Less and less time remains till the celebration of the most valuable holiday for every Uzbek – Independence Day. On the occasion of this significant date the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in our country Mosud Mannan shared his views on the important achievements of Uzbekistan during the years of sovereign development in an interview with news agency “Jahon”.
– Over the past 24 years, Uzbekistan has achieved considerable progress in all areas. Absolutely new industries and high-tech industries ensuring economic growth and an increase in real incomes have been practically created from scratch. There is going on a great creative work in all cities and regions. Infrastructure, modern houses, new factories and enterprises have been built over the past years.
The achievements of your country in the field of health are commendable. In particular, thanks to the adoption of more comprehensive measures the mortality among women and children has been significantly reduced, as well as increased average life expectancy in the country.
Over the years, a lot of endeavors has been undertaken to improve educational standards and programs, in construction and reconstruction of schools, high schools, colleges, higher education institutions, strengthen their material and technical base. Today branches of the leading universities of Europe and Asia have been successfully operating in Uzbekistan, and that is also remarkable fact.
In my opinion, successive reforms in education and spiritual spheres have changed the thinking and worldview of people, increased social and political activity of citizens, strengthened their confidence in the future. Today, young people studying in educational institutions fully demonstrate their talents and potential in the competitions, parades, contests and festivals in international scope and reach the highest results.
It should be noted that in Uzbekistan was formed favorable investment climate, conditions and privileges for foreign investors. The consistently continuance of the privatization process increases the interest of business people and business organizations of foreign countries to the partnership.
Speaking about close cooperation between Uzbekistan and Bangladesh, it should be stressed its continuity and harmony of the interests of two states. After gaining the independence bilateral cooperation has been intensified. Today we are working on the expansion and improvement of relations in all spheres. In my opinion, the maintenance of an active political dialogue, increasing the number of joint ventures, the development of partnerships in sectors such as textiles, agriculture, automobile industry, the pharmaceutical sector, education, science and tourism are the priority areas of cooperation between our countries.
I sincerely congratulate the people of Uzbekistan with approaching anniversary of Independence and wish all the best and successes in strengthening the statehood and sovereignty of the country.