March 31, 2015
elections OF THE PRESIDENT of the republic of uzbekistan.. 2
Presidential Elections: Preliminary Results Announced. 2
Missions of international observers: Elections in Uzbekistan were free and open. 3
Stepan Gurjiy: Powerful gas field to be built within Kandym project 5
Economy on the Upsurge
Today, experts from around the world study the Uzbek model of economic development seeking to understand how the country maintains high growth rates of the real economy despite the expected decline in export demand amidst global instability in foreign markets. Last year alone, the industrial production volumes in the country rose by 8.3%, reaching 75.1 trillion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 31.03.2015 1$= 2490.20 soums).
The state industrial policy – the ‘producer’ of high growth rates – is grounded on integrated measures on the creation of high-tech and competitive segments of the national economy through the modernization of enterprises, innovations, the creation of high-performance jobs, and human capacity building.
According to experts, the increase in labor productivity by 6.5% remarkably impacted the production growth. Hundreds of projects on technological extension of enterprises, advanced staff training, and introduction of modern management solutions were completed last year across the country, thus significantly increasing labor productivity, and consequently reducing the production costs.
Uzbekistan is also unique in the steadily increasing welfare, which has been significantly contributing to shaping demand for consumer goods. Each second family has its own car, and almost everyone has cutting-edge gadgets and appliances like tablets and cell phones, laptops, TVs, refrigerators and others.
It stands to reason that the country has developed and is taking certain measures to expand the range and scope of domestic production of consumer goods that would replace expensive imported counterparts. Last year, the domestically produced consumer goods totaled 29.7 billion soums with an increase of 9.4%. The share of consumer goods in the total volume of industrial production reached 36.4%.
The contribution of ‘small economy’ is equally significant. The ongoing measures on further improvement of the business environment and support of entrepreneurship have helped to increase the share of small business in industrial production to 31.9% against 28.1% in 2013.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
elections OF THE PRESIDENT of the republic of uzbekistan
Presidential Elections: Preliminary Results Announced
The Republican press centre for the coverage of elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a press conference for domestic and foreign mass media to announce preliminary results of the presidential elections.
According to the Chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) M.Abdusalomov, 29 March elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held openly in full compliance with the national electoral legislation and internationally accepted principles of international law.
The vote was attended by 18 million 942 thousand citizens, which is 91,08% of the total number of voters included in the lists. According to the article 35 of the Law on the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it suggests that presidential elections are held.
The CEC did not receive any information from the places on violations of the electoral law.
“The high activity of the electorate speaks about the growing political activity of the citizens of Uzbekistan, who are clearly aware that the further development of the country depends on their decision,” said the Chairman of the CEC.
He also said that according to the preliminary results of the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan 17 million 122 thousand 577 citizens, or 90.39% of the total number of voters casted their votes for Islam Karimov. For Akmal Saidov voted 582 thousand 688 people, or 3.08% of voters, for Hotamjon Ketmonov – 552 thousand 309 people, or 2.92% of voters, for Narimon Umarov voted 389 thousand 24 people, or 2.05% of voters.
The briefing participants were informed that currently the CEC considering the protocols and other documents provided by district election commissions. In accordance with the Law on the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, all of them, if it will be necessary – also the papers of precinct election commissions will be again thoroughly checked up by the CEC. Only after that the CEC will decide on the outcome of the election.
In accordance with the national electoral legislation, the message about the results of elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be published by the CEC in print no later than 10 days after the election day, that is, until 8 April 2015.
The journalists received answers to their questions.
(Source: UzA)
Missions of international observers: Elections in Uzbekistan were free and open
The press conference of the Observer Mission of the World Association of electoral bodies (WAEB) completed at the Republican press center for coverage of the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Head of Mission, Director of Planning of the World Association of electoral bodies, Lee Chung-Hee said that on the day of elections on 29 March, the representatives of the mission visited 7 polling stations in the cities of Tashkent and Samarkand. They observed the voting and the counting of votes.
According to members of the mission, the elections were held openly and consistently, voters actively participated in the voting and counting process of the votes was held in open, transparent and timely manner.
During the observation, we have not detected any violations of electoral laws – said in an interview Lee Chung-Hee. – The fact that till 11:00 the turnout was more than 30 percent, indicates the interest of the population in realization of their own electoral law in favor of the country’s future. Such civic engagement shows the growth of legal culture, legal consciousness of the population. For me it was really amazing from the start of voting to observe such activity. In addition, Uzbekistan has a unique practice of organizing the elections, for me it was something new that every polling station was organized with a room for mother and child, medical offices.
It should be noted that the World Association of electoral bodies was established as an international organization in October 2013, with its headquarters in the city of Incheon (South Korea). Its main objective – to promote international cooperation for the exchange of information and experience in organizing and holding open and transparent elections. Currently, it combines the electoral bodies of 94 countries.
The Republic of Uzbekistan from the first days of the organization of WAEB is its full member. The mission of observers from the international organizations also participated in the parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan in December 2014.
The National Press Center on the coverage of presidential elections in the Republic of Uzbekistan held a briefing today, with the participation of representatives of the international observer mission from the CIS.
The head of Mission, the Chairman of the Executive Committee – CIS Executive Secretary Sergei Lebedev announced preliminary information about the elections.
Moreover, at the event it was reported that the CIS Observation Mission operates to monitor the election campaign from 12 March. It is comprised of 72 observers from 8 countries.
Particular attention was paid to the openness and alternative choices. International observers visited all regions of the country. There was a clear organization of the election process at polling stations, their equipment and convenient location. The high level of members of precinct election commissions was also underlined as well.
Observers also noted that during interviews with the population, all voters without exception expressed a common view: they voted for peace, stability and further development of the country. Conducted elections in Uzbekistan fully correspond with generally accepted international standards. Extensive preparatory work carried out by election commissions have contributed, including the fact that the elections took place at a high level. Thus, according to preliminary data, the turnout was more than 91% of the voters of the total number of voters on the lists.
Members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) observer mission said today at a press conference in Tashkent that the March 29 presidential elections in Uzbekistan were transparent and democratic and in compliance with the national legislation and international standards. No violation of the electoral legislation has been reported.
It was noted that the SCO observer mission had been invited by Uzbekistan’s Central Election Commission (CEC) to monitor the March 29, 2015 presidential elections in Uzbekistan. The mission was led by SCO General Secretary Dmitry Mezentsev and representatives of the organization’s member countries.
Members of the observer mission have met with heads of the CEC, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Samarkand Region Mayor’s Office.
Upon arrival in Uzbekistan, the observer mission learned about the course of the election campaign and realization of the Program of Preparations for and Staging of the Presidential Elections. They were provided with full information about the presidential hopefuls and visited polling stations in the cities of Tashkent, Bukhara and Samarkand and Tashkent Region on March 28-29.
The mission noted the high voter turnout and the performance of precinct election commissions that was in strict compliance with national election laws.
Observers representing the four political parties that had nominated candidates were present at polling stations visited by SCO observer mission members. No complaints from voters or representatives of political parties regarding the observers were filed during the mission’s visits to polling stations.
The Republican press centre for the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a briefing of the Mission of observers from the Organization of Islamic cooperation (OIC), in the course of which high assessment regarding the organization and conduct of elections was given.
In addition, observers from the OIC noted the high level of voter turnout. As stressed by the observers, the election process and the counting of the votes were fair and transparent, there was no information on violations and conflicts.
Representatives of the OIC visited more than 40 polling stations in Tashkent city and Tashkent region. It was noted that all the sites were fully prepared to conduct the election, the members of precinct election commissions professionally and carefully treated to their assigned tasks. Observers congratulated the people of Uzbekistan on the successful elections and wished success in further democratic development.
Recall that the representatives of the OIC came to Uzbekistan at the invitation of the Central Election Commission in order to monitor the process and vote counting at the election of the President.
The Mission is headed by the Director of the Department of political affairs of the OIC Ali Abolhassani, responsible for the organization of election observation in the countries-participants of the organization. Note that the Mission of the OIC also participated in the observation of the previous elections of the President of Uzbekistan in 2007.
The observer delegation of the PRC: Elections conform to generally accepted principles of international law
Today Tashkent hosted a briefing at which the observer delegation of the People’s Republic of China announced a statement of preliminary findings and conclusions on the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In accordance with the information provided at the briefing, at the official invitation of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan from March 27 to 30, 2015, the observer delegation of the People’s Republic of China monitored the progress of the preparation and conduct of elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The observer delegation of the PRC conducted its activity guided by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in accordance with the principles of respect for sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs.
On March 28, the observer delegation of the PRC visited the polling stations No. 75 and No. 141 7-of Samarkand electoral district located in Samarkand, acquainted with the biographies and election programs of 4 presidential candidates, as well as with the process of preparation of elections and voting.
The observer delegation of the PRC states, that the precinct election commission issued laws and normative legal acts regarding the elections fully and on time. The media covered the whole election process.
The elections were deemed as legitimate, democratic, transparent and fair. Electoral rights of citizens of Uzbekistan are fully secured by secret ballot. This once again proves the importance of their votes and participation in political life.
The observer delegation of the PRC expressed appreciation for the support and assistance to the Central Election Commission, the Ministry of foreign affairs and other agencies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
International cooperation
Stepan Gurjiy: Powerful gas field to be built within Kandym project
A powerful gas field and gas processing plant will be constructed within the project on construction of Kandym Gas Processing Complex in Uzbekistan, director-general of LUKOIL Uzbekistan Stepan Gurjiy told in interview to corporate newspaper of LUKOIL Overseas – Neftyaniyi Vedomosti.
Stepan Gurjiy stated that advanced foreign technologies on processing natural gas will be used at construction of new complex.
The Kandym Plant will be processing 8.1 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually in order to obtain block and granulated sulphur, stable condensate and purified natural gas. All products will comply with international quality standards and the Republic’s requirements.
Stepan Gurjiy said that 77 gas wells and 300 km of gas pipeline will be constructed within the project. At the same time, it is planned to build other plant infrastructure objects such as electricity supply lines (100 km of electricity lines), water supply lines, automobile and rail roads and village for 1,200 people.
He said that the project will allow to create over 2,000 permanent jobs and over 10,000 people will work at construction of the plant.
He said that LUKOIL is cooperating with UzLITIneftgaz, SredazEnergosetPryekt and BoshTransLoyiha within the project implementation, he said.
In future, the company will attract Uzbekneftegaz, Uzbekenergo, Uzbekistan Temir Yollari and other large industrial enterprises of Uzbekistan, he said.
He said that about 60% of volume of goods, works and services will be implemented by local companies within the PSA.
Gurjiy said that Kandym is complex and difficult project, implementation of which will require large volume of resources – works, financial resources, construction materials, equipment and electricity. It is vital to receive necessary resources on time and the works are conducted to ensure this, he noted.
Kandym being a complex project. Safety issues traditionally rank first in LUKOIL projects around the world. Primary attention is given to minimizing industrial safety risks. We focus on using the most stringent labour safety standards, hold regular training sessions and drills for our personnel, and set strict requirements for our contractors.
In these conditions, one of the key aspects is the professionalism of all parties involved in the project. Therefore, LUKOIL Uzbekistan places special emphasis on the following: hiring the most experienced and qualified contractors, employing a highly professional workforce and promoting advanced best practices.
He said that during implementation of two PSAs, it is planned to extract about 330 billion cubic meters of gas and over 6 million tonnes of oil and gas condensate.
LUKOIL Uzbekistan chief said that the PSA for the Kandym-Khauzak-Shady project was signed in July 2004. LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company was founded a month later. That’s when the first field operations began. The first production complex, the Khauzak-Shady area in the Bukhara region, was started in November 2007. In a year’s time, this facility reached target gas production levels.
Last November, a booster compressor station was started at the Khauzak block. This high-tech facility is the first production unit of its kind to be used in Uzbekistan’s gas industry. As of early 2015, the accumulated hydrocarbon production in Uzbekistan has reached 26 billion cubic meters of gas. These years have marked the beginning of a path towards major future successes, he said.
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