of the number of employed in the economy to economically active population) in January-December 2015 amounted to 94.8%.

Overall, the share of employment in the private sector rose to 82.2 percent, against 81.9% in January-December 2014.

The number of the citizens registered as job seekers at the end of December 2015 amounted to 2.7 thousand people, or 20.5 percent less than at the end of December 2014 (3.4 thousand people).

In January-December 2015, the number of unemployed, defined according to the method of calculation of unoccupied population that requires employment, approved by the government resolution of 24 May 2007, amounted to 709.4 thousand people. Respectively the unemployment rate comprises 5.2 percent of the economically active population.


International cooperation

Uzbekistan and Hungary hold IGC session on economic cooperation

Tashkent hosted the third session of the Intergovernmental Commission (IGC) on economic cooperation between Uzbekistan and Hungary.

During the session, the sides exchanged views on the current state of bilateral trade and economic relations and considered prospects of development of cooperation in trade, implementation of investment projects in various sectors of the economy, cooperation in agriculture, environmental protection, science, education, tourism.

The Hungarian delegation was headed by Deputy Minister of external economic relations and foreign affairs László Sabó, and the Uzbek side by the Minister of foreign economic relations, investments and trade Elyor Ganiev.

The event brought together the heads and representatives of the Hungarian ministries and organizations, enterprises-manufacturers of modern equipment for the food industry, technologies for deep processing of agricultural products, etc.

IGC on economic cooperation between Uzbekistan and Hungary has been operating since 2013. As the Minister of foreign economic relations, investments and trade of Uzbekistan Elyor Ganiev noted, conducting the regular session of the Commission is evidence of the high interest and the commitment of both countries to further develop mutually beneficial cooperation and bilateral ties.

This is evidenced by the range of issues included in the agenda of the Commission. In addition to the state of trade and economic relations, the sides also exchanged views on cooperation in the field of agriculture, environment, education and tourism.

During the meeting, a presentation of the economic potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as promising projects of cooperation was made. The Hungarian party was also thoroughly acquainted with adopted in the country large-scale privatization programme, involving the sale to foreign investors of state shares in the enterprises of Uzbekistan.

In turn, the Hungarian side noted that considers Uzbekistan as one of its main partners in Central Asia and intends to further develop the bilateral trade and economic relations.

– This year we have prepared several projects. 5 agreements will be signed today, 3 of which are very complex. They are to be implemented in agro-industrial sector, i.e. in livestock, poultry, processing of fruits and vegetables, – the member of the Hungarian delegation Josef Kovacs said.

By the results of 2015, the trade turnover between Uzbekistan and Hungary exceeded $44.5 million. 3 enterprises with participation of investors from Hungary, including 2 joint ventures and one with 100% Hungarian capital operate in our country today.

Following the meeting, the sides signed a Protocol.


On Uzbek-Japanese ministerial consultations

On March 24, 2016, Tokyo hosted the 16th round of political consultations between the Foreign Ministries of Uzbekistan and Japan.

During the meeting the sides discussed the issues related to the implementation of agreements reached during the official visit of the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe to Uzbekistan on October 24-26, 2015, the prospects of development of bilateral cooperation in political, trade-economical, investment, technological, financial and technical, cultural and humanitarian spheres. The parties also exchanged views on the international and regional issues.

(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

“Central Asia plus Japan” dialogue meeting

On March 25, 2016, Tokyo held the 11th Meeting of Senior Officials of the Dialogue “Central Asia plus Japan” at the level of Deputy Foreign Ministers.

Representatives of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Japan discussed the current state and prospects of cooperation in a multilateral format, including the implementation of regional projects in the fields of agriculture, transport infrastructure and logistics, as well as cooperation in cultural and humanitarian sphere.

The parties also discussed the preparation process for the upcoming 6th Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Dialogue to be held this year in Ashgabat.

(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)


By the end of 2019, Uzbekistan is planning to build 50 hotels, 30 campsites and 20 boarding houses

The scope of work will be divided by years. For example, the commissioning of 15 tourist accommodation venues have been scheduled for this year, 35 venues in 2017 and 2018 respectively, and 15- in 2019.

Besides, the government is intending to initiate the construction of another 100 campsites in rural areas in the abovementioned period for the development of agro-tourism, which will offer new types of all-inclusive hotel services. 35 pilot campsites will be built this year in the regions, 35 in 2017, and 30 in 2018-2019.

Nearly 2 million foreign citizens visit Uzbekistan every year. The bulk of tourists to Uzbekistan in 2015 arrived from Russia (22.4%), South Korea (8.2%), Germany (3.8%), France (3.6%), as well as other countries of Western Europe and Southeast Asia.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


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