Enterprises of Uzeltekhsanoat produces goods for 227.3bn soums in 1Q.. 1
125 pharmaceutical enterprises of Uzbekistan have licenses for production medicines. 1
MFA of Uzbekistan receives German politician Lothar de Maizière. 2
Enterprises of Uzeltekhsanoat produces goods for 227.3bn soums in 1Q
Enterprises of Uzeltekhsanoat produced industrial goods for 227.3 billion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 13.05.2016, 1$= 2909.25 soums) in January-March 2016, which grew by 20% compared to the same period of 2015.
The industry produced consumer goods for 73.5 billion soums in the reporting period, which rose by 3% compared to the first quarter of 2015.
In particular, production of electronic vacuum cleaners rose by 2.6 times. Production of washing machines reached 22,400 unites, growing by 67.1%.
About 33.7% of total produced goods were exported in the reporting period. The industry realizes 40 localization projects. About 74.4 billion soums of goods were manufactured within these projects.
125 pharmaceutical enterprises of Uzbekistan have licenses for production medicines
Uzbekistan pays particular attention to the development of pharmaceutical industry and quality control of the products of this sector. These and many other issues were discussed at a press conference held in the capital by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
It was noted that our country has adopted a number of laws and regulations aimed at the development of the pharmaceutical industry, providing high-quality, safe and yet affordable medicines.
If in the first years of independence, there were only 2 enterprises specialized in the production of medicines, which had been producing about 20 kinds of medicines, at the present time 125 pharmaceutical enterprises have a license to manufacture pharmaceutical and medical products. 1753 names of medicines produced by them are registered in the Republic of Uzbekistan and are approved for application in medical practice.
Hereby, 30 domestic pharmaceutical enterprises have implemented international standards ISO 9001 and recommended by the World Health Organization GMP standard (Good manufacturing practice).
20 pharmaceutical enterprises of Uzbekistan export pharmaceutical and medical products to more than 30 countries.
Among the domestic medicines there are a number of original drugs from medicinal plants growing in Uzbekistan. Meanwhile, it is worth to note the scientific work conducted at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after A.S. Sadykov and Institute of chemistry of vegetative substances named after Academic S.Yu. Yunusov. Over the last 20 years these institutions on the basis of local vegetable raw materials have developed about 30 original medicines and started their production by domestic enterprises. Thus, if in 2015 there were 4563 tons of medicinal plant raw materials harvested, in 2016, this number is expected to reach 6178 tons.
During the press-conference, it was emphasized that the Republic has established an effective system of quality control of medicines. Is it provided by the general Directorate for quality control of medicines and medical equipment of the Ministry of Health, its branches and the control-analytical laboratory of JSC “Dori-Darmon” and the internal control and analytical laboratory of the domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers.
The State center of examination and standardization of medicines of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan are included in the list of quality control laboratories that meet the requirements of the Global Fund Quality Assurance (ISO/IEC17025) and meet international standards of the World Health Organization.
Uzbekistan intends to significantly increase fruit production in the coming years through the introduction of modern technologies in agriculture
Intensive gardening is of special priority, as it provides maximum results at minimum terms.
Active introduction of intensive crop management, which allows increasing crop yields by 2-3 times in short terms, has been in progress throughout the country. For example, the period between planting seedlings and the first yield is generally 4-5 years in conventional fruit trees, while intensive horticulture provides yields on the second and third years.
Out of total 261.800 hectares of gardens in Uzbekistan, nearly 120,500 hectares are occupied by pome crops, 95% of which are apple. This means that about 44% of areas are occupied by apple gardens. Wide dissemination of this culture is conditioned by its high adaptability to various soil and climatic conditions, resistance and durability of the trees, high yields, as well as useful properties of fruits and high commercial value as a commercial product.
Therefore, experts developed a special package of measures on the development of apple horticulture. It is based on the practical guideline to growing apple trees by intensive technology under local conditions. It contains information on effective technologies of cultivation of intensive apple orchards, ranging from planting to harvesting and selling of finished products on the market. To assist farmers, the guideline suggests is a business plan on the establishment of an apple orchard in an area of one hectare.
Specialists additionally developed ‘pocket cards’ on the main varieties of apple trees, diseases and pests, and provided tips on how to deal with them. Illustrated pocket-sized cards are a handy form of presenting reference information when needed.
Moreover, the farmers will be offered specialized trainings on gardening. It is expected that at least 400 farmers from six regions of Uzbekistan, including women, will advance their practical skills.
Experts believe that the ongoing measures will advance farmers’ knowledge on the cultivation of apple trees, introduction of modern technologies and increase of productivity due to the intensive gardening technologies. The innovations will provide opportunities for creation new jobs, and scaling up the competitiveness of the agricultural sector of Uzbekistan in the international market.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
International cooperation
MFA of Uzbekistan receives German politician Lothar de Maizière
12 May, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov received prominent public and political figure of Germany Lothar de Maizière.
Lothar de Maizière arrived in our country to participate in the expert meeting on the theme “25 years of transformation processes in the United Germany and the initial stages of the newest history of Uzbekistan”, organized in Tashkent by the Regional office of the K. Adenauer Foundation for Central Asia and the Institute of history of the Academy of Sciences.
According to the Foreign Ministry of Uzbekistan, during the meeting they discussed the state and prospects of cooperation between Uzbekistan and Germany, the participation of the Adenauer Foundation in the further development of bilateral relations.
Lothar de Maizière shared his observations during his stay in Uzbekistan, noting that he was impressed by happening in the country historical changes, carried out extensive work on the protection of monuments of architecture and culture, the careful preservation of the rich historical heritage of the Uzbek people.
The meeting was attended by the Regional authorised representative of the Adenauer Foundation in Central Asia Thomas Kunze.
Lothar de Maizière is a German politician, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the GDR (from 12 April to 2 October 1990), Chairman of the Christian Democratic Union of East Germany (1989-1990). The Minister for special affairs of Germany (1990).
On accreditation of the media representatives for coverage of Meeting of the Council of the Heads of the SCO Member States
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan announces the accreditation of the media representatives for coverage of the Meeting of the Council of the Heads of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization which will take place on June 2016 in Tashkent.
Media representatives wishing to participate in the coverage of the Meeting of the Council of the Heads of the SCO Member States should send to the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan the following documents:
- a letter of application from the head of the interested mass media addressed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan concerning on the accreditation of correspondent. The letter should be transferred through the diplomatic or consular missions of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad or the foreign diplomatic missions accredited by the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- basic information about interested mass media;
- biographic data (CV) of the journalist and passport copy;
- a photograph of the accrediting journalist in 700х700 dpi size (high quality, full face, white or blue background, please send the electronic version to the e-mail;
- a completed accreditation form (please send the electronic version to the e-mail
Applications from the media representatives on accreditation will be accepted until 18:00 Tashkent time (GMT+5), June 6, 2016.
Applications received after the deadline as well as with the missing documents or attached photograph and accreditation form of the journalist will not be accepted for consideration.
If the foreign media representatives submit the application on coverage Meeting of the Council of the Heads of the SCO Member States but have not received the confirmation on their accreditation from the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it does not justify the arrival to Uzbekistan and their further professional activity.
(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
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