GDP of Uzbekistan in the first quarter reached 30.5 trillion soums. 2
Fruit and vegetable production has been in progress in Uzbekistan. 2
Uzbekistan to implement 846 projects in 2015-2019. 2
Uzbekistan to open its trade house in Bashkortostan. 3
The Rule of Law as a Priority of Democratic Reforms. 4
GDP of Uzbekistan in the first quarter reached 30.5 trillion soums
The State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan announced preliminary results of the socio-economic development of the country for January-March 2015. According to the Committee, the volume of gross domestic product (GDP) in the reporting period reached 30.5 trillion soums and increased in comparison with the same period of 2014 by 7.5%.
In January-March 2015 the volume and growth rate of other macroeconomic indicators are as follows: industrial production – 19.1 trillion soums (107.9%), the volume of agricultural production – 3.1 trillion soums (106.3%), investment in fixed assets – 6.7 trillion soums (108.7%) (in USD equivalent – 2.7 billion dollars, or 108.4%), construction – 4.3 trillion soums (118.9%), retail trade – 14.2 trillion soums (115.2%), market services – 18.2 trillion soums (113.1%) (currency rates of CB RU from 29.04.2015 1$= 2512.73 soums).
The foreign trade turnover of the country in the reporting period amounted to $6.8 billion and in comparison with the same period of 2014 increased by 5.5%, including exports – $3.5 billion (13.9% growth), import – $3.3 billion (2% decrease). Foreign trade surplus amounted to $168 million.
(Source: )
Fruit and vegetable production has been in progress in Uzbekistan
In 2012-2014, the volume of vegetable production increased by 16.3%, fruits – by almost 21%. Exports have been expanding consequently. Uzbek ‘vitamin gifts’ are exported to Germany, India, United Arab Emirates, United States, South Korea, Turkey and the CIS countries.
Intensive gardens have been making a tangible contribution to the progress. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Uzbekistan, there is a special program of targeted measures on their expansion to farms and household farms. Over the past four years, orchards were planted on 50,000 hectares, 14,000 of which were intensive technology gardens. In Samarkand and Tashkent regions intensive gardens occupy 1,300 hectares, in Navoi region – 750, in Kashkadarya – 600, in Surkhandarya, Namangan and Andijan region – 400 hectares in each.
Mirzaev Research Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Winemaking has been making a significant contribution to the development of orchards and vineyards, breeding of new varieties, their adaptation to local climatic conditions, improvement of agricultural machinery, and combating diseases and pests. Specialists have been increasingly planting the seedlings adapted for water shortages and severe climatic conditions. Such gardens start bearing fruits in two years, and on the sixth year their yield makes up 50-60 tons per hectare.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Uzbekistan to implement 846 projects in 2015-2019
Uzbekistan is planning to implement 846 projects on modernization and re-equipment of production capacities with total cost of US$40.8 billion, a session of the Cabinet of Ministers, dedicated to the results of social-economic development of Uzbekistan in the first quarter of 2015, said on 24 April 2015.
At the session, it was said that 141 projects on construction and development of engineering-communication and road-transport infrastructure for US$9.8 billion will be realized in 2015-2019.
Uzbekistan is also planning to realize 602 projects on localization of production with total cost of over US$5 billion, which will allow to launch production of over 1,200 new products.
Implementation of these projects will serve as firm fundament for further growth of economy, deepen structural reforms and diversification of production, and develop industry and modern infrastructure.
(Source: )
International cooperation
Uzbekistan to open its trade house in Bashkortostan
Uzbekistan plans to open trade house in Bashkortostan soon, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Uzbekistan to Russia said on 27 April at the meeting with the head of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov.
The parties discussed prospects of industrial, trade and economic cooperation and important aspects of migration policy, as well as preparations for the upcoming International Summits of the SCO and BRICS.
The head of the region noted that Bashkortostan was ready to offer engineering products, oil and gas equipment, components and materials for oil and gas pipelines. Currently, negotiations are underway to supply to Uzbekistan products of Salavat catalyst plant, South Ural Weighing Instrument Factory from Beloretsk.
Enterprises of Bashkortostan are ready to export to Uzbekistan meat-packing, meat and sausage products, milk powder, butter, corn and buckwheat, as well as fertilizers. In turn, the republic is interested in the supply of fruit and vegetables from Uzbekistan, he said.
Rustem Khamitov also called the Uzbek envoy to consider, opening of Consulate-General in Ufa, which would help to sort out issues related to registration of labour migrants from Uzbekistan. He said that Uzbek citizens had to spend time at facilities of Russian migration service as they have no documents. At the same time, they cannot travel within Russia. The Consulate-General would solve issues related to documents of migrants and it would increase travels between two nations.
According to Akmal Kamalov, today Uzbekistan produces many kinds of industrial products, including electric appliances, cell phones, computers, cars and trucks. In addition, production of freight wagons, passenger wagons and tanks is growing.
“In the beginning of the year we had working trips to the regions of Russia to find a system, a mechanism for regular supplies of agricultural products. The most productive trip, I believe, was a trip to Bashkortostan”, Akmal Kamalov said. “In the near future we expect to open a trading house. A state company will be determined for these purposes. Here they found good partners.”
Kamalov said that it is necessary to boost cooperation among business circles of Uzbekistan and Bashkortostan. He said that a delegation of businesses from Bashkortostan will visit Uzbekistan in May and expressed hope that the businesses of two states will find new directions of cooperation.
Uzbek envoy said that Uzbekistan and Russia are working on an agreement on employment of the citizens of Uzbekistan in Russia. He said that soon citizens of Uzbekistan will work legally in Russia.
He said that railway and air communication link Uzbekistan with Ufa, which will help to develop business between two states.
In 2014, the trade turnover between Bashkortostan and Uzbekistan amounted to US$127.2 million, including export of Bashkortostan to Uzbekistan — US$71.6 million, import — US$55.5 million. Uzbekistan takes the 21st place in total foreign trade turnover of Bashkortostan with a relative share of 0.9 percent.
Among exported products from Bashkortostan to Uzbekistan there are products of fuel and energy complex, woodworking and machinery, metals, a wide range of chemical products, flat glass, drill bits and tools for metalworking, rye flour, goats, sunflower oil, and salt.
The main import positions from Uzbekistan to Bashkortostan are automobiles and spare parts for them, raw zinc, clothing, heat exchangers, knitted fabric, wool, plants, fruit and other products.
In Bashkortostan 78 enterprises operate created with participation of the Uzbekistan capital.
(Source: )
The Rule of Law as a Priority of Democratic Reforms
The ‘Contemporary forms, methods and mechanisms of ensuring the rule of law: the experience of Uzbekistan and foreign practices’ event was held for two days in Tashkent. It was organized by an international non-governmental organization ‘Regional Dialogue’ in cooperation with the General Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of Justice.
It was attended by renowned international experts – a judge of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts (USA) Robert Cordy, and international expert in the field of rule of law Drago Kos (Slovenia), as well as representatives of national ministries and departments, the Supreme Court, NIMFOGO, NANGOUz, the Chamber of Advocates and other organizations.
The forum noted that Uzbekistan has taken the necessary measures to combat crime. It is the object of attention from the state, and in order to prevent crime, a full complex of long-term measures has been undertaken. The legal framework in this area has been established and is constantly being improved. Its goal is the absolute rule of law and the guaranteed protection of citizens’ rights.
Great importance in the country is given to prevent offenses. In order to further improve this area, the Law ‘On prevention of offenses’ was approved in May 2014. It contains rules that define common approach to crime prevention, strengthening legal cooperation mechanisms between various governmental bodies and institutions. It is aimed at the implementation of priorities in the reform of the judicial system, and the improvement of the legal mechanisms to ensure public safety and public order. It also focuses on the protection of the rights and interests of citizens against abuse and ultimately to further improvement of efficiency and effectiveness of crime prevention.
The law provides the basic principles of crime prevention, bodies and agencies engaged and involved in this work, their powers and authority, ability to guarantee the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the parties in its implementation. The crime rate in the country has significantly reduced as a result of providing such guarantees in practice.
The national system of crime prevention is also drawing the attention of the international community. As announced last year in an independent international organization The World Justice Project Index the rule of law of Uzbekistan ranked third in the world in terms of law enforcement and security.
It was noted at the event that in the fight against crime economic measures are also relevant. The logic of this struggle requires further progress towards liberalization of economic relations, and ensuring genuine freedom for honest businesses, in addition to the eliminate of numerous bureaucratic delays and barriers.
Much has been done for the purpose of democratization and liberalization of the judicial system, increasing the authority of the court, and non-interference in its activities. For example, since 2008, the ‘Habeas Corpus’ institute is being implemented in our republic, i.e. a court order of detention, just like in other developed democracies.
The selection and placement of human resources in this sector is being developed. For example, a systematic certification process of compliance of law enforcement officials with the high demands made on them is being put in place.
Special inspections that conduct certification training, monitor compliance with purity of their ranks have been setup at the prosecutor’s office, the police, tax and customs departments.
The development of parliamentary and public control has been promoted to the constitutional rank. As a result, the role of representative bodies in both the center and in the field which monitor the implementation of laws and regulations that are accepted in the country has increased. The level of public control over the actions of governmental bodies, including law enforcement agencies is increasing.
At the seminar, a lot of attention was paid to the issue of NGO involvement in the fight against crime. In this context, great importance is given to the Law ‘On social partnership’, which provides for cooperation between government agencies and NGOs in various fields, including crime prevention, improvement of legal knowledge and legal culture.
The legal education of the population, especially the youth and adolescents has been raised in the country in recent years to a new level. The main task is to train them into law-abiding citizens. The public, and law enforcement agencies, and educational institutions are dealing with this issue. Basic principles, forms and mechanisms of work in this area are regulated by the Law ‘On prevention of child neglect and juvenile delinquency.’
The role of Mass media has also been highlighted in the fight against crime. A report on national experiences in this direction was made by the representative of NAEMM which emphasized the role adopted by the 2014 Law ‘On the openness of the government and management’, which created the necessary organizational and legal conditions to ensure transparency and accountability of government structures, and increased the value of the media as the most important institution of social control.
International experts shared the experience of developed countries to preventing malfeasance, developing inter-agency cooperation in this field, the importance of media coverage of this work, and showed how to raise legal awareness among civil servants in Europe.
After the completion of the event, guests shared their impressions.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
The Waves of Art
Creative positivity reigns at the exhibition halls and the streets these days – Festival of Fine and Applied Art has started in Tashkent. For five days the waves of art will cover the whole of the country. Along with prominent artists young painters will demonstrate their works.
The main objective of the project is to deliver to the audience the idea of different-generation painters’ high potential, their love for motherland, ability to see and appreciate the beautiful. This year’s holiday of art is devoted to the Year of Attention and Care of the older generation. Documentaries about Uzbekistan’s culture and art are shown on the TV monitors in the exposition halls.
“The development of fine art is allocated care and attention at the government level,” says scientific secretary of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan Abdumajid Madraimov. “The festival’s scale keeps expanding with every passing year. It had emerged as a Day of an Artist, then it turned into a Week, and the third time it is conducted at the national level. The exhibitions were opened both at the branches of the Academy and its educational establishments all over the country. The best halls of the capital city, Karakalpakstan and all regions of the country are provided for the disposal of painters. Their works are displayed at the streets and squares, at historical and architectural complexes and in the parks.”
Master classes, exhibitions of national garments and folk performers’ concerts are held within the framework of the festival.
The festival acquires the features of an international event – presented at it are works by painters of three countries. Three exhibitions have opened within its framework – that of Latvian painter Valdys Bushs, Japanese photo artist Shot Nagase, as we as Uzbek ceramist Nazira Qoziyeva, who had presented an installation called “Blossoming of Sakura”.
“During previous years we had invited to the capital artists from all regions. This year – art representatives of from three major regions – Republic of Karakalpakstan, Navoi and Sirdaryo regions to expand the idea of not only fine art but also that of applied art, folklore, and get closer acquainted with the regions’ specific features,” told us responsible secretary of the Creative association of artists of Uzbekistan, the exhibition curator Farida Mahsumova. “Hence the addition ‘Applied art’ to the name of the exhibition. The second novelty rests in that the concept of an ‘exhibition of a single work’ was represented for the first time. Such a concentration of attention on a sole work – by painter Damir Roziboyev – will enable the viewer to more deeply evaluate it and penetrate into the author’s creative intention.
Students at education institutions of arts taking an active part in all festivals also work in the planner. The jury will evaluate their works as well.”
“The Festival program includes discussion of contemporary fine art problems by art critics and artists. Two national scientific conferences were devoted to these topics, one of them “The Art through the eyes of the youth” is interesting in that young art critics of the Kamoliddin Bekhzod National Art and Design Institute presented their reports,” says Editor-in-chief of the San’at magazine Dilafruz Qodirova. “A conference “Fine Art of Uzbekistan – interpretation of heritage and creative search” has been planned for art critics. Two competitions have been announced within the framework of the festival – “For the best artistic photo” and “For the best article about the Festival”.
The program of the festival also includes presentations of academician E. Rtveladze’s album-catalogue “Outstanding monuments of archaeology”, catalogue of works by artists from Navoi region, and a book “The Modern Miniature of Uzbekistan”.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
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