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April 13, 2016


uzbek_digestPOLItiCs. 1

President of the Kazakhstan to visit Uzbekistan. 1

MEETING OF SECURITies of the Security Councils of the SCO Member States IN TASHKENT   1

Meeting with SCO Secretary-General 1

Meeting with assistant to the President – Secretary of Security Council of KazakhstanTitle. 1

Society.. 1

Fulfillment of Laws as an Important Factor of Democracy. 1





President of the Kazakhstan to visit Uzbekistan

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev will pay a working visit to our country on 14-15 April 2016 at the invitation of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islоm Karimov.

Within the framework of regular meetings at the highest level the heads of states will discuss the state and development prospects of Uzbek-Kazakh relations in various spheres, topical regional and international issues.

(Source: UzA)

MEETING OF SECURITies of the Security Councils of the SCO Member States IN TASHKENT

Meeting with SCO Secretary-General

On April 13, 2016, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov received the Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Rashid Alimov, who arrived in Tashkent to participate in the following Meeting of Secretaries of Security Councils of the SCO Member States.

The sides exchanged opinions on topical issues on the SCO agenda and the preparation process for the events within the presidency of Uzbekistan.

It was noted that the Meeting of Secretaries of Security Council will be an important milestone for the upcoming anniversary Summit of the SCO Council of Heads of States.

Meeting has also discussed the draft documents that are planned to be signed during the SCO events in Tashkent.

(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

Meeting with assistant to the President – Secretary of Security Council of KazakhstanTitle

On April 13, 2016, in Tashkent, within the framework of the meeting of Secretaries of the Security Councils of the SCO Member States, Secretary of Security under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan V. Makhmudov met with Assistant to the President – Secretary of Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Ermekbaev.

During the meeting sides discussed the issues of bilateral cooperation as well as international and regional policy.

The parties noted that the current presidency of Uzbekistan and the documents planned to be signed during the upcoming meeting of the SCO Council of Heads of States in Tashkent should set the milestone in the 15-year history of organization and bring multilateral cooperation to a new level.

(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)


Fulfillment of Laws as an Important Factor of Democracy

An international conference titled “Mechanisms for raising the efficiency of ensuring the execution of laws: national and foreign experiences” was held in Tashkent.

The event was organized by the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Germany), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the OSCE Coordinator in Uzbekistan. Taking part in the forum were members of the Senate and deputies of the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis, representatives of the ministries and agencies, international and public organizations, deputies of Euro Parliament, experts from Germany, Italy, Belgium, Latvia and Slovenia.

The conference participants noted that reforms carried out in Uzbekistan for the purpose of deepening democracy, strengthening the legislative foundation for raising their practical efficiency, and further improvement of the system of execution of legislation serve the cause of the country’s comprehensive development. Pressing issues of ensuring the efficiency of the law enforcement practices by the state bodies on an unconditional execution of laws were discussed at the forum, as well as advanced relevant experiences of developed countries, prospects of development of civil society institutions and mass media for the purpose of raising the level of public awareness and improvement of public control over the execution of laws.

The Concept of further deepening democratic reforms and shaping a civil society in the country, advanced by the President and approved by the parliament, marked the commencement of a new stage in providing the population with legal information. The normative and legal acts passed in accordance with the Concept raised to a yet higher level the responsibility of the Government and executive structures for administration and the rule of law. Consistent improvement of the national legislative base is an important factor of development of all spheres of the country’s life, securing the execution of laws, and protection of the citizens’ rights and freedoms.

“We have directly got acquainted with Uzbekistan’s experience in raising the efficiency of ensuring the execution of laws within the framework of participation at this international conference,” says Executive Director of the Institute of evaluation of legislation impact Erik Akse (Belgium). “Setting up a strong legislative base, consistent development of this system, and further consolidation of international cooperation in this sphere in Uzbekistan deserves special attention. We have pooled experience with our Uzbek colleagues, agreed on further expansion and consolidation of our cooperation.”

The conference participants got acquainted with the systemic reforms carried out in Uzbekistan on further perfection of mechanisms for raising the efficiency of securing the execution of laws. They exchanged opinions on mechanisms for ensuring the execution of laws with simultaneous interaction between the Government agencies and the non-government non-commercial organizations.

Deputy of Euro parliament Iveta Grigule noted that the adoption of laws dictated by life itself for the purpose of successful and efficient implementation of democratic reforms, securing their efficiency, as well as effective monitoring over their execution is relevant in ensuring protection of the citizens’ rights, freedoms and legal interests. She underlined that Uzbekistan’s experience in this respect deserves every attention and careful study.

The conference drew particular attention to the Law “On the openness of the activities of the organs of State power and administration” adopted with aim of reforming the information sphere, securing the freedom of speech and information. It reflects the question of ensuring physical and legal entities’ access to information on the activities of the organs of the State authority and administration and established a new procedure of dissemination of information about their activities.

The Law “On normative-legal acts” adopted in December 2012 in its new edition had radically improved the procedure of preparation and adoption of departmental normative-legal acts, specified the official sources for their publication. There are official sources operating in Uzbekistan, which publish new laws and collections of laws. Effectively used in this direction is the “” national legislative base set up by the Ministry of Justice, the “Norma” and Yurida” legal systems; and “The collection of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan” and legal literature are published on a regular basis in this country.

“I am pleased to be able to get acquainted with Uzbekistan’s experience in raising the efficiency of execution of laws and the successes achieved in this field,” noted vice-President of the Italian institute on the issues of Asia and the Mediterranean Ugo Intini. “We are the supporters of further expansion and consolidation of cooperation with your country.”

The conference participants listened to reports devoted to effective measures of delivering normative-legal acts to the attention of performers and the public, cooperation between parliament and the bodies of executive power in this direction; and the organizational and legal mechanisms for securing the execution of laws.”

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper) 


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