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April 15, 2016


uzbek_digestPOLItiCs. 1

Islam Karimov meets with heads of delegations of SCO member-states. 1

President of Kazakhstan arrived in Tashkent 1

economy.. 2

Uzbekistan banking system’s potential on display at BankExpo-2016. 2

In January-February, 2016 enterprises of chemical industry of Uzbekistan produced goods at a total of 385 billion soums. 3

International cooperation.. 3

Uzbekistan and Japan discuss perspectives of trade-economic cooperation. 3






Islam Karimov meets with heads of delegations of SCO member-states

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov met with the heads of the Security Councils of the member-states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the SCO Secretary General and the director of the Executive Committee of the SCO Regional Anti-terrorist Structure.

Warmly greeting the guests, the head of our state noted that on the eve of its fifteenth anniversary the Shanghai Cooperation Organizations has firmly established itself as an influential and effective international organization, the activity of which supports solving common tasks in strengthening peace, stability and security, ensuring sustainable social-economic development of SCO member-states.

Within the framework of Uzbekistan’s current chairmanship at the SCO, consistent efforts, aimed at strengthening and developing mutually beneficial multifaceted cooperation within the framework of this Organization, in particular in combating modern challenges and threats to security, are conducted with joint endeavor of member-states. Substantial enhancement of the agenda of the upcoming jubilee meeting of the Council of heads of SCO member-states, which will be held in Tashkent is of particular interest.

The format of the meetings of the Secretaries of the Security Councils, initiated by Uzbekistan in 2004, is a required and efficient SCO institution, becoming an inalienable part of the SCO system and mechanisms, carrying out significant mission on coordinating efforts of parties on the issues of ensuring security and stability in the area of the Organization.

The head of our state has also underlined the specific role of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure in developing and implementing practically significant solutions on preventing, combating and neutralizing the cases of terrorism, extremism and separatism, as well as other contemporary challenges and threats in the territory of the SCO member-states.

The heads of delegations of Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan shared their opinions on the issues on the agenda of the eleventh meeting of the Secretaries of the Security Councils of the SCO-member-states, expressed sincere gratitude to the President of Uzbekistan for a warm reception and highlighted the significance of efforts of our country on reinvigorating the activity of SCO in many spheres of regional cooperation during the period of chairmanship in the Organization.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

President of Kazakhstan arrived in Tashkent

At the invitation of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev arrived in our country on 14 April with a working visit.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev welcomed the guest at the Tashkent International Airport.

After a brief conversation, the delegation of Kazakhstan left for the designated residence.

Main events of the visit will take place on April 15.

As reported earlier, within the framework of regular meetings at the highest level the heads of states will discuss the state and development prospects of Uzbek-Kazakh relations in various spheres, topical regional and international issues.

(Source: Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)


Uzbekistan banking system’s potential on display at BankExpo-2016

A national exhibition of banking technologies, equipment and services “BankExpo-2016” has started at the “Uzkurgazmasavdo” exhibition center.

It is organized by the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the assistance of committees of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis on budget and economic reforms, on information and communication technologies, the Banking Association of Uzbekistan and the “Kamolot” Youth Public Movement.

The banking system in our country has been radically reformed and is undergoing further liberalization, demonstrated by increasing the level of capitalization and expanding the investment activity of banks. For example, only in 2015 the total capital of the banking system increased by 23.3 percent in comparison with the year 2014 and reached 7.8 trillion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 15.04.2016, 1$= 2888.39 soums). Over the past 5 years this figure increased by 2.4 times. The capital adequacy ratio of the domestic banking system is almost 24 percent, which is 3 times higher than the generally accepted international standards, and its liquidity – 2 times higher than the highest indicator assessments.

As noted by the deputy chairman of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.Haydarov, chairman of the Association of banks S.Abdullaev, at present 26 banks with more than 800 branches and offices effectively operate in our country. In recent years, they have introduced various types of attractive deposits at market rates, developed payment system for debit cards.

All commercial banks, leading insurance, leasing and investment companies of Uzbekistan, representing the latest technologies and services in the banking and financial sector, as well as companies involved in the development IT products for financial institutions take part at the BankExpo-2016 exhibition.

The stand of the Bank “Asaka” bank is crowded. In an effort to cooperate with the widest range of participants in the economic life of the country, the bank aims to meet the diverse needs of business entities regardless of their form of ownership and the scope of activities, as well as all social strata. The Bank provides services on debit cards, leasing, educational loans, deposits, offers entrepreneurs loans in foreign lines for investment projects.

A wide range of services to individuals and legal entities is also offered by JSCB “Uzpromstroybank”. The specialists of this bank explain the opportunities available using the most advanced technologies. Among them are services “Bank-Client”, “Corporate Internet Banking”, “Personal Account”, “the SMS-banking”, “Mobile Banking”, “Mobile communal inspector” and ” Call-Center”.

– Since the beginning of this month, we have implemented a system of biometric identification of depositors when making deposit operations, which guarantees the protection of deposits, – said the head of the department of the JSCB “Uzpromstroybank” Sh.Gulturaev. – This system eliminates the possibility of deposit operations without the participation of the account holder. At the exhibition, we present a special monitor on which our customers are able in real time to get acquainted with the operations carried out on their deposits.

For the ninth consecutive year the exhibition is attended by the JSC “Aloqabank”, which has been increasing the availability of loans to the population, offering a variety of ways of their repayment. In addition, the Bank finances investment projects and programs, aimed at attracting advanced technologies in our country, modernization and technical re-equipment of enterprises.

– We focus on the popularization of our interactive services, – said deputy chairman of “Aloqabank” H.Rahmatov. – Currently, there are over ten interactive services. For example, our bank together with the «Click LLC» company provides an opportunity to debit card-holders to pay for various services in real-time via «Click» system. We also offer our customers a modern service of remote banking through a mobile phone.

The exhibition also demonstrates services of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, “Tadbirkor Ayol” and “Hunarmand” Associations, other organizations working closely with the banks in business support, in particular, supporting the business plans of graduates of professional colleges. New modern types of services are offered also by insurance companies.

The winners of the tenders for projects supported by the commercial banks to small businesses and private entrepreneurship, young entrepreneurs will be announced at the end of the exhibition. They will be presented with certificates for a preferential loan.

(Source: UzA)

In January-February, 2016 enterprises of chemical industry of Uzbekistan produced goods at a total of 385 billion soums

“In particular, we produced goods at 362.1 billion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 15.04.2016, 1$= 2888.39 soums) in current prices, and consumer goods – at 23.2 billion soums,” noted a representative of the Uzkhimprom.

With regard to fertilizers, the chemical industry has fulfilled the forecast plan by 100% with 210.600 tons. In particular, the enterprises produced 173,080 tons of nitrogen, 22,230 tons of phosphate, and 15,300 tons of potash fertilizers.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)

International cooperation

Uzbekistan and Japan discuss perspectives of trade-economic cooperation

Uzbekistan and Japan held the 13th joint session of the committee on economic cooperation.

A delegation of the Japanese business circles led by Senior Executive Vice President and Member of the boar of Mitsubishi Corporation Hideto Nakahara arrived in Uzbekistan to attend the session.

Representatives of ministries, departments and leading companies of Uzbekistan and Japan participated in the session.

The sides discussed issues of realizing agreements, reached within the official visit of the Japanese Prime Minister of Shinzo Abe to Uzbekistan in October 2015.

The participants also considered perspectives of investment cooperation in oil and gas, mining, electricity, chemical, automobile and other sectors.

At the session, the Uzbek side presented economic and investment potential of Uzbekistan, perspective directions of bilateral cooperation in various sectors, as well as conditions, created in foreign investors in Uzbekistan.

Hideto Nakahara at the session underlined that the Uzbek and Japanese companies are working on new joint investment projects for over US$8 billion (currency rates of CB RU from 15.04.2016, 1$= 2888.39 soums).

Trade turnover of Uzbekistan and Japan made up US$254.3 million in 2015. Currently, there are 11 enterprises with foreign investments in Uzbekistan, including one with 100% Japanese capital. About 12 Japanese firms and companies are accredited at the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investment and Trade.

Japan directed over US$2.3 billion to implementation of priority projects. About US$1.5 billion were allocated to Uzbekistan via state soft yen loans and US$700 million – commercial loans.


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